Saturday, March 3, 2012


Next edition mar 3rd –Mar 9th Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news. Please note that due to weekly bible study I will be checking my boxes on Thursday a.m. for the next few weeks Weather news: Well it is tournament time in MN so that means it’s time for the first major storm of the winter. It started snowing Tue eve and continued until about mid -morning Wed. Most schools in the area were closed and many other activities were cancelled or ppd., so snow removal equipment is getting it first major workout of the year. The saving grace is that temps have remained fairly mild and are forecast to remain so meaning the snow will not be here too long. Thanks to the Good Samaritan who blew out part of my sidewalk today appreciated having less to shovel! St J/Kong parish news: Lenten services will again alternate between Kong (Mar 14th) and St J (Mar 21st) this year with services at 7 pm coffee fellowship to follow. There will be a parish bible study “Christ in the strangest places” during lent at ST J on Thursday am at 10:30 am and repeated in the eve at Kong at 7 pm.. The advent quarter offering this year will be split between the local SA unit and Lutheran World Relief The St J welca will have their annual st pat’s day party at the wwv on Mar 16th at 2:30 PM Mar is food shelf month the parish will be collecting donations of nonperishable food items and finical donations for the st co food shelf. There are carts in the narthex of ea. church. Annual reports are in the narthex of each church. If you have not picked your copy up please so and if you can deliver some that would be appreciated too GSLC news: from now until the end of lent there will be a pot luck supper at 5:45 pm with services at 6:45 pm at the church, for more info call PR Mike. West central homes will have their annual meeting on Mar 11th at Zion in Morris The glacial ridge assembly of the elca will be held on Mar 11th at 2:00 pm at Our Redeemers Lutheran church in Benson If you are a member of Thrivent you have until Mar 31st to designate where your Thrivent choice dollars go contact your local Thrivent agent for more into or call1- 800- Thrivent or visit The annual meeting of the Donnelly community club will be held on Mar 12th at the Donnelly hall beginning with a meal at 6:30 pm followed by the meeting, rsvp’s requested at donnellythreshingbee @ or ph. 795-2440. If you cannot make it to the meeting but would like to join you can mail your dues to the Donnelly community club Donnelly MN 56235 The fireman will meet at the fire hall on Mar 12th at 7 pm Township elections will be held on Mar 13th contact your town clerk or the county auditor for times and places. The 2012 Viking land phone directory published by RTA is now out extra copies are available at HD & co in Donnelly as well as other places in their service area JoAnn Gustafson of Ogema passed away on Feb 26th. Survivors include her daughter Dona (Greg) Greiner of Donnelly and their family. Jayda Rey Hormann was born on February 15, 2012 at Essentia Health in Fargo N.D. to Devin Hormann and Chelsea Ringler of Fargo N.D. Grandparents are Dean and Leila Hormann of Starbuck and Scott and Ione Ringler of Winona. Great grandparents are John DeLong of Morris formerly of Donnelly and Duane and Lavonne Ringler of Winona. I have a long list of “honorees” this week so congratulations go out to: The c-a skills fest team that finished 3rd in a recent meet Brady Gillespie is a member of that team Brady Jergenson who was named a tiger pride winner recently Levin Strand, who was recently confirmed, at the Eden reformed church in Herman Kirby Hufford who was recently appointed to the board of swcd the wcroc that was named as Stevens county‘s outstanding conservationist of the year. Lee Johnston is the director of operations out there. Adam Erickson on his new job as wetland specialist at the NRCS The “boet” team at Mahs that took 2nd in the area and 4th in the Minn. state envirothon, Natalie Johnston was a member of that team, the simply superior team which took 5th place in the area one, Brody Bahr was a member of that team Judy Johnston who received the 2011 MACDE extraordinary contribution award Shannon Kill who was a conservation poster winner from St Mary’s Elaine Harstad and I were among those who attended bible study at St J on Feb 23rd. On Feb 24th I picked my aunt Pearl Anderson up at the sunrise apartments. We then traveled to Donnelly for the co-op meeting where we were both lucky to win door prizes, she a coat, me a gift certificate. A good crowd was on hand for the meeting, the co-op had another good year again .After I dropped her off at the apts I preceded to the green rivers apt where I visited Opal and Vedar Harstad and Karen Long. Karen said she had been to visit my cousin Bev at the Barrett home recently. I then stopped to visit with Gary Weise for a while in his apt and enroute home stopped at McCollar jewelry for one of my frequent visit with Wally. In the eve Lee and Judy Johnston and I were among those who attended FFA alumni supper and auction at mahs. Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the open house at the main street galleria in Hoffman on Feb 25th. Afterwards I visited Don Larson and Marvel Wagner at the good Sam home. Don was recently named king at the home; I told him I hoped he could attend the open house at his tire shop in Herman on the 9th Don Speer and I were among those of us who attended the faith and home seminar at the Maes music hall on Feb 26th Barry and Nancy Erdahl were among the Lions helping out the community supper at the senior center on Feb 27th. Their next event will be the pancake breakfast at the KMRS/KKOK expo on Mar 11th at the Lee center. Feb 28th I spent some time visiting Jerry Kopacek and other friends at the WWV

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