Thursday, November 30, 2017

donnelly news

Dec 2nd -8th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: for the most part temps have been mild during the past week however a few days featured some strong winds that made it feel colder than it was A few farmers have a little fieldwork left but most are done for the year

St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: KLCW advent brunch on December 3rd following services at Kongsvinger about 9:30 a.m., meet at the parish hall, all men and women are welcome

St. John’s WELCA Christmas celebration is on December 5th at 1:30 p.m.

St. John’s and Kongsvinger will be providing Hat and Mitten trees – for Toys for Tots and scarves, hats and mittens, for those in need, during the last week in November and the first two weeks of December. Be watching for more information coming soon.

ST. John's, is sponsoring a "where's the beef dinner?" raffle. Drawing will be held December 3rd at 10:30 a.m. at St. John's Church

ADVENT WREATH READERS/LIGHTERS: We are looking for families/couples/individuals from both congregations willing to read a short prayer and light the Advent Wreath one Sunday during Advent. Dates are December 3, 10, 17, and 24. Please contact the Parish Office if you are willing to help us out at 320-246-3211

Gslc news: advent services start December 6th at 7 p.m.

Other church news:

. Donnelly city council meets today (sat) at 4 p.m. at city hall.

Rendsville 4-H meets on December 4th at 7p.m. at St John's

The Bookmobile will be in town on main St. on December 4th and 18th from 3:45-4 p.m.

Herman red hats Christmas party December 4 at 9 a.m. at AJ'S in Herman

Donnelly fire department meets on December 11 and 18th at 7 p.m. at fire hall

Pedersen funeral homes “a time to remember” is on December 3rd at 2 p.m.

On December 2nd the Stevens County Historical Society annual holiday open house at the museum and the Senior citizen’s annual bazar at the Morris senior center will be held, both starting at 9 a.m.

The Stevens county genealogical society will meet at library on December 7th at 1:30 p.m.

Ryan Winther benefit at Herman community center today (Saturday) from 4-7 p.m.  He has cancer, his wife is Jill (Thompson)her parents are Paul & Nancy  Thompson of Herman her grandparents are Glen and Gertie Werk of Donnelly

Open house baby shower for baby Livengood will be held today (Saturday) from 9 a.m. -12 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Morris .Kody and Alisha (Roske) Livengood are the expectant parents. Her parents are Russell Roske of Donnelly and Holly Riley. She is a former Donnelly area resident

Tyler and Maggie Busse were married on Oct. 7th his parents are Jim and Julie Busse of Appleton grandparents are Della Dunn and the late Verle and Helen Dunn of Donnelly

Death notice: none

Congratulations to former Donnelly resident Danielle Lesmeister, at being named CEO of Prairie
Ridge medical associates in Morris and Elbow Lake

Reminder for the latest news, visit my Donnelly news fb page

Past wk., thanksgiving service and bible study at Gs (w/Eystad’s), craft fair at hotel 200, open house at Unger’s ,opening reception for reel exhibit at museum

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

donnelly news

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. This being thanksgiving week I want to say Manga Takk to all my loyal readers out there
Weather news: temperatures have not been too bad for this time of the year, most farmers are done picking corn and with their fall fieldwork
St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Thank offering service presented by the WELCA women of the parish at both services on November 26th, no s.s. 

