Monday, September 26, 2011

donnelly news

Next edition sept 24th-30th Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. Weather news; the growing season is now over as we had a killing frost last week, temps tied a record low on Thursday am. We’ve also had some rain this week however it was basically a case of too little too late. Correction the phone # for Mark koepke is 407-286-3978 . STJ/KONG PARISH News: The fall schedule with services at 8:30 am (K) and 11 am (ST J) is now in effect. Parish .ss will be at Kong at 9:45 am, there will be a coffee hour at Kong in the church basement following services and at St J before services. There will be two day cleaning event in the Kong basement the first one will be today (sat) to wash down the walls (there is a mold problem) and the second one will be on Oct 1st. work will start at 9 am both days. The LWR/ Marie Sandvick center clothing drive will be on Sept 30th if you have items to donate please have them at church by Sept 25th. The confirmation servant event churches united for the homeless in Moorhead has begun; you can bring items to the church from now until the event in Oct. For more info on acceptable items for all the org contact the parish office. If you have a cd of the Kong quartet concert that does not work anymore you can return it to parish office or Jeanne Ennen (with your name on it) and it will be redone for you at no charge. GSLC news: The play “godly women out of history” will be presented at the church on Sept 25th at 7 pm. The fall grief share recovery seminar/support group will start on Sept 26th at the Morris e free church in Morris and continue for the next 13 weeks, for more info call 589-2614 Believers, BBQ, and bluegrass will be held at Lincoln Lutheran church of rural Hoffman on Sept 25th. There will be a BBQ following the 11 am worship service followed by a concert by Monroe crossing at 1 pm. advance sale tickets for the BBQ and/or the concert can be reserved by calling 528-2508. Tickets will also be available at the door but will cost more. Faith Lutheran will have their fall sale and supper on Sept 28th from 4-8 pm. The SA is sponsoring a theme table brunch and silent auction quirky boutique on Oct 1st beginning with table viewing at 9:30 am and Brunch at 10:30 am. Tickets will be available at the door. For more info contact Carol Wilcox at 589-3945 LCM will have an open house at the Christus house in Morris during umm homecoming on Oct 1st from 2-5 pm. At 3:30 pm there will a presentation by the student leaders on their mission trip to Calif. last spring. I saw the presentation last spring and it was very good so if you missed it then make plans to attend this one. Luther crest’s fall harvest festival will be held at Luther crest bible camp near Alex on Oct 1st beginning at 9:30 am. Contact the camp at 320-846-2431 for more info. The fmsc packing event in Morris raised $44,000, 1106 volunteers packed 231,552 meals enough to feed 634 kids for a year. The st co gen soc will meet on Oct 6th at 1:30 pm at the library in Morris On Oct 3rd the red hatters; city council; and Rendsville 4-h will meet in Donnelly and the bookmobile will be in town at 3:30 pm Starting today HD & CO will be open until 4 pm on Sat through the hunting season Callan Charles was born to Adam and Katie Erickson on sept 15th. Grandparents are Mark and Deb Erickson great grandmother is Evie Raasch. Clayton James Guse, born September 2, to Nicole Pederson and David Guse; grandparents are Diane Pederson and Jim and Colleen Neal. Congratulations to the Morris area cc boys team that won the little Croix meet, Brody bahr (Scott and Kathy) is a member of that team and finished 18th individually. Mackenzie smith won the girls side of the race and set a new school record in the process. She also placed third in the Holdindgford meet and fifth at the LP-GE meet Bernice Erdahl was one of the st co extension officers honored at their banquet on sept 12th Congratulations to Dean and Jerri Erickson who recently celebrated their silver wedding anniversary. Congratulations to Tyler busse who won another demo derby in Madison Last week I spent some time in Fargo attending big iron and Albany attending the scpc show. Several members of our threshing bee family were also up there. Sept 18th Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the Niemakel park lake day at the UM church in Herman (it was moved there due to the rain) in the eve they attended the sing a long at the Eden Reformed church. Afterwards I visited Selma Bruse in the apt then traveled to Appleton where the threshing bee royalty was part of the apple fest parade. Later Jim and Julie Busse and I attended the dinner sponsored by the ridge runners snowmobile club. Sept 21st I visited my cousin Bev Hurlbult at LL

Friday, September 16, 2011


Next edition sept 17th-23rd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news as I write this there is a frost advisory out reminding us that despite the nice weather we have been having it will not last much longer. Beans are rapidly turning and the corn in maturing, however it is dry and some good rains would be welcome.
STJ/KONG PARISH News: The fall schedule begins on Sept 18th with services at 8:30 am (K) and 11 am (ST J). Parish .ss will be at Kong at 9:45 am, there will be a coffee hour at Kong in the church basement following services and at St J before services.

