Thursday, April 25, 2019

donnelly news

Apr. 27th-May 3rd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: only in mn can you go from digging out of a late winter snowstorm to a 70-degree day a week later

ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: On April 28th joint services at 9:30 a.m. at ST. John’s, on May 5th at Kongsvinger followed by coffee hour and Sunday school

St John’s spring fling 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the church today (Saturday)

First communion class on May 4th from 9 a.m.-noon at Kongsvinger; first communion Sunday is May 5th. Cradle roll and adopted grandparent Sunday on May 5th after services

3b has resumed every Wednesday at 7 pm at the met lounge

 Nat day of prayer service May 2nd 7 pm Morris e free church

the kids in Christ preschool abc sale will be held at Zion Morris May 2nd, 3-6 and May 3rd 8-1  

Events today (Saturday) Spring salad luncheon at West Zion- Hancock, starting at 10 a.m. The program is “angels among us” by Wayne and Donna Kopitzke   ; A Bridal Shower for Kourtney Giese bride to be of Gabe Hoseth from 9:00-11:00 a.m., at the Faith Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, Morris; Wags whiskers and wine sponsored by the Stevens county humane society at old # 1 Southside starting with social hour at 6 p.m.

On April 28th there will be an open house baby shower for Jessica (Daly) Grandalen and baby girl at Faith Lutheran Church, Morris. Jessica is the daughter of Dee and Pat Daly and granddaughter of Karen and Nick Daly of Chokio formerly of the Donnelly area and Luella and Wallace Raasch;

Someplace Safe pancake breakfast fundraiser 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. at old # 1 Southside, tickets available at the door

Wally Giese of Morris formerly of the Herman/Donnelly area passed away on April 18th

On May 6th Herman Red Hats will meet at 9 a.m. at AJ's.-Herman, The Bookmobile will be in town on main st from 3:45-4 p.m. and the Rendsville 4-h meets at 7 p.m. at ST. John’s

The Stevens county genealogical society meeting is May 2nd 1:30 p.m. library Morris
Donnelly city council meets at 4 p.m. May 4th  

The Ladies Ducks Unlimited banquet is May 1st at old #1 Southside starting with crowing hr. at 5 pm more info contact Muriel Cardwell 2463293 or Judy Johnston 589-1243

Past week Maundy Thur., Good Fri and Easter Sunday services at gs-Morris (w/Eystad’s) metal to money auction Hoffman, Easter service and Wally Giese funeral ST. John’s Donnelly, BBB met lounge.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

donnelly news

Apr. 20th-26th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather news: just when we thought winter was over with, we got 11” of snow on Thursday and Friday bringing all the snow removal equipment out of hibernation, forcing schools and other places to close. Several lovely days this week has meant a lot of the snow has melted, but on Wednesday we have had rain, most of the day.

ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: On April 21st services will be at 9 a.m. at Kongsvinger and 10:30 ST. John’s, no Sunday school or coffee hour today; April 28th joint services at 9:30 a.m. at ST. John’s followed by coffee hour and Sunday school.

St John’s spring fling 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the church on April 27th
1st communion class May 4th 9 am-noon At Kongsvinger 1st communion Sunday, May 5th. Cradle roll and adopted grandparent Sunday on May 5th after services

GSLC church: services are broadcast every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on kkok.

Spring Salad Luncheon on Friday, April 26 beginning at 11:30 am at faith Morris

There will be Bridal Showers for Sami Searl bride to be of Josh Bruns today (Saturday) from 11:00a.m.-1:00 p.m. and for Kourtney Giese on April 27 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. both at the Faith Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, Morris. All are welcome and invited to attend. Both young ladies are from the Donnelly area

Virginia Long of Morris formerly of the Herman /Donnelly the area passed away on April 10th

Nicole O. Knutson, of Morris, passed away on April 10th survivors include her brother Shawn Knutson, grandfather Dennis Golombiecki both of Donnelly

The Bookmobile will be in town, April 22nd 3:45-4 p.m.

Herman Red Hats will meet May 6th at 9 a.m. at AJ's.
Someplace safe pancake breakfast fundraiser Apr. 28th 9:30 am-11:30 am at old # 1 Southside
Steven’s county genealogical society meeting May 2nd 1:30 pm library Morris
Wags whiskers and wine sponsored by the Stevens County humane society at old # 1 Southside on April 27th starting with social hour at 6 p.m.

