Thursday, January 30, 2014

Donnelly news

Next edition Feb 1st-feb 7th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news temps moderated some after I finished my column last week, but Saturday brought some snow, and Sunday brought a blizzard to the area, forcing most church services and other activities to be cancelled, and or ppd. Much of Monday was spent digging out so most schools in the area were cancelled for the day. It has been bitterly cold most this week so far; we had nice day on Wednesday but the forecast calls for a return to the deep freeze.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: please note the following changes in the announced schedule of events that are taking place in the weeks ahead:
Annual meetings: The Kongsvinger one has been rescheduled to Feb 2nd, after the 11 a.m. service, service times will be St John’s at 8:30 a.m., Kongsvinger at 11 a.m. on that day. St John’s has been rescheduled to Feb 9th, following the 11 a.m. services, at St John’s; both meetings will be followed by a potluck dinner. Leadership ballots are posted in both churches. Kongsvinger members will be voting on proposed changes to the constitution. Kongsvinger Lutheran church women will meet on Feb 13th at 11 a.m. not on the 6th

From Good Shepherd Lutheran Church: Skiing/Snowboarding Day at Andes Tower Hills is planned for Sunday, February 2nd at 1:00. We need 15 people for the group rate - $35 lift & rental. Bring a friend! Please let Carla Peterson at 589-4664, know if you plan to attend or sign up on the bulletin board at church. Let's hit the slopes!! The 2nd is also food shelf Sunday.
There will be Weekly bible studies on Wednesdays at 9 a.m.  until further notice.
Other church news:  group cares camp will be held on July 13-19th based in Glenwood preforming repairs on home improvement repair projects for the elderly disabled single parents with low income. This is the group that built a deck and handicapped ramp out on the farm for my Dad, for more info or to apply for assistance call 1-800-492-4804
Morris community    Red Cross blood drive     February   4th 12:30   pm --6:30pm   at   Faith   Lutheran church-Morris

Precinct caucuses on Feb 4 at 7 p.m. the Stevens county republicans will meet in the cougar room at the prairie inn in Morris, DFL at the Morris area schools, and check with your county auditor for the place of yours.
On Feb 3rd the red hatters meet at 9 a.m. at the Herman bar and grill, city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet at 7 p.m., at the Donnelly community and fire halls and the Bookmobile will be in town    at 3:30 p.m. at HD & co, it will also be in town on the 17th
The Donnelly Fire Department is sponsoring “Bar bingo” at the “Place to be”, every Friday evening at 7 p.m. proceeds benefit the fire department.
Celebrations: Eli Michael Smith was born on December 16, 2013 at the Douglas County Hospital to Corey and Karla Smith of Miltona. Grandparents are Mike and Joanie Kopel of Donnelly and Charlie and Gwen Smith of Madison. Great-grandparents are Eddie and Lou Kopel of Donnelly, Evelyn Hennen, Veronica Smith and Gerry Pashen of Morris. There will be an open house baby shower for Eli today (Saturday), from 2 to 4 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church in Morris .Baby gift registry is at Target and Babies R Us  
Aiden Michael Pederson was born on January 8, 2014 at Stevens Community Medical Center, Morris, to Ryan and Christina Pederson of Johnson. Grandparents are Gordy and Marge Smith of Rock Rapids, Iowa and Lyle and Correen Pederson of Dumont. Great grandparents are Bernard and Madonna Hall of Elk Point, S.D., Virene Olson of Morris and James Gray of Menahga.
Duane and Lori Sperr of Donnelly and Lee and Judy Johnston of Morris wish to announce the engagement of their children Brandi Lee Sperr and Justin Edward Johnston. A May 24, 2014 wedding is being planned in Morris.
Beth and Becca Holland, Rebekah and Savannah Aanerud are the Morris area High school sports boosters’ athletes of the week for Jan.
New National honor society members at Morris Area High School are Kourtney Geise (Brad and Kristi) and John Huebner (Mark and Mary).

