Thursday, April 24, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition: Apr. 26th- may 2nd
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news;
Weather news: we have enjoyed some sunny warm weather the past week but it has turned cold and rainy the past few days.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger new: On April 27th Sunday school will be held at St. J at 9:45 a.m. (adopted grandparents event) and Services will be broadcast on KMRS at 11 A.M. in memory of Ervin and Leana Smith
Good Shepherd news. The Augustana district convention will be held today (Saturday) in Hutchinson.
Adult ed will resume in May
Other church news: THE MORTONAIRES, a acappella men’s chorus from Illinois, performs at the Morris Area Concert Hall, at 7 p.m. on April 26th Performance sponsored by Morris North Apostolic Christian Church. Free and open to the public.   
First Lutheran Church will be hosting the missionary family, the Rev. Tessa Moon and Jon Leiseth, of South Africa, next weekend, On April 26th for a supper, and a program and on April 27th at both services and during fellowship time, between services contacts the church for more info.
Advance tickets are now on sale for the new wine performances at first Lutheran in May
There will be a salad luncheon at west Zion-Hancock today (Saturday) at 10 a.m. featuring author and poet  Candice Simar free will offering
Community news: Jeanne Ennen announces that the next community mentoring meeting is scheduled for April 29th in Alberta at the town hall at 7 p.m.  Contact her for more info.
2nd Annual Western MN Lady Ducks Unlimited Banquet, Stevens County Chapter, April 30th at 5 P.M. at Old #1 Southside, Morris. Contact Meriel Cardwell at 320-815-4482 or Judy Johnston at 320-287-1431 for more information.
Mitchell Kleindl Memorial 3D Archery Shoot today (Saturday) 8-5 and April 27th 8-3 at Neimackl Lake Park located about half ways between Herman and Donnelly.
  There will be two open house bridal showers today (Saturday) the first in honor of Nicole Daly, bride to be of Anthony Homan from 10 a.m. to noon at St. Mary’s Hall in Chokio.  Her parents are Paul and Pam Daly of Donnelly; grandparents Nick and Karen Daly of Chokio 
The second is open house bridal shower for Fallon Meixel, bride to be of Wade Backman, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Pomme de Terre Golf Club. This event is being hosted by Fallon and Wade’s aunts. Registry is at Macy’s and Target. His parents are Steve and Kathy, grandmother is Liz Aschman.

An Open House Bridal Shower in honor of Jessica Nohl, bride to be of Taylor Witt will be held on May 3rd at the Morris Evangelical Free Church from 9-11 a.m. The couple will be wed August 16, in Morris. Her parents are Ray and Tracy (Loge) Nohl
A “Philips 66th” birthday party in honor of Phil Gausman will be held today (Saturday) beginning at 5 p.m. in the basement of the Old # 1 in Morris. No gifts please
Lydia Bae Pugsley was born on April 9 at Stevens Community Medical Center, Morris, to Kaleb and Brooke Pugsley of Logan, Utah. Grandparents are Lonnie and Patricia Anderson of Morris and Kenneth and Leisa Pugsley of Tremonton, Utah. There will be an open house baby shower for her, at Trinity Lutheran, in Cyrus, today (Saturday) from 10-11:30 a.m. her grandfather is the late Denny Anderson of Donnelly

Irene Goldenstein of Donnelly passed away on April 18th her memorial service is today (Saturday) at 10:30 a.m. at St John’s in Donnelly. Survivors include her sister in law Della (Verle) Dunn and her family; brother in law Bob Uhden: niece Deb (Howard) Kill and their family.
Dorretta Undena Gran of Hoffman passed away on April 20th survivors include her step son Dave (Ann) Grann of Brandon. He was interim pastor at STJ/Kong at one time.
Nancy Feir of Pine Island passed away on April. 8th survivors include her mother Pearl A. Anderson, brother, Larry (Peggy) Wilke and their family, her memorial service is today (Saturday) in Pine Island
Evan Daniel Erickson was born on April. 13th to Danny and Jamie Erickson of Avon grandparents are Mark and Deb Erickson, and Ron and Sue Wevely of Donnelly, great grandparents are Evie Raasch and Liz Aschman of Morris
Other celebrations: Beth Holland, Kristie Geise ,Rebekah and Savannah Aanerud and are members of the tiger girls track team that have placed in the top 10 individually or as members of the relay teams in all their meets to date. For complete results see the sports section of the sun tribune and/or my blog
Pat Daly won the Morris area schools scholarship car raffle car  
Tiger girls bb awards Rebekah Aanerud hardest worker Beth Holland MVP, Beth and her sister becca were named all –conference team in the west central conference

The Donnelly community club is looking for ideas about how to celebrate the 50th threshing bee next year  if you have any ideas for that or for this year’s bee or any other club sponsored activity please let us know.

