June 1st-8th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather News: more summer-like temps have prevailed in the past week; however, it is still very dry around here. Most of the crops are starting to come up.
St, John's/Kongsvinger news: if you require pastoral care or need info about service times or any other event in the parish, please call the parish office 320-246-3211, e-mail stjkong@runestone.net
The parish will be participating in VBS at Faith Morris this yr. 7\26-7/31 contact either church office for more details or to register
Destiny Pollard and Courtney Lehman were honored on baccalaureate
sun at Kong. On May 23rd
Gslc news: if you need info about anything going on in the church, call 585-6868 or e-mail gslcmorris@gmail.com
in June Wed eve services start they will be a repeat of the Sun a.m. services
BBB returns on June 2nd at 6:30 p.m. at the fireside in Morris.
Community organization meetings: The Rendsville 4-h meets on the first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at St John's Donnelly. The City council meets on the 1st Sat of the month at 4 p.m. at city hall. The community club meetings are on the 2nd Mon of the month at the community hall at 7 p.m. & the Donnelly Fire Department meets on the 2nd and 3rd Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the fire hall. The Stevens county genealogical society will resume meeting in Sept.
The bookmobile will resume its regular schedule today (Tue.) with stops in Donnelly on the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month on Main Street from 2:45–3:00 p.m.; for more info, call 218.739.5286 or visit https://www.viking.lib.mn.us/bookmobile. Also, the VLS is offering a summer reading program: Vlsbookmobile.beanstack.org.
Note I am planning on having my annual grad issue next month, so if you have somebody graduating, especially from higher ed, please let me know.
Rusc Kinship garden gala June 23rd, 5–7 p.m. Pomme de Park
There will be no ice cream social in June this yr.
Plans continue to have a threshing bee this year, hopefully. Anyone with ideas of activities/events we could add should contact an officer with the community club.
From Sandy Dunn: As of now, the planning has started for the scheduling of the Bee as usual.
Starting June 1st -20th, we will be looking for candidates interested in running for our 2021/2022 Threshing Bee Royalty.
Eligibility for Little Miss candidates are ages 8-10, and Queen/Princess candidates are ages 14-18.
Keep a watch for more info soon to follow as we move forward in the planning stages.
Please note the "official" fb page is Donnelly Minnesota threshing bee
Congrats to Mitch Daly, the new manager at the Donnelly co-op, He is taking over from Bob Burner, who has retired after 17 years.
Wally McCollar's family informs me that they are planning on having a service for him in July.
Death notices: none
The past week: Legion riders brat feed legion Morris customer appreciation cookout at Heartland motors regular services bible study and adult Ed at Gs. Schs annual meeting