Friday, May 25, 2012

donnelly news

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. Remember if you are going to be gone this summer you can keep up on the Donnelly news via my blog The weather has been sunny and mild for most of the last week with some showers sprinkled in. It rained most of the day on Wednesday. From the St. John’s/ Kongsvinger parish: There will be joint services at Kongsvinger at 8:30 a,m, on May 27. The summer schedule starts on June 3. Services will be held at Kongsvinger at 8:30 a.m. and St. John’s at 10:15 a.m. Lutheran Sunday School Pins were awarded to children in the parish on May 20. Mason Dunn was given a pin for perfect attendance during the 2011-2012 year. More awards are posted on my blog. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news: adult Bible studies will resume after services on June 3. Most Donnelly area business will be closed on May 28 in honor of Memorial Day. The Stevens County Republicans are tentatively scheduled to meet on May 29. Rose Athey informs that there will be women’s softball games Thursday evenings in June at Aanerud Field. Due to a decrease in numbers there will not be any Little League games in Donnelly this summer. West Central Minnesota Community Action of Elbow Lake is looking for people to loan them ladders for the group work camp in Brandon in mid-June. If you have any you are willing to share, them call 800-492-4805. There will be an open graduation party for Cody Eystad June 2 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Donnelly Hall. There will be an open house on June 3 at Pomme de Park near Morris in honor of Cliff and Betty Johnson’s golden anniversary. Jim Sack of Paynesville passed away on May 11. Survivors include his daughter Lori (Corey) Jacobson. Kyler Dean Smith was born on March 26 to Nathan and Heather Smith of Morris. Grandparents are Roger and Sherry Gausman of Alberta and Richard and Suzanne Smith of Morris. Great grandmother is Pauline Smith. Brian Wall and Michelle DuMont were married on May 18. Brain’s parents, Jim and Bonnie Wall of Donnelly, along with family and friends, participated in the celebration. The couple is honeymooning on the North Shore and will be making their home in Sauk Rapids. Congratulations to Calista Kill who finished first in the 3rd grade division of loyalty day contest at St Mary’s school in Morris. Congratulations to Jonna Moser who was recently presented with the extra mile award for the 8th grade students of quarters at Morris Area High School Congratulations to Morris Area/Chokio-Alberta softball team that won the conference championship. Megan Mecklenburg and Olivia Reimers are members of that team. Congratulations to Leon and Marilyn Smith on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. The Morris Area/Chokio-Alberta girls’ track team finished sixth at the conference track meet. Kourtney Geise finished third in the 800, MaKenzie Smith took second in the 1600, and first in the 3200 meter and she also finished 11th in the discus. Rebekah Aanerud finished eighth in the 100 hurdles and fifth in the 300 hurdles, Beth Holland was a member of the 4x100 relay team that finished second, the 4x200 relay team that finished first, and she and Kourtney were members of 4x400 relay team that finished second, Kourtney and Savannah Aanerud were members of the 4x800 team that finished first. Rebekah finished in a tie for tenth in the pole vault. Donnelly-connected ladies installed as VFW Auxiliary officers President Joan Kopacek, Chaplain Jerry Kopacek, Guard Virene Olson, Trustees Liz Ascheman and Rose Uhden, and Banner Bearer Jeanne Ennen. On May 12th Jim and Lou Eystad traveled to Springfield to help Karenna Johnson celebrate her 10th birthday. They stayed overnight at the home of her parents Rev. Luther and Sarah Johnson and attended services at his church the next day before returning home. On May 14, Doug Ohman gave a very good presentation on “Libraries of Minnesota” at the Morris Public Library. He told me I was to say hello to the people of Donnelly. On May 16, I visited Ruth Strand at her home in Morris. She informs me I made an error in a previous column. Todd Strand’s mother, Vivian, is still living. On May 17 I stopped in to see George Kramer. His wife Joyce is home now after recuperating from surgery at the West Wind Village. That evening I attended visitation for Carol Hickman. On May 18, I attended visitation for Leo Stein. Please note that due to space limitations most of my “travel reports” for the past several weeks have been moved to my blog I recently learned that my dad’s little friend, Abby Kruize, had passed away. She and her “father” Richard came to see Dad just about every week for several years. I plan to recognize area graduates in next week’s column if you have somebody graduating let me know.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