Klcw advent brunch on December 3rd following services at Kongsvinger about 9:30 a.m., meet at the parish hall, all men and women are welcome
St John’s WELCA Christmas celebration is on December 5th at 1:30 p.m.
St. John’s and Kongsvinger will be providing Hat and Mitten trees – for Toys for Tots and scarves, hats and mittens, for those in need, during the last week in November and the first two weeks of December. Be watching for more information coming soon.
November is also food shelf month in the parish
ST. John's, is sponsoring a "where's the beef dinner?" raffle. Drawing will be held December 3rd at 10:30 a.m. at St. John's Church
KONGSVINGER POINSETTIA GARDEN - We are changing things up a bit for our Memorial Garden this year. We will have our Garden displayed throughout the Advent season. There is a signup sheet in the narthex for you to order your poinsettia and add your memorial information. The cost will be $12.50 per plant-payable to Kongsvinger KLCW. Deadline to order is Sunday, November 26. You are welcome to take your plant home after the Christmas season.
ST. JOHN’S POINSETTIA GARDEN - We are changing things up a bit for our Memorial Garden this year. We will have our white displayed for the first Sunday of Advent and all of our poinsettias displayed throughout the rest of the Advent season. There is a signup sheet in the narthex for you to order your poinsettia and add your memorial information. The cost will be $12.50 per plant. Deadline to order is Sunday, November 26. You are welcome to take your plant home after the Christmas season.
ADVENT WREATH READERS/LIGHTERS: We are looking for families/couples/individuals from both congregations willing to read a short prayer and light the Advent Wreath one Sunday during Advent. Dates are December 3, 10, 17, and 24. Please contact the Parish Office if you are willing to help us out at 320-246-3211
On November 26th advent decorating will take place at Kongsvinger following services and at St. John’s following services and a potluck dinner afterwards
Alex Winther was baptized on November 19th at Kongsvinger parents are Rayn and Jill
Gslc news: advent services start November 29th at 7 p.m.
Other church news:
Herman red hats Christmas party December 4 at 9 a.m. at AJ'S in Herman
Pedersen funeral home time to remember is on December 3rd at 2 p.m.
On December 2nd the Stevens county historical society annual holiday open house at the museum and the Senior citizen’s annual bazar at the Morris sr. center will be held ,both starting at 9 a.m.
The Stevens county genealogical society will meet at library on December 7th at 1:30 p.m.
Ryan Winther benefit at Herman community center on December 2 4-7 p.m. He has cancer, his wife is Jill (Thompson) her grandparents are Glen and Gertie Werk of Donnelly
Open house baby shower for baby Livengood! December 2nd 9 a.m. -12 p.m. Faith Lutheran Morris Kody and Alisha (Roske) Livengood are the expectant parents. Her parents are Russell Roske of Donnelly and Holly Riley. She is a former Donnelly area resident
Death notice:
Congratulations to former Donnelly resident Danielle Lesmeister, at being named CEO of Prairie
Ridge medical associates in Morris and Elbow Lake
Threshing bee royalty were part of the parade of lights in Morris on November 16th
Past wk. open houses at Rentz agency, Willie’s sv. B inspired dfd bingo, harvest festival at Kongsvinger, annual mtg and bible study at Gs w/Eystads.
Reminder for the latest news, visit my Donnelly news fb page

