Thursday, January 9, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition Jan 11th-17th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
It has been bitterly cold the past week, the 6th was the coldest day (-25), we have had in a very long time; most churches in the area cancelled their services on Sunday due to the bitterly cold wind chills. Thankfully by the time you read this read this, temps should have moderated some
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Five broadcasts of the Lutheran worship hour on KMRS are available for sponsorship during the upcoming year contact the parish office for more details.
Due to the weather the following changes are taking place in the weeks ahead:
The open house at the parsonage in Donnelly scheduled for Jan 12th has been postponed to a later date
The Kongsvinger annual meeting scheduled for Jan 19th has been postponed to Feb 2nd, after the 11 am service, however service times will remain as announced, St John’s at 8:30 a.m., Kongsvinger at 11 am, and this will also be the case on Feb 2nd. St John’s is Jan 26th, following joint services at 11 a.m., at St John’s; both meetings will be followed by a potluck dinner.
The parish is now on Facebook:
From Good Shepherd Lutheran Church: the annual meeting is Jan 19th following worship services (about 10 a.m.) with pot luck dinner to follow
The newsletters for the Parish and Good Shepherd both came out last week ,extra copies are available in the back of all three churches.
There will be an open house in honor of Jim and Lou Eystad’s 60th wedding anniversary on Jan 12 at Good Shepherd –Morris from 2-4 p.m.
Other church news: community hymn sing on Jan 12 @ 2 p.m. at Faith-Morris, future ones are on Feb 9th (Assumption) and Mar 9th (Good Shepherd)
Habitat for Humanity pancake breakfast on Jan 19th 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. @ legion in Morris
Bookmobile in town on Jan 20th@3:30 p.m. @ HD & co
Bar bingo at the place to be starting Jan 17th @ 7pm
Jeanne Ennen was elected chair of the Stevens county commissioners
The following couples have or are celebrating significant wedding celebrations in Dec and Jan. Harvard and Karen Jaeck (55 yrs.) Lloyd and Celia Kill (35) Kevin and Sherry Wohlers (30) Jim and Lou Eystad (60) Ted and Karen Alm (60)
Joe Eystad of Morris passed away on Jan 4th survivors include his brother and sister- in law; Dale (Connie (Henrichs) of St Michael. Connie is a former Donnelly area resident, his funeral is Jan. 18th @10:30 a.m. at Assumption -Morris

I did not get out much in the last week due to the cold, Jan 3rd I attended the 60th birthday party for Doug Elders at Riverwood bank, Mark and I attended church at faith –Morris on Jan 5th, one of the few churches in the area that had services on Sunday and on Jan 8th I helped Jim and Lou Eystad with NAPS at the Morris senior center

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