Friday, September 21, 2012

donnelly news

Next edition Sept 22nd-28th
Welcome to another edition of the of the Donnelly news
Weather news :the weather has been sunny and mild for the most part however this is MN and it can change in a hurry as it did Mon with the arrival of much cooler temps and some frost. Farmers are busy with soybean and/or corn harvest whichever is ready some beans are not quite ready yet. According to a Facebook post by a friend this is the best soybean harvest he or his dad had ever seen.
 STJ/KONG News: The fall schedule with services at 8:30 am @ st j, ss @ Kong 9:45 a.m.; and services 11 am @ Kong is now in effect.
KCLW guest night will be held on Sept 23rd at 5:30 pm at Kong. The program will be “angels among us” by Wayne and Donna Jo Kopietze, everyone including men are welcome
The ST J WELCA is looking for items for their fall fest on Oct 6th (no clothing). You can bring items to the church soon, for more info call 246-3470
The parish confirmation service event will be held on Oct 13th .They are collecting gently used clothing ,household and personal care items for churches united for the homeless in Moorhead and other places.  Items may be dropped off at the parish office until Oct 10th. Due to this event neither the KCLW nor the St WELCA will be shipping items to lwr until next spring contact the parish office at 246-3211 for a complete list of acceptable items
The raffle committee is looking for donations for the annual raffle Kong fall fest on Nov 18th.  you can call 589-1195 or 246-3405 with items to donate
GSLC news:  The 2 x 4 Family band (Jerry and Molli Orpheum and family) from Grand Rapids MN; will be in concert at the church today (sat) @ 7 pm with lunch to follow.  They will also be playing and singing at services on the 23rd @ 9 am and during coffee hour afterwards (there will be no adult bible study). Everyone welcome, free will offering; for more info check out the website or call the church at 585-6868.  Molli Orpheum is the daughter of Jan and late Dr. Alfred Trumble of Morris; I am sponsoring this concert in memory of my mom and dad
There will be a theme table & silent auction to benefit the local SA chapter will be held on Sept 29th beginning with table viewing at 9:30 am. Tickets will be available at the door. For more info call 589-3945
A Greif share seminar support group continues on Mon eves from 6:45-8:45 at the Morris e free church. You may join at any time more info 589-2614 or 589-1788
Faith Lutheran is having their annual fall festival and rummage sale on Sept 26th beginning at 4 pm.  This one of the many church suppers, dinners, and other events that will be coming up in the area; in the next few weeks and months; such as a Norwegian smorgasbord on Oct 24th at our redeemer’s Lutheran church in Benson.
There will be a rummage sale at first Lutheran in Morris on sept 19th from 4-7 pm

On Oct 1st the bookmobile will be in town at 3:30pm, the red hatters will meet at the place to be at 1 pm, the city council and rendsville 4-h will meet at 7 pm
Dorothy Jergenson passed away on Sept 14th many of us from the area attended her funeral at Kong on sept 18th.  Survivors include her son Robert, daughters Eunice, Ardell and their families
Geo Kramer passed away on sept 16th survivors include his wife Joyce (Lange) and her family. A good crowd was on hand for his visitation at the funeral home and the funeral on the 20th at faith in Morris. I will miss my neighbor we had some nice visits together in the last year
Sheri Leegaard of Barrett passed away on Sept 15th survivors include her husband Bob and their son Josh. She was preceded in death by her father and mother in law Ingvold and Thelma Leegaard
Nikki Hull and Jacob Daly along with their parents are pleased to announce their engagement. Parents of the couple are Cheryl Hull of Brainerd and Pat and Dee Daly of Morris. His grandparents are Nick & Karen Daly. The couple will be united in marriage, Oct. 20 @ Faith Lutheran Church in Morris with a reception and dance to follow at the Old Lumber Yard in Chokio.
Jordyn Amelia Hughes was born on September 8, at Stevens Community Medical Center, Morris to Jon and Toni Hughes of Morris. Grandparents are Mark and Dawn Hughes of Ortonville, Ann and Doug Streed of Morris, Phil and Kris Kloos of Donnelly. Great grandparents include Beatrice Fermoyle of Morris, & Herb and Carol Kloos of Donnelly,.
Jim and Lou Eystad attended the wedding for Kyle smith and deb Jackson at the Morris e free church on Sept. 8th  we also attended Niemakel lake park day on sept 16th and in the eve they attended the gospel sing a long at the Eden reformer church in Herman.
Several of us from the Donnelly area spent some time in Albany over the weekend attending their threshing show.  I ran into a distant relative who was working at the 4-h food stand, Tim Olson son of Allen and Joyce Olson he is married to Shannon Altrtich her parents are Fran and Jerry
The threshing bee royalty were part of the appplefest parade in Appleton on Sept 21st I also had a chance to say “hi” to former Donnelly area resident Bill Ascheman and Jim and Julie Busse
Several former Donnelly area residents were among those of us who attended the funeral for Les Lindor at 1st Lutheran in Morris on Sept 17th his daughter Laurie was a classmate of mine. In the eve David Flugel and I were among those who attended the nonprofit expo and community meal at the MAHS.

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