Next edition
November 17-23rd
Welcome to another
edition of the of the Donnelly news
Weather news:
The weather has been cool damp with rain/snow off and on during the last week
Johns/Kongsvinger News The Kongsvinger fall festival will be held on November
18th beginning at 11 am, service times will switch on that Sun with
services at Kongsvinger at 8:30 am and Saint John’s at 11 am
eve services will be held at Saint John’s on November 21st at 7 pm
followed by lunch and fellowship
The parish will once again have hat /mitten tree for the
Salvation Army toys for tots program contact the parish office (246-3211) for
info on needed/wanted items
Good Shepherd news: The mission of the
month is the New International Health services; coffee money goes to the local Salvation
Army unit
There will
be a special meeting of the congregation on November 18th following
services (about 10 am) to vote on an addition to the building; that will be
followed by the annual meeting, followed by a pot luck dinner.
Thanks to
the highway department for putting up a new direction sign for the church on
highway 9
eve services will be at held on November 21st at 7 pm followed by
lunch and fellowship
No women’s
Bible study or confirmation November 21st regular schedule will
resume on November 28th
Saugstad will give a presentation about his mission trip to Honduras during Adult
Ed on November 25th
Mission fest
at Trinity Cyrus on November 18th from 11 am- 2 pm
Sing a long at Eden Reformed church in Herman on November 25th at 6
pm coffee and refreshments to follow
Day dinner at the United Methodist church in Herman on November 21st
from noon to 1 pm, free will offering
There will
be a 80th birthday party for Ruth Bengston today (Saturday) at the Morris
senior center from 2-4 pm
Blake and
Gabrielle Strittmatter were born recently to Steve and Krystal (Engbly)
Strittmatter. Grandparents are Steve and the late Cathy Engbly. There will be
baby shower for them today (Saturday) at Grandpa Steve’s farm 12615 160th st
Hoffman from 10 am-noon,
Elizabeth Amthauer was born recently to Brad and Robyn (Werk) Amthauer.
Grandparents are Bob and Phyllis Werk. There will be a baby shower for her November
24th at the Rollie and Jan Greiner farm 13842 state highway 9 Donnelly MN
Faith Linda
Erdahl was born on October 22, 2012 at Lakewood Health System in Staples, to
Joshua and Kayla Erdahl of Alexandria.
Grandparents are Jeff Harstad of Donnelly and the late Linda Harstad,
Steve and Sue Erdahl-Nelson of Donnelly and the late Bruce Erdahl.
Great-grandparents are Edward and Sandy Backman, Shirley and Paul Lohmyer,
Eugene Harstad, Bernice Erdahl and Dorothy Kiser.
Nicole Wittern
passed away on November 12 survivors include her husband Jeremyah and daughter Jada
Leigh; sisters: Jessica, Andrea, and Samantha; her mother: Becky Bergstrom; her
grandmother: Irene Strand and their families. Her funeral is today (Saturday) at
Dorothy Bour
of St Paul passed away on November 5th. Survivors include her sister
in law Pearl A. Anderson, She and her son Jody traveled to St Paul for the
memorial service on November 8th.
Marion Beck
of Morris passed away on November 10th survivors include her
daughter in law, former Donnelly resident, Joyce (Ersted) (Ken) Beck her
funeral is November 24th at Federated
Stoneburg of Herman passed away recently survivors include his uncle Verle
(Della) Dunn, his funeral is Nov. 19th at Bethel in Herman
Larson was recently elected as reporter for the Herman Norcross Future Farmers
of America chapter
Members of
the Stevens County Genealogical Society Board met at the Hoffman Nursing Home on
November 8th. Marvel Wagner was recently re-elected to the Board.
A good crowd
was on hand at Valu Fords’ customer appreciation event at the National Guard
Amory on November 1st ,I had an opportunity to visit with my former
neighbor Gary Huebner there, he said was his grandson’s first birthday
A good crowd
was on hand at the Shalom Lutheran church in Alexandria on November 10th
for the Elroy and Loiann Frank benefit and at the Legion for the Hafker family
one. Enroute to Alexandria I stopped the Starbuck home and visited with Denny
Anderson’s daughter Jill (he was sleeping) and at the Hanson home in Glenwood to
visit with Pr. Martha.
A good crowd
was on hand at the Salem convent church near Pennock on November 10th
for the concert by the Ophoveron family band. Molli says they have tentative
plans to be at the Morris Evangelical Free Church on Christmas Eve
November 13th
I visited my aunt Pearl A. Anderson in her apartment at the sunrise apartments,
Opal Harstad in hers at the Green River apartments, and Gary Weirs at the
November 14th
I attended the final ILT course as GS plans are to have another one this spring.
Jim and Lou
Eystad attended the Veterans Day program at the Morris area schools on November
12th Jim was one of those honored
bookmobile will be in town on November 28th
The po and
most Donnelly business will be closed on November 22nd
Since this
is thanksgiving week I want to say thank you to all my loyal readers who have
made this column the success it is.
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