Saturday, June 12, 2010

donnelly news

Next edition June 12th 18th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. Remember if you are going to be gone on vacation you can get my news on line at the s-t website.

Weather news: The weather has been virtually a repeat of last week with mild temps and several rain showers; so far the crops are looking good.

STJ/KONG PARISH NEWS: The June parish newsletter is now out and extra copies are available in the narthex of ea church.

The summer worship schedule is now in effect. Copies of the summer schedule were included in the May newsletter and are posted at ea church and extra copies are available at the parish office

Ivor Aal says thanks for the very generous offering received for the Gideon’s on June 6th. If you were not in church and wish to make a donation to the Gideon’s you can mail it to box 142 Glenwood MN.

West Central Lutherans invites you to another open worship service at the Hancock community center at 10 am on June 13th. In July weekly services will begin at the prairie Inn’s cougar room in Morris. Fund raising is under way to purchase land move the Good shepherd Lutheran church building from rural Appleton to Morris.

Reclaim resources is hosting a worship conf at Luther seminary in St Paul June 13 & 14th, for more info contact Rev Luther Johnson at 507-723-4035

A Bridal shower for Adam Erickson (Mark and Deb) bride to be of Katie Braaten will be held on June 19th from 10-11:30 am at the Kong parish Hall.

WCMCA is looking for volunteers to help out with their group work camp coming up in mid July as well as ladders they can use for the week. For more info call 1-800-492-4805

There will be Little league games at Aanerud field in Donnelly at 6 PM on following days June, 14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd . There will also be some women’s SB games there on June 17th & 28th at 7 pm and on July 1 @ 7:15 pm The Rendsville 4-h will be manning the concession stand.

There will be an open house for Bill Dripps’ 80th birthday and retirement today (Sat) at Heartland Motor Company, Morris, 4 to 8 p. m`

Monday, June 14 - Flag Day: Pizazz in the Park will be held at 6:00 p.m., East Side Park, Sponsored by Learning Unlimited.

Tony Wernsing and Rachel Fosberg of Monticello announce their engagement; Tony’s parents are Dennis and Karllen (Backen) Wernsing of Chokio.

Congratulations go out this week to the Lyrical Trio dancers who won the Kiwanis talent show on June 5th. Beth Holland and Sydney Beyer are members of that trio.

To Jenna Moser for winning the Lester Erickson and H. W. Herbison scholarship at NDSU

To Holly Varmum who won one gold and 2 silver awards at the ad fed of central Minn. addy awards competition. She is a student at Alex tech

To Brandi Speer who recently won a scholarship in Winnfield solutions LLC’s careers in Ag scholarship program. She is a student at SW MN state. She also recently became a student intern at the St Co extension service 4-h program.

To Ruth Morke who was recently recognized for 55 yrs of service to GFWC students club.

To the following students of the quarter at MAHS Natalie Johnson (extra mile award) for the Jr class; John Huebner (citizenship) 7th grade

To Nichole Gillesipe for winning scholarships from: Our savior’s Lutheran church in Chokio; the Chokio Study Club; Dorweiler; Vogt Technical; Gladys Johnson and the Graceville Health Center

To: Vivian Bjorlin who won the May birthday basket at tri county co-op in chokio.

To the following grads Christine Bahr (Scott and Kathy) Alex tech` and Sarah Burke (Pat and Carol) csb

Tom Holland and Michael Michaelson received their Eagle Scout awards in a ceremony held Sunday at the First Lutheran Church in Morris.

Many friends and family were on hand for the visitation of DeWayne Mickelson at the funeral home on June 5th and his funeral at Assumption on June 6th.

The Kopacek family and I were among the members that attended the Agralite annual meeting in Benson on June 5th.

Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the WAM meeting at St J of rural Starbuck on June 5th. The next meeting will be on Aug. 7th at Trinity in Benson, there will be no meeting in July. En route to the meeting I stopped by Frank’s annual rummage sale in Donnelly.

Many family and friends were on hand for the memorial service for Kurt Kruize on June 6th at the H. S. gym in Hancock.

Danny and Mark Frank, Laurie Hoffer, and Gail Gibson and family spent some time this weekend helping out with the annual family rummage sale and visiting family and friends in the area.

Pearl Amundson spent some time this week visiting her brother Chester (Gloria) Larson and other family and friends in the area.

A good crowd was on hand on June 7th for the Little League game at Aanerud field, the ladies SB game afterwards and the ice cream social at the hall. Thanks to the threshing bee royalty for serving the ice cream and the Rendsville 4-h for all the delicious they made and sold. After the social it was time for the monthly meeting of the Don Com club as we continue to make plans for the threshing bee and upkeep and maintenance of our buildings.

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