ss awards

Lutheran Sunday School Pins were awarded to those who were absent 4 Sundays or less. 1st Year - Amaya Raths 3rd Year - Courtney Lehman, Austin Raths 4th Year - Travis Fults, Brandon Jergenson, Kylie Mau, Tristan Raths 5th Year - Garrett Eystad 6th Year - Lee Eystad 7th Year - Logan Mau 8th Year - Samantha Greiner 11th Year - Mason Dunn, Makayla Mau 2011/2012 Perfect Attendance - Mason Dunn Welcome gifts were handed to our Pr-K spring class group - Scarlet Bergstrom, Addison Cihak, Bryce Lehman, Lydia Pollard. Recognition Awards were presented to the following. Kindergarten - Charity Johnson 1st Grade - Andrew Longoria 2nd Grade -Connor Johnson 3rd Grade - Destiny Pollard 5th Grade - Brady Cardwell 8th Grade - Brittany Cardwell, Brady Jergenson

Friday, May 18, 2012

donnelly news

Next edition may 12th -18th Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news Weather news: the weather has been sunny and mild for most of the last week. It looks like most farmers in the area have got their fields planted and the crops that are up are looking very nice S J/Kong parish news: there will be joint services with Holy Communion at St J on May 20th @11 a.m. This will be baccalaureate Sun with a brunch at 10 am and our grads be honored during the services. The ss kids will also sing and awards will be presented. There will be a special meeting after services on May 20th for St J members to consider an amendment to their constitution. There will be joint services at Kong at 8:30 am on May 27th The women’s book club will meet on May 23rd at 1:30 pm at Jeanne Ennen’s house. Please note change of date GSLC news: On May 20th Erin Koehntop from someplace safe will be leading an adult forum after services. It is also new member Sun The May mission of the month is Sola publishing and the coffee money will go to Lutheran Island Bible camp near Henning and Battle Lake. The Republican Party’s state convention concludes today (Sat) in St Cloud the st co rep party is tentatively scheduled to meet on May 29st time and place TBA. There will be city wide garage sales in Donnelly today (Sat) I have a few odds and ends for sale at site of the old blacksmith shop across from the t bee grounds The Pomme de Terre garden club will have a plant sale today (sat) at eastside park There will be CPR class at the st co ambulance garage on May 23rd at 7 pm Carol Hickman of Morris passed away on May12th. Survivors include her son Mark, Donnelly; daughter Deann (Jason Fjeld) Recker; and a brother Darryl (Vionne) Hadler. Leo Stine of Morris passed away on May 14th; survivors include his daughter Kathy (Scott) Bahr of Donnelly The Morris/ C-A girls finished second at the true track meet held at Minnewaska on May 14th. Beth Holland finished 8th in the 100; Kourtney Geise 4th in 800, MaKenzie Smith finished third the 1600 & 3200, Rebekah Aanerud finished 13th in the 100, and 8th in 300 hurdles, and seventh in the pole vault and 12th in the shot put, Beth Holland was a member of the 4 x100 relay team that finished first, Beth and Kourtney were members of the 4 x 400 relay team that finished third, and Kourtney was a member of the 4x 800 relay team that finished third They won the meet at Ortonville: Beth finished 2nd in the 200 meter