GSLC news: new member sun is Sept 18th and there will be bluegrass music before and after services. The play godly women out of history will be presented at the church on Sept 25th at 7 pm.
September fest will be held on sept 18th at assumption catholic church in Morris beginning with mass at 10 am and continuing throughout the day with dinner, classic vehicle show, raffle etc.

The fall grief share recovery seminar/support group will start on Sept 26th at the Morris e free church in Morris and continue for the next 13 weeks, for more info call 589-2614
There will be a sing a long at the Eden reformed church in Herman on Sept 18th at 6 pm. There will also be a pioneer sing a long on Sept 21st at 7 pm at Lincoln Lutheran church of rural Barrett
There will be card shower for Sylvia Schmidt in honor of her 80th birthday on sept 16th. Her ad is 210 w 6th st Morris.
Niemackl Lake Park Day will be held on Sept. 18 at the park beginning at 10:30 a.m., with a dinner (free will offering), music by Sonny Bartell, corn maze etc. the park is about halfway between Donnelly and Herman
Anna Jo Rohloff and Jacob Craig Rohloff were born on July 21, 2011 at Methodist Women’s Hospital in Omaha, Neb. to Craig and Kathy Rohloff. Grandparents are Lanny and Linda Rohloff of Morris, great grandmother is Ardelle Rohloff of Morris.
Alex Backman was born on Aug. 24th at scmc to josh Backman and Candice nelson of Alberta grandparents are al and Karen Backman of Alberta great grandmother is Liz Ascheman of Morris
Congratulations to the following 4-her’s who earned awards at the MN state fair
Cammi (purple), Rebekah (blue) Savannah (participation) Aanerud, Brittany Cardwell (blue) Sami Searle (participation) Jacob Sperr (blue), the stampede club won a blue ribbon on their club banner, and a blue ribbon for their community pride project.
Congratulations to Joha and Andrea (Bergstrom) who were married at Kong on sept 10th.
Congratulations to third graders Courtney Lehman, and Tristan Raths who received their bibles during services at Kong on sept 11th. Destiny Pollard also received a bible but she was unable to attend.
Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the welcome picnic at the eastside park on Sept 8th later I visited my aunt Pearl Anderson in her apt at the sunrise apts. We also attended the transitional WAM meeting at the Minnewaska Lutheran home. It was decided that West Central, Word Alone chapter, declare its original mission accomplished and move on by establishing a new Learning Center, in Morris, with Good Shepherd Lutheran, offering the "Word at Work" on-line study courses. Watch for further information and more details later.

Sept 9th I watched the funeral possession for Donald Heikkinen come into town, then visited my cousin Bev Hurlbult at LL, and attended the gs rummage sale in Morris. In the eve I traveled to Dalton to attend the lrta show camping out overnight before traveling to Starbuck for the wam mtg on the 10th. Our threshing bee royalty were part of the parade in Dalton that day. After the meeting I visited Bill and Lenna Telkamp in their camper at Hobo Park. In the eve Sid and Carol Wilcox and I attended the courage cottage’s 10th anniversary supper.
On Sept 11th a good crowd was on hand for rally sun services at Kong and the dinner afterwards. After dinner, cake and ice cream was served in honor of Kong 135th aniv. After services I had a chance to visit with my former neighbor Sally Voss who was home for her 50th class reunion. Lou Eystad tells me her cousin John Alm was also home for the reunion. In the aft Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the 90th birthday for Lillian Heinrich at the Morris senior center. Enroute home I stopped at Harstad Slough to watch some of the rod and gun club’s annual trap shoot.
The Donnelly community club had their monthly meeting on Sept 10th. We had another very successful bee selling about 1600 buttons. It was a lengthy meeting as we discussed various aspects of the past bee, ideas for future bees and other events. The next meeting will be held on Oct 10th as always we welcome any and all ideas for future bees and or other events. A reminder that next year’s bee will be held on Aug. 25 and 26th, with Oliver as the feature.
A house key was found on the grounds if you are missing one call 246-3475
I am told that it was Fred huebner and Fred gerber that had the separators at the first bee and that one you see sitting out on the highway advertising the bee belonged to Fred.
Glen and Gertie Werk and I were among those who attended the visitation for Frank Lembke at the funeral home on sept 13th. His so Gary is a classmate
Mark Koepke asked me to share his contact info and would like to hear from people in the Donnelly area, 6033 Statler Ave Orlando FL 32809, PH 407-859-9429, e-mail ad:
I have posted some of the video I shot at the threshing bee on you tube look for Donnelly surfer