Thursday, November 16, 2017

donnelly news

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. Please note that due to the thanksgiving holiday I have an early deadline next week.
Weather news after a cold end to the week, the weekend and this week has brought some nice temps. Most corn is picked; fall field work is done, although some farmers have a few more days of work to finish up for the year
St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Kongsvinger fall festival is on November 19th starting at 11 a.m. on the menu is grilled pork chops, salads plus there will be a bake sale featuring Norwegian goodies (i.e. lefsa) and a raffle.
Thanksgiving eve worship will be held on November 22, at 7:00 p.m. at Kongsvinger. Cash offering and designated checks will be given to the Stevens County Food Shelf. There will be a time of fellowship and a light lunch served following the service. Everyone is welcome to attend.
St. John’s and Kongsvinger will be providing Hat and Mitten trees – for Toys for Tots and scarves, hats and mittens, for those in need, during the last week in November and the first two weeks of December. Be watching for more information coming soon.
November is also food shelf month in the parish
ST. John's, is sponsoring a "where's the beef dinner?" raffle. Drawing will be held December 3rd at 10:30 a.m. at St. John's Church
KONGSVINGER POINSETTIA GARDEN - We are changing things up a bit for our Memorial Garden this year. We will have our Garden displayed throughout the Advent season. There is a signup sheet in the narthex for you to order your poinsettia and add your memorial information. The cost will be $12.50 per plant-payable to Kongsvinger KLCW. Deadline to order is Sunday, November 26. You are welcome to take your plant home after the Christmas season.
ST. JOHN’S POINSETTIA GARDEN - We are changing things up a bit for our Memorial Garden this year. We will have our white poinsettias displayed for the first Sunday of Advent and all of our poinsettias displayed throughout the rest of the Advent season. There is a signup sheet in the narthex for you to order your poinsettia and add your memorial information. The cost will be $12.50 per plant. Deadline to order is Sunday, November 26. You are welcome to take your plant home after the Christmas season.
ADVENT WREATH READERS/LIGHTERS: We are looking for families/couples/individuals from both congregations willing to read a short prayer and light the Advent Wreath one Sunday during Advent. Dates are December 3, 10, 17, and 24. Please contact the Parish Office if you are willing to help us out@ 320-246-3211
On November 26th advent decorating will take place at Kongsvinger following services and at St. John’s following services and a potluck dinner afterwards
Gslc news: annual meeting following services on November 19th followed by a dinner, Thanksgiving Eve services on November 22nd at 7 p.m., advent services start November 29th at 7 p.m.
Other church news: Most churches in the area will have a thanksgiving eve service on November 22nd (Federated November 21st)
Trinity Lutheran in Cyrus is having our annual Fall Mission Fest on Sunday, November 19th starting at 11:30a.m.
Community news: Donnelly fire department meets on November 20th at 7 p.m. at the fire hall
Tip night at pizza ranch-Morris on November 20th to benefit the Salvation Army from 5-7 p.m.
Herman red hats Christmas party December 4 at 9 a.m. at AJ'S in Herman
“Two little eyes, one little nose, ten little fingers, ten little toes...Boy or Girl? Nobody knows!” Please join us for an open house Baby Shower for Baby Kampmeier, child of Mac and Sydney (Beyer) Kampmeier on November 19 from 1:00-3:00 at the Morris Senior Center. Baby K is registered at Target. Everyone is welcome. Parents are Joe and Jamie Beyer; grandparents are Carol and the late Sid Wilcox of Morris. Sid was a former Donnelly resident
Open house baby shower for baby Livengood! Dec. 2nd 9 a.m. -12 p.m. faith Lutheran Morris Kody and Alisha (Roske) Livengood are the expectant parents. Her parents are Russell Roske of Donnelly and Holly riley. She is a former Donnelly area resident
Death notice: Dustin Backman of Donnelly passed away on November 8th survivors include his parents Brad and Jonna Backman of Donnelly and their family, his grandmother Liz Aschman of Morris
Mark Koepke & I had dinner together on Nov 14th at don’s cafĂ©

Past wk. dress for success exhibit at museum, umm choir concert at 1st Lutheran, adult Ed and bible study at Gs (w Eystad’s), Backman visitation at funeral home

Thursday, November 9, 2017

donnelly news

Nov 11th-17th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: after a cold weekend with some snow, the weather has been fairly decent this week, farmers are busy picking corn
St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Kongsvinger fall festival is on November 19th starting at 11 a.m., in preparation for it the following work days have been scheduled: Lefse Days will be today (Saturday) beginning at 9:00 a.m. and on November 15, beginning at 4 p.m.
Thanksgiving eve worship will be held on November 22, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at the Kongsvinger Church. Cash offering and designated checks will be given to the Stevens County Food Shelf. There will be a time of fellowship and a light lunch served following the service. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Gslc news: annual meeting following services on November 19th followed by a dinner, Thanksgiving Eve services on November 22nd at 7 p.m., advent services start November 29th at 7 p.m. Operation Christmas Child boxes are due back on November 12th
Other church news: Most churches in the area will have a thanksgiving eve service on November 22nd (Federated November 21st)

Community news: On November 13 the bookmobile will be in town on Main St. from 3:30-3:45 p.m.
Donnelly fire department meets on November 13th and 20th at 7 p.m. at the fire hall their annual turkey bingo is on November 17th at 7 p.m. at the community hall
“Two little eyes, one little nose, ten little fingers, ten little toes...Boy or Girl? Nobody knows!” Please join us for an open house Baby Shower for Baby Kampmeier, child of Mac and Sydney (Beyer) Kampmeier on Sunday, November 19 from 1:00-3:00 at the Morris Senior Center. Baby K is registered at Target. Everyone is welcome.
Parents are Joe & Jamie Beyer grandparents are Carol & the late Sid Wilcock of Morris. Sid was a former Donnelly resident
An open house meet and greet baby shower for Tysen Johnston, son of Justin and Brandi (Sperr) Johnston, will be held November 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Morris. Everyone is welcome, as this is for the whole family. Justin’s parents are Lee and Judy Johnston; her parents are Duane and Lori Speer; grandparents Paul and Betty Speer all of Donnelly. He was born in July
Open house baby shower for baby Livengood! Dec. 2nd 9am -12 pm faith Lutheran Morris Kody and Alisha (Roske) Livengood are the expectant parents. Her parents are Russell Roske of Donnelly and Holly riley. She is a former Donnelly area resident
New address Pearl A. Anderson 1000 court Dr. apt 110 Morris mn 56267 (Skyview Court)
Savannah Aanerud bronze rating extraneous speaking leadership development event at the National FFA convention
Islande Speer was a member of Tiger VB team that finished runner up in the section 3AA VB tournament
Death notice: June Rathke of Barrett passed away on November. 5th survivors include her son Warren (Deloris (Henrichs) of Morris and their family, Deloris is a former Donnelly area resident