run and was a member of the 4 x100 and 4 x200 relay teams that finished first MaKenzie won the 400 and placed 2nd in the discus; Kourtney finished third in the 800, she and McKenzie were members of the 4 x 800 relay team that finished first; Savannah Aanerud was 5th in the 800, Rebecca finished first in the 100 hurdles, and 2nd in the 300, and fifth in the pole vault. Congratulations to Castelli Kill who finished first in the 3rd grade division of loyalty day contest at St Mary’s school in Morris Congratulations to Jonna Moser who was recently presented with the extra mile award for the 8th grade students of quarters at MAHS Congratulations to Morris /C-A soft ball team that won the WCCS championship, Megan Mecklenburg and Olivia Reimers are members of that team. Donnelly connected ladies installed as VFW Auxiliary officers the 15th of May were President Joan Kopacek, Chaplain Jerry Kopacek, Guard Virene Olson, Trustees Liz Ascheman and Rose Uhden, Banner Bearer Jeanne Ennen. May 3rd the st co gen soc had their last meeting of the year the next one is scheduled for Sept 6th. Later in the day I helped out with some the landscaping work at GSLC and stopped into the Morris E Free Church for the ndp. May 4th, Jerry and Joan Kopacek and I helped out at the food distribution program in Donnelly, in the eve I traveled to Hoffman for the visitation for Martian Pasche at the Erickson –Smith funeral home. His son is a friend of mine. A good crowd was on hand for the visitation for Jack Ritter at the Pederson funeral home May 4th and his funeral on May 5th at Zion in Morris. He was a distant relative of mine. Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended services at gs on May 6th and the reclaim hymnal forum led by PR Norm Olsen afterwards Jack Fucks and I were among those who helped pick rocks at gs on May 9th May 11th I spent some time in Hancock taking in the all town rummage sales May 12th a good crowd was on hand for my aunt Pearl’s auction sale in Donnelly. Later I traveled to Herman for their first ever fun fest, thanks to hdc for the gift cert I won from Perkins in Alex. Thanks to the generosity of area merchants almost everybody went home a winner. afterwards I visited Selma Bruse in her apt Jenny, Kaylene, Ashely and Megan Mecklenburg played and sang for the mother’s day program at the WWV on May 13th. Afterwards I visited some of the residents there. May14th Doug Ohman gave a very good presentation of “libraries of MN” at the Morris public library. He told me I was to say “Hi” to the people of Donnelly. Since I went there instead of to the community club meeting I do not know if he will be coming back to the bee this year. May 15th I was a supper guest of Pastors Mike and Martha Hanson and family at their home in Glenwood, afterwards PR Mike and I traveled to the Glenwood library to hear Doug Ohman. On May 16th I visited Ruth Strand at her home in Morris she informs me I made an error in a previous column. Todd Strands mother (Vivian) is still living. I recently learned that dad’s little friend “Abby Kruize” passed away. She and her “father” Richard came to see Dad just about every week for several years. The last time I saw Richard I told him I was disappointed she was not along with him.