Past week Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter services at GSLC and the spring rummage sale at Faith Lutheran. In the past week I attended the pancake supper at Kong. ;visited Garry weers at his apt in Morris; attended  the great plains h.s honor concert at St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Morris and the community mentoring meeting in Donnelly. It was nice to have some nice comfortable chairs to sit in that somebody (rod and gun club?) bought from umm.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition: Apr. 19th- Apr. 25th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news;
Weather news: after some spring like weather last week it has turned cold again this week and we have some more snow.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger new: no Sunday school on Apr 20th. On April 27th Sunday school will be held at St. J at 9:45 am (adopted grandparents event) and Services will be broadcast on KMRS @ 11 AM in memory of Ervin and Leana Smith
Good Shepherd news. We had 4 young people confirmed on April 13th, Jake Anderson, Jacob Grunklle, Jasmine Luthi, and Briar Peterson
Other church news: Spring rummage sale at faith –Morris on April 23rd starting at 4 pm; “blessing and a burger” sponsored by Faith will be held at the diamond supper club starting on April 23rd at 7 pm
On April 24th there will be an ABC sale at Zion-Morris from 3-7 pm
First Lutheran Church will be hosting the missionary family, the Rev. Tessa Moon and Jon Leiseth, of South Africa ,next weekend, On April 26th for a supper, and a program and on April 27th at both services and during fellowship time between services contact the church for more info.
Advance tickets are now on sale for the new wine performances at first Lutheran in May
The Great Plains H.S. choir from Watertown SD will be in concert at St. Paul’s Lutheran church-Morris on April 20th at 4 pm
Community news: Jeanne Ennen announces that the next community mentoring meeting is scheduled for Donnelly on April 22nd  at the community hall, with additional meetings in Chokio (24th) and Alberta (29th) all at 7 pm.  Contact her for more info.
There will be an open house bridal shower for Brandi Sperr, bride to be of Justin Johnston, today (Saturday) from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Morris. Please bring a favorite recipe to share with the couple.
  There will be an open house bridal shower in honor of Nicole Daly, bride to be of Anthony Homan on April 26th, from 10 a.m. to noon at St. Mary’s Hall in Chokio.  Her parents are Paul and Pam Daly of Donnelly; grandparents Nick and Karen Daly of Chokio 
There will be an open house bridal shower for Fallon Meixel, bride to be of Wade Backman, on Saturday, April 26 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Pomme de Terre Golf Club. This event is being hosted by Fallon and Wade’s aunts. Registry is at Macy’s and Target. His parents are Steve and Kathy, grandmother is Liz Aschman.

Douglas and Leah Nelson of Hancock are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lauren, to Colter Combellick, son of Bill Combellick and Elizabeth Athey of Chokio; her grandparents are former Donnelly residents Harvard and Karen Jaeck of Mapleton MN the wedding is set for June 21st
An Open House Bridal Shower in honor of Jessica Nohl, bride to be of Taylor Witt will be held on May 3rd at the Morris Evangelical Free Church from 9-11 am. The couple will be wed August 16, in Morris. Her parents are Ray and Tracy (Loge) nohl

Gloria kill of Morris passed away on Apr. 9th survivors include her nephews Ray (Betty) kill and Joe (Julie) Kill and their families of Donnelly
James Squirer of Donnelly passed away on Apr. 11th.
Vern Erickson of Starbuck passed away on April 13th survivors include his sister former Donnelly area resident Marge Kleinhans and her family.

Other celebrations: tiger track (Meyer invitational-Morris) Rebekah Aanerud (2nd) 100 meters hurdles; Sprints 100 meters: (6th) Beth Holland 800: (7th) Rebekah Aanerud, Runs 3200 (3rd) Savannah Aanerud
The tiger 4x200 and 4x400 relays finished second, Beth Holland is a member of those teams.
Lqpv track meet   results 100 meter sprints Beth Holland (3rd) 800 meter run: (4th) Savannah Aanerud; 100 meter hurdles (4th) Rebekah Aanerud. All four of the relay teams finished 2nd Beth Holland, Rebekah & Savannah Aanerud and Kourtney Giese were members of those teams

In Tiger basketball awards Bryce Jergenson was named most improved, and to the all-west central conference team
The Donnelly community club had our first meeting of the year on the 14th as we begin making plans for this year’s bee on Aug. 23rd and 24th featuring Ford.  We are looking for ideas about how to celebrate our 50th, anybody has any ideas for it or any other suggestions or ideas for the bee or any other club sponsored activity let us know

