Friday, February 1, 2013


 Next edition February 2nd-8th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
  Weather news: After a week in the deep freeze, temps finally moderated last weekend, however the warmer weather came with a price, freezing rain and snow, making for very difficult driving and walking conditions in the area.
ST John’s/Kongsvinger News: Ash Wednesday services will be at Kongsvinger on February 13th, at 7 pm thereafter it will alternate between St John’s and Kongsvinger until March 20th .The cash offering will be divided between the local Salvation Army and Evangelical Lutheran Church of America God’s global barnyard there will be coffee and fellowship afterwards
The February newsletter is now out; extra copies are available in the narthex of each church ,also be sure to pick up your copy of the annual in the back of the church if you have not already done so
Good Shepherd news: There will be no adult education on February 3rd
The tithe for February will go to Hurricane Sandy Relief through Hope Community Missional Church in Manahawkin NJ.  The coffee money will go to the Stevens county food shelf backpack program, at Morris area elementary, and St. Mary’s schools
Lenten services start with Ash Wednesday services on February 13th @ 7 pm, and continue every Wednesday until March 20th
The February newsletter was e-mailed out on the 30th, if you did not get one contact Clarice Dieter.  Physical copies are available in the hallway of the church.
Super bowl party hosanna worship service in Morris on Feb 3rd beginning at 4 pm
St. Mary's School will be holding their 7th Annual Dinner/Auction on February 16th at The Old No. 1 Southside.  Social hour and silent auction will begin at 5:30pm, with dinner to follow at 6:30pm.

 An open house bridal shower honoring Melissa Zimmerman, bride to be of Erik Whittemore, will be held on February. 9, from 9-11 a.m. at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Chokio. Bring your favorite recipe to share with the couple. The couple is registered at Target and Herberger's
New Horizons Ag services (the elevator) will have their annual meeting at the prairie   inn in Morris on February 7th beginning with a noon meal.

On February 4th the red hatters will meet at the Herman bar and grill which is temporarily located at the legion in Herman @ 9 a.m. the bookmobile will be in town @ 3:30 pm the city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet at 7 pm at the fire hall and city hall.
There will be new window hours at the Donnelly po effective February 9th from 9 am -12 pm. for details about other changes read the notice in the po or talk to Nadine or Mary in the po
Former   Donnelly area resident Curtis Dean Weinreis of North branch passed away on January 23, survivors include his parents Jim and Doris Weinreis and their family.  Many of you will remember that his family owned and operated the corner café where the bar is in Donnelly now
Melvin Waylen Shackelford of Revillo, SD passed away on Jan 22nd survivors include his daughter; JoAnn (Michael) Lonergan of Morris, MN;
 Vern Olson of Ankeny, IA passed away on Jan 24th. Survivors include his son Rev Tim (Cyndi) Olson of Ankeny, IA and their son Jonathan. PR Tim was pastor at St John’s /Kongsvinger in the late ‘90’s.  I have posted his obit on my blog.
Daphne Nicole Bergstrom-Oelke was born on January 8, 2013 at Lake Region Hospital in Fergus Falls, to Jessica Bergstrom of Donnelly and Joe Oelke of Cyrus. Grandparents are Becky Bergstrom of Donnelly, and the late Charles Bergstrom and Lorie and Bret Oelke of Barrett, great grandmother is Irene strand of Morris
 John DeLong celebrated his 90th birthday on Jan 31st
Morris area squirt hockey team took 2nd place in a tournament in Wadena; Brady Loge is a member of that team, his dad Ryan is one of the coaches
Jacob Speer (Rollie and Tammi) placed 5th place in the heavyweight division for the tigers in the west central conference wresting meet on Jan 26th 
Kris Wilke (Larry and Peggy)was elected as president of the Minnesota Jaycees on Jan 26th.

Beth Holland was recently inducted into the national honor society at Morris area high school
Jim and Lou Eystad visited her aunt Marlys Alm at the West wing village on Jan 20th Lou says she is doing good
Mark Koepke and I attended the indoor car sale at Heartland Motors on Jan 25th, on the 28th we visited Virginia Long and Corrine Flatten at the sunrise apts then stopped by my aunt pearl’s to wish her a belated happy birthday. Her birthday was Jan 27th
Mark enjoyed a telephone call from his sister Linda in Wisconsin on Jan 30th
The Morris sun tribune has launched a new web site so here is the new location for my column

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