Friday, May 11, 2012

donnelly news

Next edition may 12th -18th Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news. I want to wish my mom a happy mother’s day up in heaven Weather news: the weather has been a mixture of some nice sunny days and a few days of rain. In my trip to Donnelly on Wed I saw that there was still a fair amount of fields that needed to be planted yet. S J/Kong parish news: there will be joint services with Holy Communion at St J on May 20th @11 a.m. This will be baccalaureate sun with a brunch at 10 am and our grads be honored during the services. The ss kids will also sing and awards will be presented. If you have a grad this yr. please let the parish office know a.s.a.p. There will be a special meeting after services on May 20th for St J members to consider an amendment to their constitution. The women’s book club will meet on May 23rd at 1:30 pm at Jeanne Ennen’s house. Please note change of date GSLC news: On May 20th Erin Koehntop from someplace safe will be leading an adult forum after services. The May mission of the month is Sola publishing and the coffee money will go to Lutheran Island Bible camp near Henning and Battle Lake. There is now a phone in the church 585-6868 Tickets are now on sale for the New Wine performances at First Lutheran on May 12th & 13th dessert at 6 pm The Donnelly community club will meet at 7pm in the Donnelly hall on May 14th. “We walk by faith” ladies tea at First Baptist church in Morris on May 18th Doug Ohman will present a program “libraries of MN” at the Morris public library on May 14th at 6:30 pm. He has been at our threshing bee several times and is very, very good. My aunt pearl’s sale is today (sat) at her house in Donnelly beginning at 10 am see the ad in the classy canary and paper The Donnelly community club will meet on May 14th at the hall and the firemen will meet at 7pm at the fire hall The VFW Auxiliary “Pillow Cleaning” is 15 May 7:30 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. at Old #1 South Side. For more info call 246-3381 The state republican party will have their convention on May 18 and 19th in St Cloud There will be a Syttende Mai luncheon at First Lutheran Church in Morris on May 17th from 11 am 1 pm. For advance sale tickets call 760-4431or they will be available at the door There will be city wide garage sales in Donnelly on May 18th and 19th There will be CPR class at the st co ambulance garage on May 23rd at 7 pm Bruce Kyle Erdahl was born on May 1st to Aaron and Kayla Erdahl. Grandparents are Steve and Sue Erdahl-Nelson and the late Bruce Erdahl, Kevin and Sherry Wohlers, great grandparents are Bernice Erdahl and Connie Wohlers The following were awards winners from the Morris chapter at the state ffa convention held recently: Beth Holland, Jonna Moser, and Rebekah Aanerud were member of the novice parliamentary team that won bronze ;Melanie Van Horn was a member of the ag issues team that placed 2nd,Jesse Disselkamp (36th overall)was a member of the ag mechanics team that won bronze, Jake Moser(19th) was a member of the general livestock program that won gold; Cody Eystad took bronze in soil, Jesse Disselkamp(179th) was a member of the small animals team that took bronze overall, Becca (66th)and Beth (17th) Holland were members nursery team that finished 7th ,Tom Holland (20th)was a member of the ag services team that took 3rd,Kaitlin VanHorn (44th) and John Huebner (74th)was a member of farm management team that took silver. Among the proficiency award winners were Jake Moser 2nd diversified Ag production, Kallin Van Horn 3rd vegetable production, and Brody Bahr 2nd place swine production placement. Jake Moser was a state FFA degree receipt. As a chapter they had the highest attendance of any chapter in MN, they placed 8th overall in the national chapter award program, second in the ag literacy challenge place and in the top ten in the land of service project. The chapter also received $2500 from Mark and Karen Van Horn, who won the money for them in the “grow communities program” sponsored by Monsanto At the bpa national convention held recently in Chicago Syd Beyer was named a torch bearer, and Carly Gullickson a national bpa intern Congratulations to Joan and Jerry Kopacek, Virene Olson, and Liz Aschman who were recently elected as officers of the VFW auxiliary The Morris/ C-A girls track team continues to have a very successful season they recently finished first at the Melrose quad and fourth at the Little Crow in New London; Kourtney Geise placed first in 800 ,Rebekah finished 2nd in the 100 hurdles and 2nd in the 300. Beth Holland was a member of the 4 x 100 the 4 x 200, and 4 x 400 relay teams that took first, she also placed 5th in the high jump. Kourtney and McKenzie Smith were members of 4 x 800 relay team that also placed first; McKenzie also finished first in the 3200 meter run and 2nd in the discus At the little crow Kourtney took 5th in the 800, she and Beth were member of the 4 x 400 relay team that place third, and Kourtney was a member of the 4 x 800 relay team that placed third. McKenzie took first in 1600 and 2nd in the 3200 meter races, Rebekah finished 14th in the 100 hurdles and 11th in the 300. Beth was a member of the 4x 100 and 4 x 200 relay teams that finished first

