Friday, July 2, 2010

donnelly news

Next edition July 3rd-9th


Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: We continue to enjoy very nice weather, most days are sunny and mild and some good rains to go along with it. The crops look the best they have in many yrs esp. the small grains and corn which is about waist high in some places. Beans are lagging some they could use some warmer weather. Farmers with livestock are busy baling and chopping hay.

STJ/KONG PARISH NEWS: On July 4th there will be joint services with Holy Communion at Kong at 10:30 am; followed by a flag raising ceremony, and a pot luck dinner. Note this is a change from what was announced earlier.

On July 11,18th and 25th services will be at 8:30 am at St. J and 10:15 am at Kong.

There will be a benefit supper for Denny Bouressa at the legion in Morris on July 10th from 5:30-8:30 PM. Although he is now cancer free he still has other medical problems.

West Central Lutherans invites you to weekly worship service at the cougar room in the prairie inn in Morris at 9 am beginning on July 11th.




Former Donnelly residents Doddie Overson Williams and Elaine Overson Storck will have their second "Donnelly Girls" get-together on July 10th at 1 pm at the Culvers Restaurant (13605 Northdale Boulevard) in Rogers, Minn. Any ladies who have ever lived in Donnelly are welcome to attend. Any questions, call Doddie at 763-477-5360 or Elaine at 612-385-8295

There will be an open house in honor of the golden wedding aniv of Janice and Milfred Kaehler at the Mark and Karen Janachovsky home (15763 510th Ave..) near Donnelly on July 10th from 1-6 PM. Their aniv was Mar 19th

The MAHS class of ’54 will have an informal get together during PPD in Morris for more info call (801)-518-8573. The class of 2000 will have a reunion on July 10th beginning at 7 PM at the tiger room of the prairie inn. For more info or to RSVP e-mail

The class of '55 will have their reunion on July 17 poolside of the prairie inn with a mini reunion of the Donnelly classmates on July 16th in Donnelly. FOR MORE INFO CALL 589-0127

Former Donnelly area resident Chuck Heinrich passed away on June 23rd in WY. His funeral was held on July 1st.

Lois Loher of Morris passed away on June 26th. A son Jerry Jr. (Jody) of Donnelly and their family are among the family members that survive her. I was among the many family and friends who attended her visitation and funeral on June 29th and 30th.


Former Donnelly area resident Genevieve Braun passed away on June 29th . Her funeral was July 2nd.

Congratulations go out this week to: Mike Chaick for being elected secretary of the Morris eagles club

To Brittany Schmiesing on her graduation from Northland community college in east Grand forks with "highest Honors" Her parents are Randy and Karla; grandparents Wally and Marlys Geise.

To Brady Jergenson and Becca Holland for winning the presidential academic award

Thanks to Wally McCollar for the following info. The class of '55 had 77 members, about 12 were from Donnelly. The following are planning on returning (ladies listed by their maiden name) Curtis Sax, Wayne Sperr, Ruth Stambough, Edith Speer, David Aanerud, Joanne Frank, Mavis Chapman, Sonja Sather, Merle Riley and Wally McCollar. They will be bringing back a lot of memories as they tour the old school and the town before having lunch at Sax's cafe on Fri. aft. Paul Ersted Jr. owner of the UFMSB will also give them a tour of the bank. Many of the classmates remember their parents such as Henry Speer, Arne Sather, Oscar Aanerud doing business at the bank with Paul Ersted Sr and his dad C. C. Ersted. Wally's dad "Mac" was the first owner of the restaurant now known as Sax's cafe building it from the bottom up with the help of Paul Sr right after W.W.II IN 45-46. Joanne remembers that her Dad, Art Frank, did a lot of business with the bank as the owner of the Gamble's hardware store. As history repeats itself the classmates tell us their families continue to do business with the bank. Edith Speer went on to become the valedictorian of the class of '55. The classmates say that after school they would walk across the schoolyard with their teacher June Ekholm (my mom) and have lunch at Mary and Buzz Olsen's parent's house. In 1949 she married my Dad, Emil Anderson, and lived on the farm north of Donnelly where I still live until she had a stoke in 1988 and moved to the nursing home in Morris before passing away in 1994. I have accepted Wally's invitation to represent Mom at the reunion. Anyone wishing to visit with the classmates may do so in Donnelly Fri. aft, poolside at the prairie inn in Morris ,Fri. eve or after the banquet on Sat eve (about 7:30 PM).

A little side note to the above story, my grandmother Thea Anderson never learned to speak English she only spoke Norwegian so when she had to do business in the bank she went to see CC Ersted because he spoke Danish and they were able to understand each other.

Rev Fredrick Jensen former interim pastor at Trinity-Alberta and good Shepherd Appleton was the guest preacher for the West Central Lutherans worship service on June 27th in Hancock. It was announced that some land has been donated near Morris and they will be moving the Good Shepherd church to it hopefully later this yr.



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