Friday, March 26, 2021

donnelly news


Mar 30th-Apr. 6th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather News: Well, old man, winter has (hopefully) gone into hibernation until later this yr. and spring has arrived with some mild days that melted most of the snow. As I am writing this Tuesday eve, it has rained most of the day, and temps have been cool for much of the last week. Wed saw some snow flurries in the area.


St, John's/Kongsvinger news: services are now being held indoors again with some restrictions in place. If you do not wish to go inside, you may remain in your car and listen in on your car radio 98.5 .service bulletins are inside the Kitchen door of both churches.

Holy Week: Palm Sun joint services at ST J at 9:30 a.m.; Maundy Thurs. 7 p.m. at Kong: Good Fri. at 7 p.m. at St John's; Easter Sun joint services at 9:30 a.m. at Kong, no SS. note this schedule is different from the previously announced one. If you are planning on attending Easter Sunday services, please preregister.

 Services are at 9:30 a.m., on the 1st, 3rd, 5th Sun at Kongsvinger, the 2nd and 4th Sun at St, John's. Communion is on the 1st and 4th Sun of the month. The Parish office remains closed; call or e-mail if you need assistance. Rev. Rochelle Anderson is providing pastoral care. Please contact a council president if you need pastoral care or call her at 320-287-2663.

On Sundays at 10:30 at Kongsvinger, regular SS is being held. As far as I know, other than church council meetings, no other events are being held at either church.

There will be an Easter Lilly memorial garden again this year; contact the church office for details.


Gslc news: services are at 9 a.m., followed by a limited coffer hr. and ss.

New member Sunday is April 11th

Holy Week: Palm & Easter Sun at 9 a.m. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at 7 p.m. Easter sunrise service at 7 a.m.

Options for women baby bottle campaign runs through Apr 4th



Please check with your local church for their latest update on service times and details and other events. Also, remember that there are services, devotionals, etc., available on FB, YouTube, church websites, local access channels, radio, etc.


Donnelly fire Department meets on the 2nd and 3rd Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the fire hall. The City council meets on the 1st Sat of the month at 4 p.m. at city hall. The Rendsville 4-h on the first Mon of the month at 6:30 p.m. at St John's Donnelly (there Apr meeting is scheduled for Apr 12th at 6:30 p.m. at  Michelle Nelson's Photography Studio at three e 5th st Morris) and the community club meetings are on the 2nd Mon of the month at the community hall.

Note these are scheduled meetings and subject to change, and I assume there are restrictions, i.e., masks, social distancing, etc., in place. Please check with somebody before planning to attend any scheduled meetings.   The bookmobile is still curbside service only.


Former Donnelly area resident Tommy Home of Nashua passed away on March 17th. He was the owner of Tommy's bar in Donnelly for many years.

Tony Smith of Morris passed away on Feb 27th; his special friends Monroe and Cheryl (Armstrong) Estenson of Morris are among his survivors. Cheryl is a former Donnelly area resident

Schs walking tour of Donnelly on May 6th, 5-7 pm more details later

Countywide garage sales on May 6-8th

Congrats to the Tiger bb team subsection champs, Jackson Loge is a member of that team


My health has improved, and by the time you read this column, I hopefully will have another car to replace the one I lost in a car accident in Alex so I can start checking my box in Donnelly again.

Past week: Liam David Aschman baptism at Gs. Lenten services at GS
















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