Thursday, October 2, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition Oct 4th-10th

Welcome another edition of the Donnelly news; this edition is dedicated to memory of my uncle Larry Anderson who passed away on Sept 24 1982. Growing up ,I was the boy he never had.
Weather news: it was a nice sunny warm weekend to be out and about however this week it has been much more fall like.  Bean harvest is in full swing.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: The St John’s fall fest is Oct 11th from 10:30 am- 1 pm you can bring items for it to church anytime; there will be a workday on the 9th to get things ready for it.
Rev. Mary Dodgson our interim pastor for the past year has announced that she will be leaving that position on   Oct 15th, her last Sunday in the parish, will be Oct 12th, which will also be confirmation Sunday. Services will be at St John’s
KCLW guest night  will be Oct. 15th beginning at 7 pm at the Kongsvinger parish hall “we’re a sister act so let’s act” will include hearing highlights from the 9th triennial convention and gathering of the women of the ELCA by Algene Larson who attended it this past summer
Good shepherd Lutheran church news: no a.m. bible study on Oct 7th Pr Mike will be at the Lutheran Churches in Mission to Christ gathering in IA.
Sign up is underway for a 5 week Eve bible study “How to preach Christ” which will start on Oct 15th @ 7 pm at the church
Other church news: The fall gathering of the glacial ridge conference WELCA will be held at First-Morris beginning with registration at 4:30 pm.
On Oct. 11th -Zion Lutheran church –Morris will have their fall bazaar from 9-am- 2 pm and Our Saviors Lutheran –Chokio will have their fall festival from 9 am-12:30 pm
Community news: Oct 6th the red hatters will meet at the Herman bar and grill at 11 am, the city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet at 7 pm at the city and fire halls in Donnelly.
Oct 13th the bookmobile will be in town at 3:30 p.m. the firemen and the community club will meet at 7 p.m. at the fire hall and city hall
Death notices: Dorothy Drinkwitz of Wheaton passed away on Sept 17th survivors include her granddaughter Susan (Matt) Flogstad and their family of the Donnelly area  
Donald Arthur Dynda of Hoffman passed away on Sept. 27th; survivors include his son Steve (Judy Kruize) of Woodbury. Judy is a former Donnelly area resident, her mother is Agnes
Former Donnelly area resident Bernice F. Brandt of Morris passed away on Sept. 30th
Celebrations: Kourtney Geise was crowned homecoming queen at Morris Area H.S. on Sept. 29th
Tiger cc Ortonville girls 1st; Savannah Aanerud 1st; Becca Holland 9th; 7/8 grade Auddy Sperr 5th; boys 10th; Dalton Lupke 23rd
Autumn Hazel Murray was born on September 19 at Fairview Ridges Hospital in Burnsville, to Amy and Ryan Murray of Lakeville.  Grandparents are Bonnie and Gary Gulbrandson of Donnelly, Sue Murray of St. Paul, and Bill Murray of Kansas City. Great-grandparents are Arlene Gulbrandson of Herman, Hazel Vestrum of Hoffman, and Joe Osendorf of St. Paul.

Past week I attended the Eden tide festival in Starbuck, memorial gathering for Nancy Volker in Hoffman,; tuba concert at Eastside Park, community meal at Faith-Morris visitation and funeral for George Dieter at Good shepherd and visited Cal and Jan Bumgardner in their home in Morris

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