Next edition Feb 1st-feb 7th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news the weather is starting to sound like a broken record;
cold, cold, and colder and no real relief in sight. The saving grace is that it
is not as bitterly cold as it has been and we have not had a storm in the past
week. The ground hog saw his shadow on Sunday
so 6 more weeks of winter.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: St John’s annual meeting has
been rescheduled to Feb 9th, following the 11 a.m. services, at St John’s;
followed by a potluck dinner. Leadership ballots are posted at the church.
Kongsvinger Lutheran
church women will meet on Feb 13th all future meetings will be on
the 2nd Thursday of the month instead of the first.
There will bible studies between services (about 10 am) on
Feb 9th, and 16th at St John’s then repeated at the same time
at Kongsvinger on Feb.23 and Mar 2nd.
From Good Shepherd Lutheran Church: the Bunco Family Fun day has been rescheduled
for Sunday, February 9th, after education hour (around 11:45) with
BBQ's and pot-luck. The church will
provide BBQ's and participants please bring a dish to pass. Then the games will
begin - we will play until 2p.m.
Coffee money this month goes to the Stevens county food shelf
the mission of the month is International health services
There will be weekly Bible studies on Wed a.m. @ 9a.m. though
the month of Feb.; starting on Mar 4th they will be held on Tue a.m.
@ 9 a.m., until after Easter.
The Feb. newsletters for both churches are now out extra
copies are available in the back of all three churches
Other church news:
community hymn sings will be held on Feb 9th at 2 p.m. at
assumption Catholic Church, and Mar 9th at Good shepherd Lutheran
ST. Mary’ school
dinner/auction will be held on Feb 15th at the old # 1 Southside beginning
with a social hour at 5:30 p.m. tickets are available at the school.
Former Donnelly area resident Charles Sather of Bloomington
passed away on Feb 8th. his funeral is Feb 10th in Savage
James Steven Woodke was born on January 31, 2014 at Glacial
Ridge Health System in Glenwood, to Darin and Alexis Woodke of Morris.
Grandparents are Steve and Molly Woodke of Alexandria, Deb Eineke of Madelia,
and Lyle Eineke of Madelia.
Sawyer William Torma was born on January 27, 2014 at Stevens
Community Medical Center, Morris, to Joha and Andrea Torma of Morris. Grandparents are Becky Bergstrom of Donnelly
and Sharon Torma of Hancock. Great grandparents are Irene Strand of Morris and
Lennie Torma of Wahpeton, N.D.
Mason Dunn was one of the winners in the Morris area H.S.
science fair held recently
In the past week Andy Brevig and I attended the Kongsvinger
annual meeting and the precinct caucuses in Morris, Mark and I visited my aunt
Pearl A. Anderson to wish her a belated Happy Birthday (her birthday was Jan 27th).
I attended worship services at the West Wind Village; Pr. Mary was the preacher,
I also stopped in to visit with Wally McCollar for a while at this shop and
helped Jim and Lou Eystad with NAPS.
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