Thursday, March 19, 2015

donnelly news

Next edition Mar 21st-27th
Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: well it is typical MN weather again after a fantastic weekend that saw temperatures get up 70 on Sunday they have cooled off this week and we had some light snow on Wed. What snow that is left from the winter is disappearing fast
St John’s/Kongsvinger news: the last Lenten service will be at St John’s (March 25th) with a soup supper starting at 6 p.m.
There will be joint services at Kongsvinger on March 29th (Palm Sunday)at 11 am with the ss kids singing, contact the church office  for details about other holy week events .
Good shepherd news: there will be brunch after church on Easter Sunday
Other church news: Habit for humanity pork chop fundraiser March 26th starting at 4:30 pm at the old # 1 Southside free will offering  
For details on Holly week services at churches in the area see the ad in the March 28th paper

Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on March 30th on main St.
The Donnelly fire department’s annual fish fry will be held on March 27th starting at 4:30 pm at the community hall.

Tip night at the Pizza ranch on March 23rd will be a fund raiser for the college republicans
Death notices: none

Celebrations: none

The Donnelly community club had their annual meeting on March 12th at the hall. We had an "ok" year last year, all the officers were re-elected. Thanks to everyone who helped prepare and serve the delicious meal. A reminder that we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Donnelly threshing bee on August 29th and 30th ,featuring everything made in 1965, and IH tractors and machinery. The first meeting of the year will be on April 13th.
After attending the open house at “Wells Park” at the west wind village on Sat., I had an opportunity to visit with Mary Dripps for a while. Other events I attended during the past week include open houses at Pederson’s agri -serv and Larson’s farm supply in Herman, the pork producers’ supper in Morris, and the birthday dinner at Kongsvinger
The class of ’55 is still looking for an Iwatka and pictures for their reunion, the invitations are going out via UPS.
Been a while since I have shared my contact info ph. 585-6435 (home) 288-8692 (c) e-mail physical ad is 11 e 9th st Morris MN 56267  If you forget the st address just send it to me at Morris MN and I will get it.


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