Friday, May 4, 2012

donnelly news

Next edition may 5th-11th Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news. Weather news: Most of last week was sunny and mild the weekend was fairly cool and rainy before turning nice again. A friend told me he had his corn planted and was going to start on beans this week S J/Kong parish news: The May newsletter .which contains the summer schedule, is now out; extra copies are available in the narthex of each church May 20th will be bachelorette sun if you have a grad this year please let the parish office know a.s.a.p. I also plan to recognize area grads in a future column GSLC news: Rev Norm Olsen from Reclaim resources and Erin Koehntop from someplace safe will be leading adult forums in May. Tickets are now on sale for the New Wine performances at first Lutheran on May 6th, 9th 12th & 13th dessert at 6 pm show at 7 pm The Red Hatters will meet at 1 pm at a place to be in Donnelly on May 7th the bookmobile will be in town at 3:30 pm the city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet at 7 pm The Donnelly community club will meet at 7pm in the Donnelly hall on May 14th. Doug Ohman will present a program “libraries of MN” at the Morris public library on May 14th at 7 pm. He has been at our threshing bee several times and is very, very good. My aunt pearl’s auction sale is on May 12th at her house in Donnelly beginning at 10 am see the ad in the classy canary The state republican party will have their convention on May 18 and 19th in st Cloud Brielle Renee Koehntop was born on April 23, 2012 at Douglas County Hospital to Kyle and Mandi Koehntop of Morris. Grandparents are Parker and Renee Kloos of Donnelly and Roger and Bonnie Koehntop of Morris. Great grandparents are Herb and Carol Kloos Martian Pasche of Hoffman passed away on Apr. 29th survivors include his sister in law Esther Pasche and her family his funeral is today (sat) at 11 am at Zion in Hoffman Jack Charles Ritter infant son of Adam and Karla (Long) Ritter of Morris died on Tuesday, May 1 at the Douglas County Hospital in Alexandria. His funeral is today (Sat) at 11 am at Zion in Morris Former Donnelly area resident Joan Bruns passed away on Apr 30th Ruth West of Florida passed away recently among her survivors is her brother Andy Brevig Brielle Renee Koehntop was born on April 23, at Douglas County Hospital to Kyle and Mandi Koehntop of Morris. Grandparents are Parker and Renee Kloos of Donnelly and Roger and Bonnie Koehntop of Morris. Great grandparents are Herb and Carol Kloos Brody James Pederson was born on April 24, to Ryan and Christina Pederson. Grandparents are Lyle and Correen Pederson of Dumont, and Gordy and Marge Smith of Rock Rapids, Iowa. Great grandmother is Virene Olson of Morris Congratulations to Kody Armstrong who made the honor role at WCA h.s Congratulations to Landon strand who recently earned a letter in speech (Discussion) He placed in the top 6 in all his meets this year Congratulations to Tristan Raths who won 2nd place at the state Jaycee wrestling tournament The Morris/ca girls track team placed third in the minnewaska meet. MaKenzie Smith finished 2nd in the 3200 meters, Rebekah Aanerud finished 4th in the 300 meter hurdles, Beth Holland was a member of the 4 x 100 relay team that finished 2nd, the 4x200 that finished 1st, the 4x 400 team that finished 4th, McKenzie was a member of the 4 x 800 team that finished first, she also finished third in the discus. The team finished 5th at the Breck meet with McKenzie Smith named outstanding distance runner she won both the 1600 and 3200 meter races and fished 9th in the discus Kourtney Geise finished 6th in the 400 was a member of the 4 x 800 relay team that finished din 4th , Rebekah finished 7th in the 100 hurdles and 6th in the 300 Beth was a member of the 4 x 100 relay team that finished 1st the 4 x 200 which finished 2nd she and Kourtney were members of the 4x400 which finished 6th she also placed 9th in the pole vault Apr 18th PR Mike Hanson and I enjoyed a visit at the common cup in Morris Apr 25th I visited with Sam and Dorothy Johrdheim in their house in Donnelly, the 27th I traveled to Dalton for the Haining family concert at Zion-Sarpsborg Free Lutheran On Apr. 28th I traveled to Glenwood where I met PR Mike Hanson at his home. From there we traveled to the Lcmc Augustana district convention at Christ the King church in Hutchinson. It was a very informative and interesting day; learning about the reclaim hymnal, institute of Lutheran Theology, other mission start churches in the area etc. Enroute home I stopped to visit Inga Mae Urke at her home in Starbuck Apr 29th a full church was on hand for confirmation services at gslc, later I traveled to Kong for the new wine benefit dinner Apr 30th Andy Brevig, Steve Fults and I attended the st co rep central committee meeting at Morris library. We heard from Craig Bishop the 7th district chairman and Scott Dutcher the 12A candidate for state rep. the next meeting was tentatively scheduled for May 21st. Enroute home May 1st I stopped into McCollar Jewelry for one of my frequent visits with Wally Jim and Lou Eystad visited some friends at the wwv one day last week, May 2nd they were among those who helped with the commodity distribution at the senior center in Morris As many of you have seen and/or heard my farm place(s) are no more they were demolished by the new owner several weeks ago