Wednesday, March 5, 2014

bpa and ffa awards

Future farmers of America awards : Beth Holland; state FFA degree region 3 star in Agri business; Rebekah Aanerud ;first state equine entrepreneurship ,and ag communications; Tom Holland first ag mechanics fabrication and design placement; Region winners: (donnelly area kids on the team )horse elevation team, (2nd ),(Savannah and Rebekah Aanerud); floriculture, (2nd) (Sam Griener); ag issues  ( Rebekah Aanerud and Melanie Van Horn) ;Market plan (2nd) (Joanna Moser) ;nursery landscape ;(2nd )(Beth and Becca Holland); small animals,( 5th),Amy Disselkamp, Melanie Van Horn); Ag sales, (first), (Brady Jergenson) (4th individually); crops elevation ,(4th ),(Bryce Jergenson). 
Business Professionals of America, region 7 competition: Carly Gullickson vp;  teams winning awards (donnelly area kids who were part of the team) include: systems  administration using cisco(2nd) and small business management  (4th) ( Bo Gullickson) ;financial analysts(2nd ) (Beth Holland) economic research team( 5th )(John Hubener): video production (Sam Henrichs ) broadcast news team #1 (first )(Brady Jergenson,)   # 3 (2nd )(Riley Biesterfeld) global marketing team (first) (Carly and Bo Gullickson) presentation management( Kourtney Giese) state torch award winners were Carly Gullickson ,Beth Holland, John  and Justine Hubener, Brady Jergenson. As a member of the Hancock bpa Gabi Nienhaus was a member of the small business management team that finished 5th in the competition.

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