Friday, July 15, 2011


Next edition July 16-22nd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: after a sunny and very hot weekend things cooled off some sun eve after a thunderstorm went through the area causing some minor damage in the area. Small grains and corn are looking very good, the beans are lagging some.
STJ/KONG PARISH News: the summer service schedule with services at Kong at 8:30 am and St J at 10:15 am will continue until Aug 21st
GSLC news: July 17th is new member Sun if you wish to join please call 392-5548
The Christian alternative rock group “the city Harmonic” will be appearing at Trinity Lutheran church in Cyrus on July 17th at 7 pm. The concert is free but limited to 250 people so advance reservations are encouraged by calling 287-0409 or e-mailing An offering will be taken for feed my starving children.
The herrlinger family will be in concert at Fron Lutheran in Starbuck today (Sat) @ 7 pm and tomorrow (sun) at 10:45 am.
There will be a sing a long at Immanuel Lutheran church of rural Barrett on July 20th at 7 pm

The tri county horseshoe league will continue to have games at the courts in Donnelly on Tue evenings through Aug. I have also been informed that there will be a ladies sb game on July 25th, this is a makeup date.
The red hatters will have a meeting on July 22nd at the 4-h food stand in Herman at 11 am.
The annual David Day fishing tournament will be held today (Sat) on Lake Minnewaska beginning with registration at 10 am at the water’s edge in Starbuck. The LTD Motorcycle run will be held on July 23rd beginning with registration at 8 am in Monte and traveling though Morris about 3 pm. For more info call Chad Turner at (320) 333-8615.
There will be a work day today (Sat) at Niemakel Lake Park beginning at 8 am to replace the roof of the main shelter ,staining the playground equipment and trimming the trails. For more info call Ed Ellingson at 760-1346
There is a card shower for Wally Giese who turns 80 years young today (sat), cards can be sent to 45294 147th st Morris MN.
LeAnn Van horn and Ben Honzay are engaged to be married on Aug 6th in Morris. Her parents are Clay (Marlene) and Sharon Van Horn.
Marjorie Ellen Mecklenburg passed away on July 11th a son, Loren (Kaylene) and their family is among the family members who survive her. Jeanne Ennen and I were among those who attended her funeral at the First Baptist church in Morris on July 13th. In the eve the Kopacek family and I were among those who attended the rta meeting at the wcahs in Barrett. Enroute to the meeting I stopped to visit Esther Cline at the Barrett Care center. Her husband Ken is the vet’s home in Fergus for the time being. Irene Goldenstein has purchased their home in Donnelly.
The dance group We Gets Up, placed second at the Kiwanis talent contest on July 8th. Justine Huebner is a member of that dance troupe.
Congratulations to Auddy and Islande Sperr who recently won several awards at the owl bb camp held at UMM. MaKenzie Smith was a member of the Iowa Basketball champions at that camp.
Congratulations to Adam Schmidgall, Donnelly who was the winner of $100 Chamber Cash in ppd button drawing.
The following were winners in the am vets drawing during ppd: Heidi Lickels and Jack Fuchs, Morris; Gail Kloos, Deana Heuer, Joe Peterson, and Dr. Pat Burke
Congratulations to Tyler Rouske who was named to the wcc south all-conference team
Steve Fults and I were among those who attended the summer field day the wcroc in Morris on July 8th. Mark Erickson and Brain Kruize are on the advisory board. In the aft I took in the Horizontal grandeur exhibit at the museum and visited some with Wally McCollar. In the eve Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the community supper at Eastside Park. After the supper it was back to Donnelly for a planning meeting about the block party our parish is coordinating on Aug .6th.
Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the prairie extravaganza at the usfws office in Morris on July 9th afterwards I took in some of other ppd events at Eastside park
On July 10th Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended services at gslc and later the pancake feed at the Morris fire Hall. After the breakfast I went to the museum for their dedication ceremony Chester Larson and Jeanne Ennen helped cut the ribbon. Later that afternoon Sámi Searle (trail dusters queen) and Natalie Johnston (st co pork ambassador), as well as the threshing Bee royalty were some of the participants in the ppd parade. Maynard Mau pulled the float with his Model A Ford definitely an attention getter! After the parade Hailey Lesmeister (Casey and Daniele) was one of the dancers from footnotes studio that gave a dance performance at the band shell. Enroute home I stopped at Andy Aanerud’s farm for Cammi’s graduation party.
The Donnelly com club had their monthly meeting on July we continue to finalize plans for the threshing bee. The buttons are here and will be on sale in the area soon or you can buy one from one of the officers. Remember you can save a dollar by buying in advance. This year’s theme is “Donnelly a great place to live”
Joan & Jerry Kopacek spent Friday and Saturday (July 8-9th) At Luther Crest Bible Camp working the quilt auction. Friday evening they were treated to a pontoon tour of Lake Carlos.

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