Past week Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended confirmation services at Gs, Mark and I attended the St. J spring fling and vendor /craft show at the community hall.  I attended the community mentoring meeting in Hancock, the dfd fish fry in Donnelly, the cattleman’s steak fry, the community hymn sing at federated, visitation for Gloria kill at Gs, the visitation for ted dosdall and his funeral at the funeral home and at first Lutheran.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition: Apr. 12th-18th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news; as I start my 7th year of doing this column. I want to say mange takk to all my loyal readers who have made this column such a success. 
Weather news: we have finally gotten some sunny, mild, weather in the past week, but still some snow around, lots of frost in the ground yet, and the wind still has a bite to it.
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger new: there will be joint services on April 13th at 11 a.m. at St John’s; no Sunday school on Apr 20th. See newsletter for details about other Holly week events

The St John’s spring fling is today (Saturday) from 10:30 am – 1 pm at the church
Good Shepherd news. Confirmation services will be on April 13th (Palm Sunday) @ 9 am, there will be services on April 17 and 18th at 7 p.m., and Easter Sunday at 9 am.
Other church news: “This and that” sale at the Federated church in Morris today (Saturday) from 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Community hymn sing on April 13th at 2 p.m. at the federated church in Morris everyone welcome
There will be an Easter egg hunt at hosanna worship center on April 13th at 10 am.
Spring rummage sale at faith –Morris April 23rd starting at 4 pm; “blessing and a burger” sponsored by faith will be held at the diamond supper club starting on April 23rd at 7 pm
The Great Plains H.S. choir from Watertown SD will be in concert at St. Paul’s Lutheran church-Morris on April 20th at 4 pm
Community news: Jeanne Ennen announces that there will be several meetings on the community mentoring program throughout Stevens County in the weeks ahead contact her for more info at 246-3316 or visit her Facebook page at
Spring fling vendor and craft show, Donnelly Hall, today (Saturday) 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Silent auction with proceeds going to Hall Renovation Fund
Donnelly community club will meet on Apr 14th at 7 p.m. at the community hall as we start making plans for the bee and other events.
There will be an open house bridal shower for Brandi Sperr, bride to be of Justin Johnston, April 19 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Morris. Please bring a favorite recipe to share with the couple.
  There will be an open house bridal shower in honor of Nicole Daly, bride to be of Anthony Homan on April 26, from 10 a.m. to noon at St. Mary’s Hall in Chokio.  Her parents are Paul & Pam Daly of Donnelly; grandparents Nick and Karen Daly of Chokio 
 Card shower for Joyce (Jacobson) Olson in honor of her 70th birthday (PO Box 95 Donnelly MN 56235)
 Ruth Hoernemann of Ortonville passed away April 1st survivors include her sister in law former Donnelly resident Pat Hoernemann and her family
Douglas and Leah Nelson of Hancock are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lauren, to Colter Combellick, son of Bill Combellick and Elizabeth Athey of Chokio. Grandparents are former Donnelly residents Harvard and Karen Jaeck of Mapleton MN the wedding is set for June 21st There will be an open house bridal shower in honor of them today (Saturday), from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Morris Senior Center in Morris
Levi Curtis Honzay was born on March 24, 2014 at Stevens Community Medical Center, Morris, to LeAnn and Benjamin Honzay of Donnelly. Grandparents are Clay, Sharon Van Horn of Donnelly and Ron and Joan Honzay of Olivia

4-h project bowl winner sr. 1 (1st )Jonna Moser was a member of that team sr. 2 (5th) place; Jon Moser was the coach; Jr. 2 (2nd) Justus Moser a team member; buskin bukero’s Jr. Horse team; (7th place )coached by Julie kill; red duns sr. horse team (2nd )Rebekah and Savanah Aanerud were members of that team
Other celebrations: Bryce Jergenson was named the tiger baseball co- Capt.; Chandler Erickson a catcher for the UMM cougar’s baseball team was named umac player of the week: Jackson Loge and Hope Sperr were among the 4th grade winners at the recent Science –math challenge at Morris area elementary school: Levin Strand recently obtained the rank of Eagle Scout
Mark Koepke reports that his checkup at the eye doctor this week was good they told him to keep doing what he has been doing and come back in 6 months. In the past week he and Ellen Wilts attended the open house at Grant county choppers in Herman, was a guest of Peggy Wishnack at faith- Morris for their congregational life program and attended the April birthday program at the WWV featuring Kaylene Mecklenburg.

Past week I attended the st. co gen soc. mtg. at the WWV, visitation for my former neighbor Claudia Whilite at the e-s funeral home in Hoffman. The pope county expo at MAHS, the birthday party for Gary weers at GS services at the WWV with pr. