Friday, August 26, 2011


Next edition Aug. 27th-sept 2nd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: crops continue to make good progress due to some sunny and warm days and some timely rains showers. I have heard that the grain harvest has not been very good.
STJ/KONG PARISH News: the parish will be leading the community worship services under the big top tent at the threshing bee grounds on Aug 28th at 9 am with Tom and Pearl Horning providing the music. There will be joint services at ST J at 8:30 am on Sept 4th
GSLC news: The coffee money during Aug will go to the Feed My Starving Children packing event. GS will be packing meals on Aug 30th at 1:30 pm
Gs will be having a rummage sale on Sept 9th (5-8 pm) and 10th (8-11 am) at the old prairie trailer building on HY 28 w to sell items from the old gs church, anyone who wishes to bring items for it can bring them out there on the eve of the 8th from 6-7 pm.
The fmsc packing event will be in Morris again on Aug 30,31st and Sept 1st .If you or your org would like to help out contact the Morris E Free Church at 589-2808 or, there will be a fundraiser at the pizza ranch on Aug. 29th all day.
A work night is planned for Aug 30th at 6:30 pm on the threshing bee grounds, to take the fences down and put things away. I can also use help on the evening of the 28th to take the chairs in the tent and put them back in the depot. Any help by anybody, during, and/or after the bee is greatly appreciated.
The theme of the threshing bee this weekend is “Donnelly a great place to call home”, today’s events start with a pancake breakfast at 7 am and concludes with a free dance at the hall featuring Pure County at 8 pm. Sun begins with an open air worship service under the big top tent and concludes with the horse/ pony pull in the aft. There will be lots of other activities both days, The feature this year is John Deere and our special guest will be Don Duffner displaying his three in one tractor. He will also be demonstrating it. Next year’s feature will be Oliver. I do plan to have my cart on the grounds again for use by handicapped people, remember if anybody is going to use a vehicle such as a golf cart on the grounds you must register it at the depot. No bikes and dogs (except for service dogs) on the grounds please use the south gate for bringing items (trs cars machinery etc.) into the grounds. The headquarters is the depot so if you want more info, need help, or have any questions stop in and talk to whoever is at the desk. The phone # there is 246-3272. Again this year the officers will be wearing shirts and caps with Donnelly threshing bee on them, the website is and there is also a Facebook page.
There are also some rummage sales in town this weekend and there may be other off site events as well.
There will be a bridal shower for Kayla Harstad bride to be of Josh Erdahl at first Lutheran in Morris today (sat) at 9:30 am.
Due to the Labor Day holiday WAM will meet on sept 10th at the Minnewaska Lutheran home.
Liviah Rhys Volker was born on June 21st to Travis and Brittany Volker grandparents are Bill and Darlene Volker
Congratulations to the Jenna Larsen/Islande Sperr duo that won the Dribble/PingPong Competition at the owl dribbling camp held recently at the pe center.
Congratulations to Natalie Johnston who was named 2nd runner up in the MN pork ambassador contest in redwood falls recently.
Winners in the homemaker’s building at the st co fair included Bernice Erdahl, Elaine Harstad and Rose Uhden. Winners In the open class building were Steve and Michelle Werk, Michelle Papesh, and Beth Heinrich. The stampede club and Rendsville 4-h club both won several grand and reserve championships on several of their club projects. Individual 4-h awards are again too numerous to list, the winners will be published in a special supplement in the s-t on ----
Congratulations to Tyler Busse who won 1st place in his class in the demo derbies at the Pope and Stevens co fairs.
Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended VBS at GS on Aug 17th; we also attended the Morris co-op customer appreciation picnic at Pomme De Terre Park on Aug. 18th. They also helped get the Christus House ready for fall that day. Earlier in the day I boarded a bus at the soils lab for a tour of their swan lake research farm. After dinner I boarded another bus for a trip to the Prairie Horizons farm south of Starbuck. I finished the day at the valu ford carnival at the armory in Morris where I had a chance to say “hi” to former Donnelly area resident Gary Huebner
Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended services at gs on Aug 21st later the threshing bee royalty were part of the cornfest parade in Ortonville. When I arrived home I discovered somebody had cut the lock on my front door and stolen some computers and accessories.
Dianne Amundson and I attended the Pederson funeral home’s time to remember picnic at the Pomme de Terre Park on Aug 22nd. Afterwards I visited my cousin Bev Hurlbult at Legacy Living.
It was a case of “many hands make light work” on Aug. 23rd as a good crew was on hand to help get things ready for the bee. Special thanks to the don co-op for the use of their forklift and to Corrine Larson for again supplying the drinks and food.

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