Friday, April 26, 2013

donnelly news

Next edition April 27th –may 3rd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
 Weather news if the forecast is to be believed, by the time you read this spring will have finally arrived, with some mild temperatures, and none too soon for us winter weary Minnesotans. We had several inches of heavy wet snow on Monday afternoon, and Wednesday evening some more snow flurries.
 ST John’s/Kongsvinger News: services will be broadcast on the radio on April 28th at 11 am sponsored by Gary and Pat smith in memory of Erwin and Lena smith
There are two upcoming bridal showers in the parish the first one is for Mindy Janachovsky( Mark and Karen)  the 2nd one is for Dani Kloos (Phil and Kris)  I will have more info in later columns about dates  times and places. If you want to be on the shower committee for Mindy contact Jan Greiner or Peggy Wilke, for Dani- Gail Kloos
Good Shepherd news: Six weekly studies on "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S.Lewis will continue every Wednesday at 10:30 am and 7 p.m. until May 15th.

Other church news: the Peoria apostolic church choir will be in concert at the Morris area elementary school music hall today (Saturday) at 7: pm

Community news: Stevens County Humane Society will meet on April 29th @ 6:30 pm at the Morris senior center

Stevens County genealogical society will have their monthly meeting on May 2nd at 1:30 pm at the library in Morris
The red hatters will meet at the Herman bar and grill in Herman on May 6th at 9 am the rendsville 4-h and city council will meet at 7 pm at the fire hall and city hall
A 90th birthday party for former Donnelly resident Shirley Henrichs will be held at Trinity Lutheran church 735  e 2nd  st  in Milaca MN from 1-5 pm  on April 28th
Death notice: Don Kloos of Starbuck passed away on April 7th survivors include his wife former Donnelly area resident Helen (Kopel) and a sister Vionne (Darrell) Hadler of Donnelly. I attended his visitation on   April 23rd at the funeral home in Morris                            
Celebrations: Christa Bahr and Cody Greeley of Morris are pleased to announce their engagement   Christa is the daughter of Scott and Kathy Bahr of Morris. Cody is the son of Dan Greeley and Nancy Greeley of Alexandria.   Her   grandparents are Don and Sharon bahr of Morris                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Accomplishments: Chandler Erickson ended his tiger basketball career by named the outstanding defense award, leading the tigers in assists this year, and being named to west central conference all-conference team. The team itself was named section 6 AA academic championship award
Jacob Speer was a member of the tiger wrestling team that earned a silver award    in academics
Tyler Henrichs has been awarded a scholarship form the Fergus area college foundation
Mark Koepke and I attended the open house at the Morris co-op seed plant on April. 25th
Gabi Nienhaus was named to the b honor roll at Hancock H.S.
Amber Recker was one of the performers at the Morris area arts booster festival at Morris are hs on April 20th
Jeanne Ennen was one of the family members who helped Arden Frank celebrate his 70th birthday at the Grandview on April 20th, Mark Koepke and I stopped by his apartment in the late aft to wish him a happy birthday and to visit with his sisters Dianne and Carol for a few minutes
George and Elaine Harstad and I attended the 60th wedding anniversary for Wally and Peggy Horning at Bethlehem in Lutheran church in Herman. If offered me an opportunity to visit with my former neighbor Delano Meyer for a while.  I had not seen him since he and Linda returned from a short term missionary trip to Africa earlier this year
Jack Fuchs and I traveled to Elbow Lake on April 22nd for the MN for Marriage rally in the eve afterwards I visited Mark koepke in his apartment it was his first night there.
April 23rd Mark Koepke and I attended the Morris area chamber cookout fundraiser at Willie's super Valu, in the eve Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the mission event with K.K. Alavia at Good Shepherd
Mark Koepke and I attended the spring rummage sale and dinner at Faith Lutheran in Morris on April 24th earlier in the day I attended the “word at work” course at Good Shepherd
Thanks to Bob Burner for the co-op manager for this: The Donnelly co-op held it 93rd annual meeting at the Donnelly community center on April 5th
The coop had another successful year in 2012 with sale up again over $1.4 million resulting in total sale of $8.5 million + and a net savings of 420,250 (4.9%)
137,000 in cash was distributed to in patronage and $30,000 of equity were returned to patrons who turned 70
Cash returned over the last 6 years is over $800,000 and the total return to the community over the last 30 years exceeds $3.5 million
Dave Whitmore spoke about the purchase of a new 2013 variable rates custom fertilizer spreader which will now be available for variable  rate applications, Dave Johnserud Starbuck MN who is the newest elected Cenex- Harvest States board member reported 2012  earnings of $1.2 billion.  He also gave a very interesting report on the progress of the $1.3 billion investment, in a nitrogen processing facility, at Sprirtwood North Dakota
The two current directors up for reelection were re-elected the Kongsvinger Church Lutheran women served a delicious lunch

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