Past wk. Luther movie at St. John’s –Donnelly and meatball supper at Faith (sick most of the wk. not out much)
Be sure to visit my blog for the full edition of the column

Thursday, November 2, 2017

donnelly news

Nov 4th-10th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: well some snow and colder weather during the last week is a reminder that winter is on its way, although we had a nice wkend for various activities
St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: The Martin Luther movie "Rick Steves' Luther and the Reformation", will be show on November 5th at 6 p.m. at St. John’s (6:30 if you saw part of it during services recently)
Laura Lehman, Density Pollard, Kylie Mau were confirmed at Kongsvinger on October 29th.
Kongsvinger fall festival on November 19th starting at 11 a.m., in preparation for it the following work days have been scheduled: Norwegian Sweets Day will be November 8, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Lefse Days will be Saturday, November 11, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and Wednesday, November 15, beginning at 4 p.m.
thanksgiving eve worship will be held on Wednesday, November 22, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at the Kongsvinger Church. Cash offering and designated checks will be given to the Stevens County Food Shelf. There will be a time of fellowship and a light lunch served following the service. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Gslc news: annual meeting following services on November 19th followed by a dinner thanksgiving eve services on November 22nd at 7 p.m., advent services start November 29th at 7 p.m.
Other church news: there will be a Meatball supper at Faith-Morris on November 8th from 4:30- 7 p.m.

Burgers Beverages and Blessings has ended for the year, it will resume early next year
Most churches in the area will have a thanksgiving eve service on November 22nd (federated November 21st)

Community news: On November 13 the bookmobile will be in town on Main St. from 3:30-3:45 p.m.

Events today (Saturday): There will be an open house baby shower for parents to be Brain and Laura Ennen today Sat at the Pomme de Terre golf club house (South HY. 9) Morris from 9-11 a.m. Brian is a former Donnelly area resident
Rendsville 4-h meets at 7 p.m. on November 6th at St. John's
Donnelly fire department meets on November 13th and 20th at 7 p.m. at the fire hall
Dfd annual bingo November 17th at 7 p.m. at hall
“Two little eyes, one little nose, ten little fingers, ten little toes...Boy or Girl? Nobody knows!” Please join us for an open house Baby Shower for Baby Kampmeier, child of Mac and Sydney (Beyer) Kampmeier on Sunday, November 19 from 1:00-3:00 at the Morris Senior Center. Baby K is registered at Target. Everyone is welcome.
 An open house meet and greet baby shower for Tysen Johnston, son of Justin and Brandi (Sperr) Johnston, will be held Sunday, November 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Morris. Everyone is welcome, as this is for the whole family. Justin’s parents are Lee and Judy Johnston; her parents are Duane and Lori Speer; grandparents Paul and Betty Speer all of Donnelly. He was born in July
Hunter John Arnold was born October 6, 2017, at Stevens Community Medical Center to Gabe and Lana Arnold of Donnelly,
New address Pearl A. Anderson 1000 court Dr. apt 110 Morris mn 56267 (Skyview Court)
No death notices

Past wk. community Halloween part Donnelly, fall fun day at Neimackl lake park, lrta annual mtg Dalton, adult ed and bible study with Eystads, reformation event at Lwlc –Alex, visit to Erickson petting zoo, visit to my aunt Pear in her new apt at Skyview court, dinner with Mark Koepke at Old #1, naps at sr. center and reformation program at Gs with Eystad’s, lutefisk supper at 1st Lutheran-Morris