Past week memorial service for Vern Kruize –st J -Donnelly ;dfd fish fry, Donnelly, BGMC Rummage Sale, Hosanna worship center Morris, this and that sale Federated –Morris, arts, and crafts fair MAHS, CINA POW-WOW Umm; RUSC kinship quarter Kraze legion –Morris, Palm Sunday services and adult Ed –gslc, Virginia Long funeral Zion- Morris, bible study at Gs w/Eystads.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Donnelly news

Apr. 13th-19th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news. This column marks the start of my 12th year of doing this. Manga Takk to all my loyal readers out there

Weather news: the weather has been relatively mild over the past week, however as I am writing this Tuesday evening they are talking about a blizzard for later this week.

ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: There will be Joint services at 9:30 a.m. on April 14th at St John’s with the S.S. kids singing followed by coffee hour and Sunday school. On April 21st services will be at 9 a.m. at Kongsvinger and 10:30  ST. John’s, no Sunday school today, the complete holy week schedule is in the April newsletter.

Holy week services start with joint Palm Sunday services at 9:30 a.m. at ST. John’s with the Sunday school kids singing, followed by coffee hour and S.S.; Maundy Thursday at Kongsvinger starting with supper at 6 p.m. followed by services at 7 p.m.; Good Friday at ST. John’s starting with vbs fundraising supper at 6 p.m. followed by services at 7 p.m. Easter Sunday services are at Kongsvinger at 9 a.m. and St. John’s at 10:30 a.m. no s.s.

If you wish to order Easter lilies in honor or memory of somebody, please contact the parish office
GSLC church: Holy week schedule: Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday services at 9 a.m.; Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at 7 p.m.

There is a signup sheet on the back table for Easter lilies.

Community Good Friday services at Assumption at 7 p.m., community choir practice April 14th at 7 p.m. at Assumption

Palm Sunday breakfast 9:30 a.m. Faith-Morris

Today (Saturday) the Federated church this and that sale is from 9-1 at the church, coffee, and rolls in a.m., and noon lunch starting at 11 a.m. The RUSC kinship quarter craze begins at 2 p.m. at the legion in Morris, an open house baby shower for Kristin Backman, who is expecting a baby boy in May, will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Trinity Lutheran Church, Alberta, the Kingery Family Singers in concert at faith- Morris at 11:30 a.m.

April 15th Glacial Ridge Conference Spring Gathering (Women of the ELCA) Monday, April 15, Glenwood Lutheran Church Glenwood, MN “Holy Women, Full of Grace” Registration begins at 4:00 p.m. with a light meal at 4:30 p.m. Joan Mitchell CSJ and the Alexienne Singers perform at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend, and the Donnelly fire department meets at 7 p.m. at the fire hall.

BOLD WOMEN’S event April 14th, 1-4 p.m. at First Morris

Donnelly youth club on April 17th at 4 p.m. at ST. John’s

Quinten Oelke was born recently to Joe and Jessie Oelke of Donnelly; grandmother is Becky Bergstrom of Donnelly, great-grandmother is Irene Strand of Morris.

There will be Bridal Showers for Sami Searl bride to be of Josh Bruns on April 20 from 11:00-1:00 and for Kourtney Giese on April 27 from 9:00-11:00 both at the Faith Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, Morris. All are welcome and invited to attend. Both young ladies are from the Donnelly area.

Rachel Bumgardner of Hutchinson passed away on April 4th survivors include her father and stepmother Cal and Jan Bumgardner of Morris, Jan is a former Donnelly area resident
Donnelly community club had their first meeting of the year on April 8th. Overall we had a good year we sold about a thousand buttons last year. The next meeting is May 13; this year’s show is August 24-25th, the feature is gas engines.

Bookmobile in town, April 22nd 3:45-4pm

Past week st co gen soc. mtg library, pope co expo, Minnewaska h.s, Kruize benefit, Hancock, st co pork producers supper old #1, Donnelly community club annual meeting, Donnelly, bible study Gs

