Thursday, April 28, 2016

donnelly news

April 30th-May 6th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news well several days of mild weather last week enable farmers to get in the fields and get some field work done and crops planted but this week has been cool and rainy.
St John’s/Kongsvinger news: Randy Wayne Erdahl, son of Aaron and Kayla Erdahl, was baptized at Kongsvinger on April 17th.
Anyone with a graduate in the family this year is asked to let the parish office know ASAP
Good shepherd Lutheran church news: cleanup day at the church on May 7th starting at 8 a.m.
Apr 23rd Jerry and Wanda Cin, Pr. Mike Hanson and I were among those who attended the LCMC Augustana dist. convention at living word Lutheran church Marshall.
Other church news Salad Luncheon today (Saturday) starting at 10:00 a.m. at West Zion Lutheran Church, Hancock
There will be a Salad luncheon at Our Saviors -Chokio on May 5th, supper at 6:30 p.m.; speaker at 7:45 p.m.
Faith Lutheran-Morris annual spring rummage and bake sale May 4th 4-7 p.m. no fall sale this year
There will be a National day of prayer service at the Morris evangelical Free Church May 5th at 7 p.m.
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on May 9th from 3:45-4 p.m.
The rendsville 4-h and city council will met on May 2nd at 7 p.m. at St. John’s and city hall
The Donnelly community club will meet on May 9th at 7 p.m. at the Donnelly hall
The Donnelly fire dept. will meet on May 9th at 7 p.m. at the fire hall
The Stevens co genealogical society will meet on May 5th at 1:30 p.m. at the library-Morris

Stevens’ county rep party executive cmte scheduled for April25th has been ppd to May 2nd time and place TBA
Wags, whiskers, and wine sponsored by the Stevens community humane society is today (Sat) beginning with social hr. at 6 p.m. at old # 1 Southside tickets available at the door
Open house 90th birthday party for George Pedersen May 1st 2-5 p.m. sr. center- Morris
The Seventh District Republican convention will be held today (Saturday) at the Broadway Ballroom in Alexandria starting at 9 a.m.
The dist. 12 dfl convention will held on May 12th time and place to be announced
Anyone interested in participating in a city wide garage sale on May 13-14th contact Lori Speer 246-3496 or Lori Mau 246-3265
There will be an open house bridal shower for Nicole Gillespie bride to be of Alex Erickson at Our Saviors in Chokio from 9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. today (Saturday)They are registered at Target, Herbergers and Lewis Family Drug in Graceville. Recipe cards preferred.
You are invited to a bridal shower honoring Natalie Johnston, bride to be of Dustin Compart, on Saturday, April 30 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Federated Church. The couple is registered at Kohl's, Herberger's, Target and B Inspired (Morris)
Celebrations Brooke Gillespie was a member of the tiger girl’s sb team that took 3rd; Brady Jergenson was a member of the tiger baseball team that took 2nd in their tourneys over the weekend
The tiger girls track team finished 2nd in the Benson/ kms 3rd meet 3rd in pelican rapids meet the boys 2nd & 7th respectively I will have individual results in a later column.
Crystal Lanes won the lucky strike league championship (bowling) members of that team were Brenda Graff and Megan Mecklenburg ;willies sv won the Hilo leagues team members included penny melberg and Nancy Henrichs
Adam Uphoff was part of MAHS knowledge bowl team that took 3RD in the state

Death notice Harvey Reynolds of Alexandria passed away on April 25th he attended school in Donnelly and was part of our threshing bee family for many years bringing his homemade bike with him.
Thanks to Bob Burner for this: On March 31st the Donnelly Co-op held its 96th annual meeting for the year 2015. The meeting began with a dinner served by the ladies of St. John’s Lutheran church. Carol Boiland from Hennen and Associates read the audit report. Sales dollar were down but all quantities were up resulting in net earnings of about $500,000, second best year in the co-ops history. Stock retirements for 2015 amounted to 127,000 and 35% patronage checks for year were $175,000 .Harlan Staples the co-ops new Agronomy Manager was introduced. A big “Thank You” was given to the board of directors and all employees who have made possible a very strong balance sheet, no long term debt, an increase in Working Capital, new reliable equipment, equity revolvement at age 70, and 35% patronage paid each year. A thank you was given to Mark Lampert who retired after 9 years of service to the board; Brad Giese was elected to replace Mark as director, Jerry Werk was reelected to the board. Dave Johnsrud a CHS director from Starbuck gave a very informative presentation on the current growth of CHS and the changes that are taking place. He explained the new equity program and talked about the Article and By Law changes being proposed by the Cenex Harvest States Board of Directors.
Past week visitation for ralph Speer at St. Paul’s, Mich Kendall archery shoot at Neimackl Lake Park

