Saturday, January 7, 2012


Next edition Jan 7th-13th. Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news Weather news: Instead of a white Christmas, we had a white new year’s day after some rain turned to freezing drizzle then snow making for some slippery roads over the weekend. Some strong winds made it feel colder than it was but temps are forecast to warm up later this week and then much of the snow and ice should be gone St J/Kong parish news: the regular schedule resumes on Jan 8th with services at Kong at 8:30 am (followed by coffee hr. in the church basement) and at 11 a.m. at St J (coffee hr. beforehand) and parish ss at Kong at 9:45 am it will also be communion Sunday as well as on the 15th. The Jan newsletter for the parish is now out; extra copies are available in the narthex of each church. GSLC News: adult forums will resume in the church following coffee hour on Jan 8th, new member sun is Jan 15th. The movie “courageous” will be shown on Jan 8th at the Morris E Free Church. Free will offering The first Lutheran church will have an epiphany tree burning service at 5 pm at the gravel pit east of Morris followed by a chili supper at the church Rev Paul Erdal will be installed as the new pastor of first Lutheran on Jan 15th at the 8:15 and 10: 45 am services followed by a pot luck dinner after the second service. He is the former pastor of our Savior’s Lutheran church in Chokio. The movie a “shot in the dark” will be shown at first Lutheran on Jan 20th at 7 pm free will offering Habit for humanity will hold their annual pancake breakfast fundraiser on Jan 15th beginning at 8; 30 am at the legion in Morris. The Donnelly branch of UFMSB will now be open on Tue and Fri. The red hats will meet on Jan 9th at 1 pm at the place to be in Donnelly. Danny and Yvonne Kloos and I, were among those who attended the visitation for Helen Kloos at the funeral home on Dec 29th and her funeral at Kong on the 30th. As I have said before the “upside” of attending a funeral is meeting with people you have not seen for a long time and Fri was one of them as this was the first time I had seen all of Thelma (Kloos) Brandt’s girls in many years Millie Asmus of Morris formerly of the Donnelly area passed away on Jan 2. Her funeral is today (Sat) at 10 am at GSLC of rural Morris Lynn and Shelia Shultz and I attended New Year’s Eve services at Zion Lutheran on Dec 31s Ellen Wilts, Lou Eystad, and Jerry Itzen were among those helping with commodity distribution at the senior center on Jan 4th, Lou said that Jim was up in the hospital but he was discharged on Thur. PR Mike Hanson, Chuck Spohr and I enjoyed lunch together at the common cup on Jan 4th. I am still being asked where I live so here is my new contact info again 11 e9th St. Morris MN 56267 Ph. 585-6435 288-8692 e-mail

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