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Next edition sept 10th-16th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news a record low temp on Mon a.m. is a vivid reminder that summer is coming to an end. The crops around here looked better than those I saw on my trips to eastern and northern MN last week. The grain harvest is pretty much wrapped up; some of the beans are starting to turn the corn cobs look good.
STJ/KONG PARISH News: Rally sun will be held on Sept 11th at Kong, ss at 9 am, joint services at 10:15 am, dinner will follow services furnished by the parish. There will also be cake and ice cream served in honor of Kongsvinger’s 135th anniversary. Third graders will receive their bibles, ss teachers will be installed, and the confirmation students will kick off their third annual drive for “churches united for the homeless” in Morehead. The fall schedule begins on Sept 18th with services at 8:30 am (K) and 11 am (st j) parish .ss will be at Kong at 9:45 am, there will be a coffee hour at Kong in the church basement following services and at St J before services.

The sept newsletter is now out extra copies are available in the narthex of each church.
GSLC news: the gs rummage sale concludes today (sat) from (8-11 am) at the old prairie trailer building on HY 28 w to sell items from the old gs church; Rally sun is Sept 11th at 9 am, PR Mike will also be starting a new bible study after services at 10:45 am
St Charles Catholic Church of Herman will have their annual fall festival with turkey dinner on Sept 11th at the legion from 11 am-1 pm
Zion Lutheran in Morris will have an open house on sept 11th services at 9 am fellowship 10 am bible study at 10:30 am potluck dinner at noon.
September fest will be held on sept 18th at assumption catholic church in Morris beginning with mass at 10 am and continuing throughout the day with dinner, classic vehicle show, raffle etc.

Women of the word Augustana dist. conference will be held on Oct 1 beginning at 9:30 am at Faith Lutheran in Hutchinson, please register by sept 15th

Due to the Labor Day holiday WAM will meet today (Sat) at the Minnewaska Lutheran home. Coffee at 9:30 am, program at 10 am. The program is a DVD by Rev Steve King entitled “law and gospel” everyone welcome for more info call 795-2477

There will be a surprise open house for Lillian Heinrich at the Morris sr. center from 1-3 pm on sept 11th
The red haters, city council, fireman, Rendsville 4-h and community club will meet on Sept 12th in various places and times in Donnelly. Check with your leader for times and places. Remember that always the community club welcomes any and all ideas about the bee and /or other events. Feel free to come to any meeting or contact one of the officers
Niemakel Lake park day will be held on Sept 18th at the park which is about halfway between Donnelly and Herman
The Donnelly rod and gun club will have their annual trap shoot on Sept 11th at Harstad’s slough ne corner of Donnelly from 1-4 pm
Thanks to Evelyn Underwood for the following info: the first Donnelly threshing bee was held in 1965 at the Oscar and Ruth Aanerud farm near Donnelly. It has been held at the same site ever since. The Lutheran churches of the area started the threshing bee and did it for two years with proceeds going to the west central homes. In 1968 the Donnelly commercial club now the community club took over the project. Fred Gerber, bill underwood, Roy Flugel and Jim root started this community project in 1968 and it became an annual jubilee and threshing bee.
I remember that the first bee was held in Sept and I walked down to the grounds after school. The first bees were held on Fri and Sat because Albin Kling who owned the steamer would not thrash on Sun. Fred Moerke owned the separator. A big tent was used for serving meals until the steel shed was erected and other buildings were added as the years went along. We hope we can continue to build on what they started for many more years.
Congratulations to the following 4 her’s who won awards in the livestock division at the state fair: Blake Koser (blue) Jake and Jenna Moser (blue) and MaKenzie Smith (blue). Natalie Johnston was a member of the sr. livestock judging team that won third place; she won a blue for her crossbred market barrow ,received a call back for showmanship, and was named an interview winner and won a MN Livestock breeder association auction scholarship
Congratulations to MaKenzie smith who was the individual winner at the Morris area/c- a cross country invitational on Aug 30th
A couple more results from the bee the “super heroes” defeated the “Harstad” team for the sb championship and Chris Athey construction won the consolation championship, Tom Clfuman won the people’s choice award at the car show.
Donald Roy Heikkinen of Hancock passed away on Sept 5th among the family that survive him is wife Anita and her parents Ron and Janet Bouressa.
Deanna Heuer and I were among those from the area who boarded a bus in Morris to the state fair on sept 1st
Steve Fults and I were among those who attended the metal to money sale near Hoffman on sept 2nd.
Sept 3-5th I camped out at Rollag attending the wmstr. It was an enjoyable time but also very tiring as it is a very big show. Next year they will have a gathering of the red tractors (IH) and they promise it will be the biggest show ever.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Next edition sept 3rd-9th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: some cooler temps in the eve remind us that fall is just around the corner, I have heard that crops conditions have deteriorated over the past several weeks but in driving around the countryside they sure look good to me.
STJ/KONG PARISH News: There will be joint services at ST J at 8:30 am on Sept 4th. Rally sun will be held on sept 11th at Kong ss at 9 am joint services at 10:15am
GSLC news: Gs will be having a rummage sale on Sept 9th (5-8 pm) and 10th (8-11 am) at the old prairie trailer building on HY 28 w to sell items from the old gs church; anyone who wishes to bring items for it can bring them out there on the eve of the 8th from 6-7 pm. Rally sun is Sept 11th at 9 am
St Charles Catholic Church of Herman will have their annual fall festival with turkey dinner on Sept 11th at the legion from 11am-1 pm
Women of the word Augustana dist. conference will be held on Oct 1 beginning at 9:30 am at Faith Lutheran in Hutchinson, please register by sept 15th