Thursday, April 21, 2016

donnelly news

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news after several weeks of cold it finally warmed up last week, this week has been cool and rainy, did see a few farmers out in the field last week but so far no widespread field work
St John’s/Kongsvinger news: Randy Wayne Erdahl, son of Aaron and Kayla Erdahl, was baptized at Kongsvinger on Apr. 17th.
Anyone with a graduate in the family this year is asked to let the parish office know ASAP
Gslc news: you are invited to a Women’s Bible Study at, 9 a.m., today (Sat.), at Good Shepherd. Constance Sorenson will present a Bible study based on Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." More info or reservations call the church office at 585-6868
Other church news: The Augustana dist. convention (lcmc) will be held today (Sat.) at Living Word Lutheran church in Marshall Mn beginning with registration at 8 a.m. and services at 9 a.m.
Orator, author, and artist Eric Samuel Timm will be at the Federated church-Morris   Apr.28th at 7p.m.
The annual ABC sale will held on Apr. 28th.from 3-6 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Morris  
Salad Luncheon on, April 30th starting at 10:00 a.m. at West Zion Lutheran Church, Hancock
Worship Leader / Song Writer Ryan Kondo with IHOP-KC, is going to be sharing a night of worship at Morris community church tonight (sat.) starting at 7 p.m. Ryan is a full time missionary and in the process of raising support. All are welcome to attend!

Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on April 25th from 3:45-4 p.m.
There will be a benefit for Alyssa (Uphoff) Gau at Olivet Lutheran Church in Fargo on Friday, April 29th from 2:00-6:00. Alyssa is currently undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. The benefit is to help with medical expenses. If you would like to donate, please send donations to: Karen Uphoff, PO Box 13, Donnelly, MN 56235. She is Gary and Karen’s granddaughter
Grant County Historical Society's annual meeting is today (Sat.) at 2 p.m. at the community building in Elbow Lake. Our program is on the Boerner Family Cemetery. Guest speaker former Donnelly area resident Scott Boerner will tell of the process and progress of restoring the cemetery after it had been destroyed by a neighboring farmer. Everyone is welcome.
Stevens’ county rep party executive cmte scheduled for Apr.25th has been ppd to May 2nd
The 7th dist. rep convention will be held on Apr. 29th and 30th at the Broadway ballroom in Alex mn. Fri. eve banquet starts at 6 p.m. Sat events start at 9 a.m.
Wags, whiskers, and wine sponsored by the Stevens community humane society is today (Sat) beginning with social hr. at 6 p.m. at old # 1 Southside tickets available at the door

Ladies ducks unlimited Apr. 27th old # 1 Southside beginning at 5 p.m. supper at 6 p.m. more info call Judy Johnston (320) 287 – 1431 or Muriel cardwell
7th annual Mitch Kleindl memorial archery shoot Apr. 23 and 24th at Niemackl Lake park which is about half ways between Herman and Donnelly
There will be an open house bridal shower for Nicole Gillespie bride to be of Alex Erickson at Our Saviors in Chokio from 9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Saturday, April 30. They are registered at Target, Herbergers and Lewis Family Drug in Graceville. Recipe cards preferred.
Celebrations: MAES students of the month included carter fults (6th grade)
Adam Uphoff was part of MAHS knowledge bowl team that took 3RD in the state
Death notice former Donnelly area resident Ralph Speer passed away on Apr. 19th
His funeral is today (Sat) at 2:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran church Morris

Past wk. pioneer tr. show Alex, visit with Rosie Hanson at bethel manor Alex, spring fling st j-Donnelly, services with pr mike nelson at west central homes with a visit to my aunt pearl afterwards, bbb at old #1

