Thursday, November 17, 2016

donnelly news

Nov 19th-25th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Note I have an early deadline next week due to thanksgiving holiday so please get any news to me by Tue eve at the very latest. Most Donnelly businesses and will be closed on thanksgiving or open limited hrs.
Weather news well it has been a very nice week with fairly mild temps although a cool wind is a reminder of what is ahead.  It appears most farmers in the area are done with harvest and fall tillage and are getting ready for winter which according to the forecast will be here by the time you read this
St. John’s Kongsvinger news Kongsvinger fall festival is November 20th from 11 a.m. -1 p.m. on the menu pork chops baked potatoes, candied carrots, salads etc. tickets available at the door there will also be a bake sale and raffle.  Service times will switch for this day only Kongsvinger at 8:30 a.m. (with Sunday school kids singing) St John’s at 11 a.m. Sunday school will be at Kongsvinger in the church basement at 9:45 a.m.
Thanksgiving services will be held on November 23rd at 7 p.m. at St John's coffee fellowship to follow no confirmation classes that day 
November will be Food Shelf Month. You are invited to bring non-perishable food items with you to worship during the month of November to place in the baskets provided. Please be mindful of expiration dates on items you donate. Financial contributions are also welcome and may be left at the Parish Office! Thank you for what you are able to share with those in need.
**Hat and Mitten Trees – St. John’s and Kongsvinger will once again be providing Hat and Mitten trees – during the last week in November and the first two weeks of December. Be watching for more information coming soon.
Tickets for St. John’s “where’s the beef dinner” raffle are now available from any St John's members the drawing will be held on Dec. 4th at 9:30 a.m.
GSLC news THE GS ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON November 20th following services, a pot luck dinner will follow 
Thanksgiving Eve services on November 23rd at 7 p.m. at the church
Reminder the services are broadcast every Sunday at 10:35 a.m. on KKOK 95.7 FM
Other church news: There will be no more burgers beverages and blessing until next year at the Met Lounge due to church dinners, thanksgiving, advent, Christmas etc.
Most churches in the area will have thanksgiving eve services.
Trinity Lutheran church -Cyrus is having their annual mission fest on today (Saturday.) starting with a silent auction at 5 p.m. followed by a dinner and music and live auction.  Free will donation
 Grace Free Church Elbow Lake is sponsoring a community thanksgiving meal on Nov. 24th from 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in the Sanford room of the community building in Elbow Lake Mn free will donation

Community events: On November 21st the bookmobile will be in town on Main St. Donnelly from 3:45- 4 p.m., and the Donnelly fire dept. will meet at the fire hall

The Donnelly community club and st co gen soc. will not meet again until next yr.

Red Hats Christmas Party, Monday Dec.5th @ 11:30a.m. ,at brick house gazebo in Morris

There will be an open house baby shower for Baby Searle and parents Marilyn and Josh Searle, Nov. 26, 10 to 11:30 a.m., hosted at the Ace and Lois Sperr farm 2 miles No. of Morris on Hwy 9. Please bring a book instead of a card, sign your book so we can remember and share! Grandparents are Ace and Lois Sperr of Morris and Jan and Lowell Searle of Donnelly

Celebrations: Loren and Kaylene Mecklenburg of Morris and Susan Uphoff of Herman and the late Jon Uphoff would like to announce the engagement of their children, Megan and Patrick .grandparents include Marge Kleinhans, David Mecklenburg and Gary and Karen Uphoff A March 2017 wedding is planned.

Tiger volleyball finished 5th at the state AA Volleyball tournament, Brooke Gielispe is a member of that team she recently recorded her 1,000 dig, and was named to the wct all area team her mother Judy is an ast coach
Don and Algene Larson are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary today (Saturday)

The Stevens /Wilkins 4-H horse club placed 4th overall in the 46th  annual US Arabian National 4-H judging competition, Savanah Aanerud was a member of that team she finished 10th overall 7th in halter
Chandler Erickson 2nd team umac-all conference -fb

New address: Francis Van Zomeren 4832 W Charleston AZ 85308 ph. 602-843-2505

Past wk. visited my aunt Pearl at her apt at west central homes adult Ed about Augustana dist. with Randy Freud at Gs (w Eystad’s) ,presentation on Elbow Lake main st at community building E.L. visit with Iver Aal at Barret Care center

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