Thursday, April 4, 2019

donnelly news

Apr. 6th -12th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.
Weather news: Well Tuesday was “a Minn day” we had some wet snow in the a.m. by late aft we had some sun. Otherwise, temperatures have been relatively mild, with the snow piles starting to shrink
ST. John's/ Kongsvinger news: There will be Joint services at 9:30 a.m. on April 7th; at Kongsvinger and April 14th at St John’s followed by coffee hour and Sunday school
Lenten services will conclude at 7 P.M. on April 10th at St John’s followed by lunch.
Holly week services start with joint Palm Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at ST. John’s with the Sunday school kids singing followed by coffee hour and S.S.; Maundy Thursday at Kongsvinger starting with supper at 6 p.m. followed by services at 7 p.m.; Good Friday at ST. John’s starting with vbs fundraising supper at 6pm followed by services at 7 p.m. Easter Sunday services are at Kongsvinger at 9 a.m. and at St. John’s at 10:30 a.m.
If you wish to order Easter lilies in honor or memory of somebody, please contact the parish office
GSLC church: Lenten services continue every week at 7 P.M. until Holy Week. Holy week schedule: Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday services at 9 a.m.; Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at 7 p.m.
There is a signup sheet on the back table for Easter lilies
On April 8th from 3:45-4 p.m. the bookmobile will be in town on Main St., at 7 p.m. the firemen will meet at the fire hall, the community club will have their annual meeting at the community hall, and the Rendsville 4-h meets in the FACS room and Kristi Lindquist classroom at MAHS. Note change of date and place for the meeting

Community Good Friday services at Assumption at 7 p.m., community choir practice April 7 and 14th at 7 p.m. at Assumption
Federated church this and that sale on April 13th, 9-1, coffee and rolls in a.m., noon lunch starting at 11 a.m.
Glacial Ridge Conference Spring Gathering (Women of the ELCA) Monday, April 15,  Glenwood Lutheran Church Glenwood, MN “Holy Women, Full of Grace” Registration begins at 4:00 p.m. with a light meal at 4:30 p.m. Joan Mitchell CSJ and the Alexienne Singers perform at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

Today (Saturday) Donnelly city council meets at 4 p.m. in the city office, the 8th annual Kurt Kruize memorial supper is from 3-7 p.m. at the Hancock community center, his grandfather is from Donnelly, Stevens county pork producer’s dinner is from 4-8 p.m. at the old # 1 Southside
Donnelly Fire Department annual fish fry is April 12 starting at 4:30 p.m. at the community hall
Rusc kinship quarter craze is April 13 beginning at 2 p.m. at the legion in Morris
Donnelly youth club on April 17th at 4 p.m. at ST. John’s
On Mar 19th the 99th annual meeting of the Donnelly CO-OP was held at the Donnelly hall meeting called to order at 12:45 by VP Chris Smith following a delicious dinner served by the Klcw. The reading of the annual meeting notice was done which was, followed by the reading and approval of the ’18 minutes. Carol Boeland from Hennen and associates gave the audit report for ’18, which was read and approved. Sales were 8.7 million with earnings of  437,057 the co-op retired $88,00 to patrons over 70 yrs. of age, and distributed dividend checks of $147,000 35% of earnings, Brad geise was reelected to the board and Mike Lonergan was elected to it replacing Jerry Werk who had been on the board for about 30 yrs. . Meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. remember 2019 is the co-ops 100th anniversary
Riggs Lee Smith was born March 25, 2019, at Stevens Community Medical Center to Demi Roiland and Cody Smith of Appleton, MN. Riggs weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz and was 19 inches long. Grandparents are Pat and Amy O'Malley of Buffalo, MN, Doreen Hanson of Donnelly, MN and Tony and Heidi Roiland of Morris, MN. Great-grandparents are Kathy and Tabe Hoppe of Appleton, MN and Pete Roiland of Appleton
Avery Marie O'Neill was born March 23, 2019, at Essentia Health in Fargo, North Dakota to Megan Lange and Andrew O'Neill. Avery weighed five lbs., 10 oz and was 18 3/4 inches long.

Grandparents are Rhonda and Kendon Lange of Morris and Marilyn and Dennis O'Neill, Kendon is a member of our threshing bee family
There will be Bridal Showers for Sami Searl on April 20 from 11:00-1:00 and for Kourtney Giese on April 27 from 9:00-11:00 both at the Faith Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. All are welcome and invited to attend. Both young ladies are from the Donnelly area
An open house baby shower for Kristin Backman, who is expecting a baby boy in May, will be held on Saturday, April 13, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Trinity Lutheran Church, Alberta.

Hazel M. Vestrum, of Hoffman, passed away on March 28th survivors include her daughter Bonnie (Gary) Gulbrandson of Donnelly and their family
Vernon Kruize of Donnelly passed away on April 2nd 

Past week Roiland benefit at old # 1 Southside, birthday dinner at Kongsvinger, Vertum visitation at e-s funeral home, Hoffman, movie, unplanned in Alex, bible study and Lenten services at Gs, naps at sr. center w/Eystads