Thursday, April 14, 2016

donnelly news

Apr. 16th-22nd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather the past week has felt more like late fall than spring, thankfully by the time you read this it is supposed to warm up. No sign of any field work yet that I have seen.
St John’s/Kongsvinger news: Kongsvinger Krusaders is recruiting team members for the Stevens county relay for life; they will have an organizing meeting after church on April 17th. Also if you purchase tickets for the April 30th twins game a portion of the proceeds will go to the Krusaders. Contact the parish office for more info about either event
St John’s spring fling is today (sat.) at the church from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. rummage, bake, card sale plus food to eat.
Youth club on Apr. 20th 4-6 p.m. at St. John’s
Anyone with a graduate in the family this year is asked to let the parish office know ASAP
Gslc news you are invited to a Women’s Bible Study at, 9 a.m., April 23, at Good Shepherd. Constance Sorenson will present a Bible study based on Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." More info or reservations call the church office at 585-6868
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on April 25th from 3:45-4 p.m.
The Donnelly fire dept. will meet on Apr. 18th at 7 p.m. at the fire hall.
There will be a benefit for Alyssa (Uphoff) Gau at Olivet Lutheran Church in Fargo on Friday, April 29th from 2:00-6:00. Alyssa is currently undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. The benefit is to help with medical expenses. If you would like to donate, please send donations to: Karen Uphoff, PO Box 13, Donnelly, MN 56235. She is Gary and Karen’s granddaughter
Grant County Historical Society's annual meeting is Saturday, April 23 at 2 p.m. at the community building in Elbow Lake. Our program is on the Boerner Family Cemetery. Guest speaker Scott Boerner will tell of the process and progress of restoring the cemetery after it had been destroyed by a neighboring farmer. Everyone is welcome.
Stevens’ county rep party executive cmte will meet on Apr.25th time and place to be announced
Ladies ducks unlimited Apr. 27th old # 1 Southside beginning at 5 p.m. supper at 6 p.m. more info call Judy Johnston (320) 287 – 1431 or Muriel cardwell
7th annual Mitch Kleindl memorial archery shoot Apr. 23 and 24th at Niemackl Lake park which is about half ways between Herman and Donnelly
Celebrations: Tiger track: Wolves invitational Aberdeen SD Savanah Aanerud was part of the 4x400 meter relay that finished 2nd she finished 9th in the 1500 meter run; long jump -Islande Sperr 20th; boys 200 m dash; Levin strand 37th he was also part of a 800 sprint medley that finished 4th, Dalton lupke was part of the 4 x 400 relay team that finished 4th he and Landon were part of a 800 m sprint medley that finished 4th  Marv Meyer invitational 200 meter dash Islande speer 8th ,3200 m Savanah 2nd
Twp. election results Donnelly twp. Chester Larson chair Richard Olsen supervisor Rollie Speer supervisor, Don Larson clerk, Craig Awsumb tres.  Eldorado Rob Kopel chair, Mark Lampert, sup, Lowell Simpson sup, Duane Wilts clerk, Gary Brunkow tres; pepperton Paul Daly chair, Les Kopel sup, Mike Kill sup. Judy Johnston clerk, Greg Fynboh tres; rendsville Harry Kruize chair Dick Wente sup Mark Erickson sup Philip Kloos clerk Lowell Searl tres.
Sixth grade boys took 2nd at MYAS state tournament, Jackson Loge and Brandon Jergenson were members of that team
Curt and Judy Gillespie announce the engagement of their daughter, Nicole Gillespie, to Alex Erickson, son of Dean and Jeri Erickson. Grandparents are former Donnelly area resident Vivian Bjorlin and the late Sam and Ellie Logan of the Donnelly area.
Maria Cin and Jeffrey McSorley Jr. were united in marriage on June 27, 2015. Parents of the bride are Jerry and Wanda Cin of Morris
The Donnelly community club had their first regular meeting of the year on Apr. 12 as we start making plans for the bee 8/27 and 28th and other events. More details as plans develop; the next meeting is May 9th
The Donnelly co-op had their annual meeting on Mar 31st and reported on another successful year with net earnings of about $500,000. I will have more info in a later column
Past week Sen. Dist. 12 endorsing convention and pope co expo in  Starbuck, cina pow-wow at the umm pe center, st co pork producers supper & someplace safe Belgian waffle fundraiser both at old # 1 Southside, nonprofit expo at MAES