Due to the Labor Day holiday WAM will meet on sept 10th at the Minnewaska Lutheran home. Coffee at 9:30 am, program at 10 am. The program is a DVD by rev Steve King entitled “law and gospel” everyone welcome for more info call 795-2477
Thanks to matching funds by the Land O lakes foundation 2,236.58 was donated to the st co food shelf by our parish from the block party.
The red haters, city council, fireman, Rendsville 4-h and community club will meet on Sept 12th in various places in Donnelly. Check with your leader for times and places
The po and most Donnelly business will be closed on Sept 5th due to the Labor Day holiday
Donald Geise of Hoffman passed away on Aug. 25th, an uncle Clearance Geise is among the family members that survive him
Thanks to great weather and good crowds we had another successful threshing bee thanks to everyone who came up and helped us celebrate and to everyone who helped out in any way to make it a great event. The twelve horse hitch and the triple tractor were very popular events. Next year’s bee will be held on Aug 25 and 26th our feature will be Oliver.
Congratulations to the new threshing bee royalty Olivia Reimers, queen; Rebekah Aanerud, princess; Karmen Sperr, little Miss Donnelly; Kendra Wevely princess. Karmen’s sisters’ Brandi and Kendra as well as Rebekah’s sisters’ Cammi and Savannah have all been threshing bee royalty.

Congratulations to Henning Asusmb for being chosen as the grand marshal of the threshing bee parade. Some of the other winners at the bee include in the tractor pull John Armstrong (my former neighbor) Scott Neuman, horseshoe Nick Daly and Andy Brevig. Parade merit awards included the grand marshal float, kopel’s kookers, Don Duffner’s triple tractor, Audrey Henrichs tractor, Herb Nelson’s miniature horses, the parade committee, and the traveling trophy went to the royalty float. The committee did some refurbishing of it over the weekend and it looked very nice. Everybody was a winner in the kiddie parade and for the first time I can remember all the cash drawing winners were Donnelly area people. With everything going on and visiting with various people I did not get a chance to obtain all the results hopefully I can get some more for next week’s column, and I will also give a brief history of it that I received from Evelyn Underwood.
Our threshing bee has become our annual “family” reunion not only do many of the exhibitors, horseshoe players and others come back every year but also many former residents and it always nice to visit with them. This year we had visitors all the way from Norway. One thing that many people comment on year after year is all the great food that the churches serve. Even the Alex Shriners had to stop in prior to the parade to have some pie and ice cream.
Mark koepke has asked me to announce that he has a new e-mail address
Congratulations to Brooklyn Koehntop who won the adorable baby contest sponsored by the Morris Life care center at the St Co fair. Her parents are Kyle and Mandi (Kloos) Koehntop.
Congratulations to the “tons of fun” vb team that recently won the team championship at the buddies bar and grill league in Hancock, Jackie (Dan) Dripps is a member of that team
Our sympathy goes out to Nate Long (Sherman and Sherry) who lost his house and possessions in a house fire near Keng on Aug 13th
Mary Huebner and I attended the presentation by Guy Doud at MAHS on Aug. 24th. He is a former national teacher of the year. In the eve I attended VBS at GS.
Brain and Peg Kruize and I were among those who attended the open house at MAHS on Aug. 25th
On Aug 26th Herb and Carol Kloos and I attended the Westrom for rep pork chop fundraiser in Elbow Lake. The Kopacek family traveled to Alberta for the open house/supper at Cargill. Many of us also spent some time on the grounds helping get things ready for the bee. Enroute to the grounds I stopped at a couple of the rummage sales in Donnelly.
Paul Sperr and I were among those who helped pack food for FMSC on Aug 30th at the MAES. Our shift packed about 3600 meals. This is the 4th year I have helped and it gives one a sobering perspective on how so little can do much for hungry children around the world. In the eve I was among those who worked on the threshing bee grounds to take things down and put them away.