Friday, February 26, 2010


Next edition Feb 27th –Mar 5th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. Please note that if you ever need more info about something in my column or an upcoming event in the area let me know and I will either try to either get the info for you or direct you to somebody who can.

Most of the last week was fairly nice with above 0 temps and no snow .Tuesday, however was very cold with a lot of blowing and drifting snow. Thanks to the “Good Samaritan” who blew out my driveway and yard on Wed am after the storm. It was greatly appreciated.

STJ/KONG PARISH NEWS: Parish Bible study on Psalms 23 continues on Thursday’s at St J (10 am) and will be repeated at Kong @ 7 PM

Parish Lenten services “The Sign of Jonah” with supper at 5:30 p.m. and services at 6:45 p. m. will continue through Easter. Supper and Services will alternate ea week between St J (Mar 3rd) and Kong (Mar 10th). Copies of the schedule are posted on the doors of both churches.

The parish will have joint services on Feb 28th at 11 am at St J with the S.S. kids singing. It will also be broadcast on KMRS at 11 am sponsored by Don and Algene Larson in memory of Arden Larson and Albert and Ellen Mishcike
The Glacial Ridge conference assembly will be held on Feb 28th at Our Savior’s Lutheran church in Chokio beginning at 2 pm

WCAWA will meet on Mar 6th at the E-Free church in Hancock beginning with coffee fellowship at 9:30 am, meeting at 10 am. For more info call 795-2477

The Donnelly Community club supper and annual meeting will be held on Mar 1st at Sax’s café beginning with supper at 6:30 pm meeting to follow. Please rsvp to 246-3217.

The St Co DFL county convention will be held on Mar 6th at 9 am at the legion in Morris.
Township annual meetings and elections will be held on Mar 12th in the area. Donnelly twp will meet at fire hall in Donnelly; Pepperton at the community hall in Alberta; most other townships in the area will meet in their town halls. Most annual meetings are at 4 pm with elections from 5-8 pm. Contact your county auditor for specific meeting times and places in your area.

There will be an open house baby shower for Andrea Bergstrom (Becky and the late Charles) and Joha Torma on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 2-4 p.m. at the Morris Senior Center. They are expecting a boy. Please note that since her uncle’s funeral is in the a.m. it will probably be ppd until another day.

A while ago somebody asked me about the Donnelly Fire Dept’s annual fish fry. I have been informed that will be held on Mar 26th.

Congratulations to Cammi Aanerud for being named honorable mention all conference in gymnastics recently.

Congratulations to Ashley Dohlen who was named to the Dean's List for academic excellence at Bethel University, St. Paul, for the 2009 fall semester.

Congratulations to H-N speech students Paige and Landon Strand who recently won ribbons at the speech meet in Breckenridge.

Congratulations to Brady Gillespie (Curt and Judy) who was recently named a student of the quarter at C-A H.S.

I have five deaths to report on this week: Tillie Hockert of Morris formerly of Donnelly passed away on Feb 18th. Her funeral was held at Assumption on Feb. 22nd. She was Mary Dripp’s aunt

Gordon Krosch of Alberta passed away on Feb 19th. .Family members that survive him include a daughter Carol (Doug) Backman of Alberta and a granddaughter Kathi (Walt) Biesterfeld of Donnelly and their families

Opal Heuer of Edina passed away on Feb 18th in Edina. Her funeral will be held today (sat) at 2:30 pm at the funeral home. Among her survivors is her brother in law Delroy (Gloria) Heuer and niece Deanna Heuer of Donnelly.

David Haynes of Donnelly passed away on Feb 24th. His funeral will be held today (Sat) at 10:30 am at Kong. He was married to Bonnie Strand (Burton and Irene)

Thanks to Jeanne Ennen for the following info: Elysia Buffington Moyle, daughter of Bill Madison of Calif. and Cheryl Madison-Johnson of Hoffman and Grand daughter of the late Ed and Irma Madison passed away at her home in Bismark ND at the age of 40 following a courageous battle with cancer. Ed and Irma ran a gas station at what is now Bruce Beyer’s body shop in Donnelly for many years.

Landon Lucas Koehl was born on February 15, 2010 at Stevens Community Medical Center, Morris, to Lucas and Tracy Koehl of Morris. Grandparents are Roy and Jenell Koehl of Morris and Charles and Deb Hacker of Hancock. Great grandparents are Alice Wulf of Lester, Iowa, Donald and Janet Hacker of Hancock, Wanda LaSage of Arizona. Great-Great Grandma is Milla LeSage of Morris formerly of Donnelly.

Andy Brevig and I were among those from the area who attended to St co Rep party convention at the Legion in Morris on Feb 19th. It was an opportunity to hear from several candidates or their representatives who are running for various offices.
Feb 18th Jim and Lou Eystad and I were among those from the area who attended Bible study at St J in the am and in the aft visited friends at the WWV. I also attended church services there which were led by Pastor Judy.

Feb 21st I visited Opal Harstad and her son Vedar and daughter Karen Long at her apt in Morris.

Feb 22nd several of us from the area attended the diabetes workshop at SCMC. In the eve several former Donnelly area residents were among those of us who participated in the community meal at the Morris Sr Center.

Feb 23rd Steve Fults and I were among those who attended the NHAS annual mtg at the prairie inn in Morris. In the aft several of us from the area took in the open house at the new welcome center on the UMM campus and the WCROC headquarters building; as well as the pride of the prairie showcase at the student center. The office of the Center for Small Towns headed by David Flugel has been moved into the new welcome center so I had an opportunity to visit with him also.

Feb 24th en route to Morris I stopped in to visit my aunt Pearl (Albert) Anderson and cousin Bev at their home in Donnelly and later with Wally McCollar at his shop. He informs me plans are progressing for his 55th class reunion in mid July with a mini reunion of Donnelly area kids included. If you have pictures or any other info be sure to let him know.

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