In the past week Mark and I attended indoor car sale and dinner at heartland motors in Morris, the elementary bb tournament at the Morris area H.S., and services at Faith-Morris. I also attended the open house at “’Options for Women’s” new offices on Atlantic ave. in Morris.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Next edition Jan 25th -31st  
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Our month of extreme temp changes continues this week with temp’s soaring to about 35 on Sunday, by Monday we were in the deep freeze again, along with dangerous wind chills on Tue. Wed brought a blizzard that closed most schools, and cancelled most activities in the area. Unfortunately the forecast calls for more of the same in the week ahead
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: please note the following changes in the announced schedule of events that are taking place in the weeks ahead:
The Kongsvinger annual meeting has been rescheduled to Feb 2nd, after the 11 a.m. service, service times will be St John’s at 8:30 a.m., Kongsvinger at 11 a.m. on that day. St John’s is Jan 26th, following joint services at 11 a.m., at St John’s; both meetings will be followed by a potluck dinner. The SS kids will not be singing on the 26th as previously announced. Leadership ballots are posted in both churches. Kongsvinger members will be voting on proposed changes to the constitution. Kongsvinger Lutheran church women will meet on Feb 13th at 11 a.m. not on the 6th
From Good Shepherd Lutheran Church: We will be playing “bunko” on Jan 26th at the church after adult Ed we will have some bbq’s then start playing games everyone is welcome to come and play. No experience necessary
There will be Weekly bible study on Wednesdays at 9 a.m., no study on the 22nd. The study will be on the texts for the Sunday services. 
Other church news:  group cares camp will be held on July 13-19th based in Glenwood preforming repairs on home improvement repair projects for the elderly disabled single parents with low income. This is the group that built a deck and handicapped ramp out on the farm for my Dad, for more info or to apply for assistance call 1-800-492-4804
Precinct caucuses on Feb 4 at 7 p.m. the Stevens county republicans will meet at the prairie inn in Morris check with your county auditor for the place of yours
Feb 3rd red hatters meet at 9 a.m. at the Herman bar and grill, city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet at 7 p.m. at the Donnelly community and fire hall and the Bookmobile in town    at 3:30 p.m. at HD & co
The Donnelly Fire Department is sponsoring “Bar bingo” at the “Place to be”, every Friday evening at 7 p.m.
An open house baby shower for Eli Michael Smith, infant son of Cory and Karla Smith of Miltona, will be held Saturday, Feb. 1 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church in Morris. Eli is the grandson of Mike and Joanie Kopel of Donnelly and Charlie and Gwen Smith of Madison. Baby gift registry is at Target and Babies R Us.  Great grandparents are Eddie and Lou Kopel of Donnelly
Nicole Daly of Donnelly was one of the Southwest Minnesota State University students who have been honored for achievement during the fall semester of study.
Dave and Sabrina Toso won the Miss Tootsie contest in Rothsay Jan 18th. Sabrina is Mark’s niece.
Kaleb James Koepke was born on Jan 22nd to Luke Koepke and Jessica Dillien of Orlando Fl.; Grandparents are Robert and Sondra Koepke, of Orlando, Florida.
In the past week Mark and I attended the Morris area high school robotics team fundraiser at the high school cafeteria, the habitat for humanity fundraiser at the legion, and community dinner at Faith. Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the Good Shepherd Lutheran church annual meeting. They also attended the funeral for Joe Eystad at the Assumption church and the Larson fundraiser at Trinity in Cyrus.  I also attended the Donnelly Rod and
Gun fishing derby at Cottonwood lake about 2 dozen fish were caught.  It was announced that the annual meeting of the club would be held at West Pomme lodge this year on Apr 1st.  Membership has increased to the point where the Donnelly hall is too small to accommodate everybody.  They will also have a fishing contest on Pomme de Terre River in late June.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition Jan 18th -24th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
After enduring some of the coldest weather in many years temps finally moderated last week but as I am writing there is a blizzard going on does not look too bad here in town but most schools in the area are closed and no travel is advised in Traverse county
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Due to the weather the following changes are taking place in the weeks ahead:
The Kongsvinger annual meeting scheduled for Jan 19th has been postponed to Feb 2nd, after the 11 am service, however service times will remain as announced, St John’s at 8:30 a.m., Kongsvinger at 11 am, and this will also be the case on Feb 2nd. St John’s is Jan 26th, following joint services at 11 a.m., at St John’s; both meetings will be followed by a potluck dinner.
The parish is now on Facebook:
From Good Shepherd Lutheran Church: the annual meeting is Jan 19th following worship services (about 10 a.m.) with pot luck dinner to follow
We will be playing “bunko” on Jan 26th at the church after adult Ed
There will be Weekly bible study on Wednesdays at 9 am, no study on the 22nd. The study will be on the texts for the Sunday services. 
Other church news: Habitat for Humanity pancake breakfast on Jan 19th 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. @ legion in Morris
Options for women (life care Pregnancy center) will have an open house on Jan 23rd @ 6 pm at their new location 712 Atlantic ave. Morris
Bookmobile in town on Jan 20th@3:30 p.m. @ HD & co
Bar bingo at the “Place To Be”, starting Jan 17th @ 7pm benefiting the Donnelly Fire Department
There will be an Ice fishing derby at Cottonwood lake near Donnelly today, (Saturday), from 10 am -3 pm sponsored by the Donnelly Rod and Gun club.  More info Randy @ 589-4421 or Brad at 246-3307
The funeral for Joe Eystad is today (Saturday) @10:30 a.m. at Assumption –Morris.  Survivors include his cousins Jamey, Lee (Duke), and Robert Eystad of Donnelly and their families as well as a brother Dale (Connie) (Henrichs)
Donald Hayes Sr., who ran the Donnelly Red Owl Store during the 50’s, passed away age 89 at Farmington MN January 12th.
Confirmed at Faith on Jan 12th was Morgan Biesterfield (Walt and Kathi)
Becca Holland was recently named KMRS/KKOK player of the game
Jan 12th Mark and I were among the many from the area who attended the open house 60th wedding anniversary for Jim and Lou Eystad at Good Shepherd. The highlight of the afternoon was a chance to visit with PR. Luther and Sarah Johnson, and their family, who were up for the event. Karenna has grown up a lot since they left Donnelly. Earlier in the day I attended the hymn sing at Faith Lutheran-Morris. Jim, Lou and I also attended Bible study at Good Shepherd on Jan 15th

