Thursday, March 5, 2020


Mar 10th-17th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. This issue is dedicated to the memory of my mom June (Ekholm) Anderson who passed away March 14th,1994
Weather News:  well March came in as sort of a mix between a lion and a lamb with some relatively mild temps but we had some cold winds to go with it
Donnelly church news: There will be joint services at 9:30 a.m. on the first 1st,3rd, and 5th Sundays at Kongsvinger, the 2nd, and 4th Sundays of the month at ST. John's followed by Sunday school and coffee fellowship.
Communion services are on the 1st and 4th Sundays of the month
Lenten services continue on March 11th at St. John's with Rev. Heather Klason from Bethel Herman as guest pastor March 18th at Kongsvinger with Rev Chris Richards of Trinity Cyrus as a guest pastor both at 7 p.m. followed by lunch The March newsletter has a complete list of the Lenten schedule
Pr Mike's last Sunday here is May 3rd more details later
Special Congregational Meeting on March 15th at Kongsvinger following services to vote on proposed changes to the by-laws of the Kongsvinger church
Good Shepherd Lutheran church news: Lenten services every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the church. Pr Nate Hanson LWLC Alex and Pr Mike Hanson are doing a pulpit exchange this year.
Church ski trip March 15th Andes tower hills meet at the ski area about 3 p.m. cost $20, call 585-6868 for more info
March newsletter is out if you did not get a copy contact the office
It was a case of "Many hands made light work" at the church for our cleanup day on February 29th.
Both Gslc and Stj/Kong will have an Easter lily memorial garden again this yr. contact either church office for more details
SWMN ELCA synod SR. High youth gathering March 27-28th in Mankato
BBB will be on hiatus until after Easter
The WELCA Spring Gathering is on Monday, Apr 20th, at Our Redeemers in Benson. Registration begins at 4:00 p.m. with a meal at 5:00 p.m. The theme is "Angels among us" led by Pastor Wayne and Donna Jo Kopitzke. A truck will also be at the Gathering to take items to Lutheran World Relief
The annual Habitat for Humanity pork chop fundraiser will be held on March,12th 4:30–7 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Morris, free-will donation
The annual Kurt Kruize scholarship dinner April 4th at Hancock Community center 2–6:30 p.m. with Rockie Lynne in concert at 7 p.m. at the h.s. at 7 p.m. free will donation. Several members of his family were from the Donnelly area.
Morris Lions pancake breakfast at Lee Center in Morris starting at 8 a.m. March 21st Former Donnelly area resident Barry Erdahl is one of them.
On March 21st at 5:30 The Stevens county farm bureau's spring heritage banquet will be held at the old # Southside. Andy Aanerud of Donnelly is the president.
Township annual meetings are today (Tuesday) in Mn contact a township officer or the county auditor for times and locations
The Bookmobile will be in town on Main St. on March 23rd from 2:45–3 p.m.
The 2020 RTA phone books are out unfortunately due to the closing of HD and co there are no books in Donnelly you will have to get one at their HQ in Hoffman or some other town served by RTA
Congratulations this week go out to the following individuals: The Derek Woodke family Stevens' county conservation family of the yr. Woodke family is originally from the Donnelly area
Death notices: former Donnelly area resident Shirley Anderson of Morris passed away on March 1st; survivors include her son Mark of Donnelly.
Margret Fabian of Barrett passed away on February 29th; survivors include her daughter Joan (Rick) Strand of Donnelly and their family
The past week NHAS annual meeting Herman, Trump victory campaign; library Morris, Underwood benefit legion-Morris, cleanup day GS, odd fellow meatball dinner Herman helped with NAPS at sr. center Lenten services with Pr Nate Hanson at Gs



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