Sunday, September 11, 2011


Next edition sept 10th-16th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news a record low temp on Mon a.m. is a vivid reminder that summer is coming to an end. The crops around here looked better than those I saw on my trips to eastern and northern MN last week. The grain harvest is pretty much wrapped up; some of the beans are starting to turn the corn cobs look good.
STJ/KONG PARISH News: Rally sun will be held on Sept 11th at Kong, ss at 9 am, joint services at 10:15 am, dinner will follow services furnished by the parish. There will also be cake and ice cream served in honor of Kongsvinger’s 135th anniversary. Third graders will receive their bibles, ss teachers will be installed, and the confirmation students will kick off their third annual drive for “churches united for the homeless” in Morehead. The fall schedule begins on Sept 18th with services at 8:30 am (K) and 11 am (st j) parish .ss will be at Kong at 9:45 am, there will be a coffee hour at Kong in the church basement following services and at St J before services.

The sept newsletter is now out extra copies are available in the narthex of each church.
GSLC news: the gs rummage sale concludes today (sat) from (8-11 am) at the old prairie trailer building on HY 28 w to sell items from the old gs church; Rally sun is Sept 11th at 9 am, PR Mike will also be starting a new bible study after services at 10:45 am
St Charles Catholic Church of Herman will have their annual fall festival with turkey dinner on Sept 11th at the legion from 11 am-1 pm
Zion Lutheran in Morris will have an open house on sept 11th services at 9 am fellowship 10 am bible study at 10:30 am potluck dinner at noon.
September fest will be held on sept 18th at assumption catholic church in Morris beginning with mass at 10 am and continuing throughout the day with dinner, classic vehicle show, raffle etc.

Women of the word Augustana dist. conference will be held on Oct 1 beginning at 9:30 am at Faith Lutheran in Hutchinson, please register by sept 15th

Due to the Labor Day holiday WAM will meet today (Sat) at the Minnewaska Lutheran home. Coffee at 9:30 am, program at 10 am. The program is a DVD by Rev Steve King entitled “law and gospel” everyone welcome for more info call 795-2477

There will be a surprise open house for Lillian Heinrich at the Morris sr. center from 1-3 pm on sept 11th
The red haters, city council, fireman, Rendsville 4-h and community club will meet on Sept 12th in various places and times in Donnelly. Check with your leader for times and places. Remember that always the community club welcomes any and all ideas about the bee and /or other events. Feel free to come to any meeting or contact one of the officers
Niemakel Lake park day will be held on Sept 18th at the park which is about halfway between Donnelly and Herman
The Donnelly rod and gun club will have their annual trap shoot on Sept 11th at Harstad’s slough ne corner of Donnelly from 1-4 pm
Thanks to Evelyn Underwood for the following info: the first Donnelly threshing bee was held in 1965 at the Oscar and Ruth Aanerud farm near Donnelly. It has been held at the same site ever since. The Lutheran churches of the area started the threshing bee and did it for two years with proceeds going to the west central homes. In 1968 the Donnelly commercial club now the community club took over the project. Fred Gerber, bill underwood, Roy Flugel and Jim root started this community project in 1968 and it became an annual jubilee and threshing bee.
I remember that the first bee was held in Sept and I walked down to the grounds after school. The first bees were held on Fri and Sat because Albin Kling who owned the steamer would not thrash on Sun. Fred Moerke owned the separator. A big tent was used for serving meals until the steel shed was erected and other buildings were added as the years went along. We hope we can continue to build on what they started for many more years.
Congratulations to the following 4 her’s who won awards in the livestock division at the state fair: Blake Koser (blue) Jake and Jenna Moser (blue) and MaKenzie Smith (blue). Natalie Johnston was a member of the sr. livestock judging team that won third place; she won a blue for her crossbred market barrow ,received a call back for showmanship, and was named an interview winner and won a MN Livestock breeder association auction scholarship
Congratulations to MaKenzie smith who was the individual winner at the Morris area/c- a cross country invitational on Aug 30th
A couple more results from the bee the “super heroes” defeated the “Harstad” team for the sb championship and Chris Athey construction won the consolation championship, Tom Clfuman won the people’s choice award at the car show.
Donald Roy Heikkinen of Hancock passed away on Sept 5th among the family that survive him is wife Anita and her parents Ron and Janet Bouressa.
Deanna Heuer and I were among those from the area who boarded a bus in Morris to the state fair on sept 1st
Steve Fults and I were among those who attended the metal to money sale near Hoffman on sept 2nd.
Sept 3-5th I camped out at Rollag attending the wmstr. It was an enjoyable time but also very tiring as it is a very big show. Next year they will have a gathering of the red tractors (IH) and they promise it will be the biggest show ever.

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