Thursday, January 9, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition Jan 11th-17th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
It has been bitterly cold the past week, the 6th was the coldest day (-25), we have had in a very long time; most churches in the area cancelled their services on Sunday due to the bitterly cold wind chills. Thankfully by the time you read this read this, temps should have moderated some
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Five broadcasts of the Lutheran worship hour on KMRS are available for sponsorship during the upcoming year contact the parish office for more details.
Due to the weather the following changes are taking place in the weeks ahead:
The open house at the parsonage in Donnelly scheduled for Jan 12th has been postponed to a later date
The Kongsvinger annual meeting scheduled for Jan 19th has been postponed to Feb 2nd, after the 11 am service, however service times will remain as announced, St John’s at 8:30 a.m., Kongsvinger at 11 am, and this will also be the case on Feb 2nd. St John’s is Jan 26th, following joint services at 11 a.m., at St John’s; both meetings will be followed by a potluck dinner.
The parish is now on Facebook:
From Good Shepherd Lutheran Church: the annual meeting is Jan 19th following worship services (about 10 a.m.) with pot luck dinner to follow
The newsletters for the Parish and Good Shepherd both came out last week ,extra copies are available in the back of all three churches.
There will be an open house in honor of Jim and Lou Eystad’s 60th wedding anniversary on Jan 12 at Good Shepherd –Morris from 2-4 p.m.
Other church news: community hymn sing on Jan 12 @ 2 p.m. at Faith-Morris, future ones are on Feb 9th (Assumption) and Mar 9th (Good Shepherd)
Habitat for Humanity pancake breakfast on Jan 19th 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. @ legion in Morris
Bookmobile in town on Jan 20th@3:30 p.m. @ HD & co
Bar bingo at the place to be starting Jan 17th @ 7pm
Jeanne Ennen was elected chair of the Stevens county commissioners
The following couples have or are celebrating significant wedding celebrations in Dec and Jan. Harvard and Karen Jaeck (55 yrs.) Lloyd and Celia Kill (35) Kevin and Sherry Wohlers (30) Jim and Lou Eystad (60) Ted and Karen Alm (60)
Joe Eystad of Morris passed away on Jan 4th survivors include his brother and sister- in law; Dale (Connie (Henrichs) of St Michael. Connie is a former Donnelly area resident, his funeral is Jan. 18th @10:30 a.m. at Assumption -Morris