Thursday, April 7, 2016

donnelly news

Apr. 9th-15th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news as I start my 9th year of doing this column want to say Mange TAAk to all my loyal readers who have made it the success it has become
Weather news it is still very cool did see somebody applying fertilizer earlier this week but otherwise no field activity supposed to warm up some soon
St John’s/Kongsvinger news Services will be broadcast on Apr. 10th at 11`a.m. on Kmrs in memory of Ervin and Leana Smith by Gary and Pat smith and family
Kongsvinger Krusaders is recruiting team members for the Stevens county relay for life; they will have an organizing meeting after church on April 17th. Also if you purchase tickets for the April 30th twins game a portion of the proceeds will go to the Krusaders. Contact the parish office for more info about either event
St John’s spring fling is April 16th at the church if you have items for it (no clothes) you can bring it to the church after April 10th more info call 246-3278 or the church office at 246-3211
Youth club on Apr. 20th 4-6 pm at St. John’s
Gslc news you are invited to a Women’s Bible Study at, 9 a.m., April 23, at Good Shepherd. Constance Sorenson will present a Bible study based on Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." More info or reservations call the church office at 585-6868
Other church news: Real ministries will have their monthly event at the Morris community church   today (sat.), starting with snacks at 6:30 p.m. and music starting at 7 p.m.
Glacial Ridge Women’s Spring Conference (ELCA) on April 11th at Fron Lutheran Church in Starbuck. Registration begins at 4:30p.m.
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on April 11th from 3:45-4 p.m.
Donnelly community club first meeting of the yr. will be held on Apr. 12th at 7 p.m. at the town hall. Note change of date.
The Donnelly fire dept. will meet on Apr.11 and 18th at 7 p.m. at the fire hall.
Someplace safe annual Belgian waffle fundraiser April 10th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. old # 1 Southside Morris tickets available at the door
Morris Non- profit expo on Apr. 11th at Morris area elementary school from 5:30-7 p.m.
Someplace safe “walk a mile" in her shoes “on Apr.12th at 11:30 a.m. at the someplace safe office in Morris
The republican senate district 12 endorsing convention will be held today (sat.) starting at 9:30 a.m. at the starbuck community center
2015 trap season winner was Alberta wild Jim Neal was a member of that team, shoot off winner were moose island raiders all members are or were from Donnelly, Ryan smith was given a 50 straight patch for his shooting
Death notices Brian Lee Amundson of Hoffman passed away peacefully April 2, in Alexandria survivors include his brother Gary (Diane) (Bjorlin) of Barrett
Marie van dyke of starbuck passed away on apr.2nd survivors include her granddaughter in law Gayle (Jeff) Gibson on Avon formerly of Donnelly and their family,
Maximus Tiberius Reimers was born on March 24, at Stevens Community Medical Center in Morris to Christina and Patrick Reimers of Morris. Grandparents are Hugh and Barbara Reimers from Chokio, Minnesota and Tammy Heitz of Donnelly, Minnesota.
Science fair blue ribbon winners 7th grade Kamren Sperr, Maddie erdahl, 9th grade Sydney Sperr
Top 10 winners in the science and math expo included Daniel baily Kloos, Hannah cegla, and Jackson loge
Tiger track the teams recently participated in the wolves’ invitational Aberdeen SD: and Marv Meyer innovational in Morris. The girls took 1st at their meet, boys 8th I will have individual winners in a latter column not been feeling well this week
Oddesy of the mind Hannah Cellega was part of a team entitled furs fins feathers and friends that finished 5th
Savanah Aanerud was part of the 4x400 meter relay that finished 2nd she finished 9th in the 1500 meter run long jump Islande Sperr 20th  boys 200 m dash Levin strand 37th Dalton lupke was part of the 4 x 400 relay team that finished 4th 800 sprint medley that finished
Twp. election results Donnelly twp. Chester Larson chair Richard Olsen supervisor rollie Speer supervisor, don Larson clerk, Craig awsumb tres.  Eldorado rob Kopel chair, mark lampert, sup, Lowell Simpson sup, Duane wilts clerk, Gary Brunkow tres pep Paul Daly chair, les Kopel sup, mike kill sup. Judy Johnston clerk, Greg Fynboh tres rendsville harry Kruize chair dick wente sup mark Erickson sup Philip Kloos clerk Lowell searl tres.