I did not get out much in the last week due to the cold, Jan 3rd I attended the 60th birthday party for Doug Elders at Riverwood bank, Mark and I attended church at faith –Morris on Jan 5th, one of the few churches in the area that had services on Sunday and on Jan 8th I helped Jim and Lou Eystad with NAPS at the Morris senior center

Friday, January 3, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition 12/28-Jan 3rd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news and happy New Year
It has been very cold the past week, plus some snow, and some blowing and drifting. Most churches in the Morris area cancelled their services on Sunday due to the bitterly cold wind chills
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Five broadcasts of the Lutheran worship hour on KMRS are available for sponsorship during the upcoming year contact the parish office for more details.
Parsonage open house on Jan 12th 1-3 pm
Kongsvinger annual meeting is Jan 19th; St John’s is Jan 26th 
From Good Shepherd Lutheran Church: food shelf Sunday is Jan 5th; the annual meeting is Jan 19th
mission of the month is Mission Mexico; coffee money goes the SD rancher’s relief fund
other church news: There will be an Epiphany Tree Burning Service Sunday January 5th, at 5:00pm sponsored by First-Morris @the gravel pit by engebreston’s sanitary disposal service
community hymn sing on Jan 12 @ 2 pm at Faith-Morris, future ones are on Feb 9th (Assumption) and Mar 9th (Good Shepherd)
Habitat for humanity pancake breakfast on Jan 19th 8 am -12:30 pm @ legion in Morris
community news: Jan 6th red hatters at Herman bar and grill, bookmobile in town @3:30 pm, city council & rendsville 4-h @ 7pm

Lyla cin of the Donnelly area passed away on Dec 26th. Survivors include her sons Jerry (Wanda) Cin and family, and Bob of the Donnelly area. Gary smith and I attended her visitation on Nov. 29th and John and Joan Kopacek and I attended her funeral on Dec 30th both at Good Shepherd
Former Donnelly area resident Ken Johnson passed away on Dec 27th  .Donnelly area survivors include his wife Lois, niece ,Jeanne (Dale) Ennen, and their family. He used to work for the Stevens County highway Department and owned and operated the blacksmith shop on Main Street for many years. Steve Fults and I attended his funeral at Assumption on Jan 2nd
Former Donnelly area resident Melvin Gregerson of Minneapolis passed away on Dec 27th, his funeral was held on Dec 31st in Minneapolis with a private burial at Kongsvinger at a later date
Stuart Anderson of Elbow Lake passed away on Dec 24th survivors include his daughter Karen (Gary) Hubener and their family of Elbow Lake, Gary is a former Donnelly area resident
Les Bertram passed away on Jan 1st survivors include his wife Darlene. His funeral will be held on Mon Jan 6th at 11am at Eden reformed church in Herman
Camren Jeffrey guse was born on Dec 12th to David guse and Nicole Pederson of Elbow lake grandparents are Jim and Colleen Neal of Alberta formerly of Donnelley
Congratulations to Alisha Melberg on her new job at the Morris Sun Tribune
During the past week I have visited my aunt Pearl Anderson, Virginia Long and Gary Weers at their apartments in Morris and Cal and Jan Bumgardner                                                          in their home in Morris.
Mark was my guest for New Year’s Eve supper

Since it is the New Year time to remind everybody about how to get news to me, mail 11 e9th st Morris 56267, ph. 320-2585-6435 I also have news boxes at po & HD &co in Donnelly and McCollar jewelry in Morris. Deadline for Donnelly news boxes is Mon noon McCollar’s Tue. Eve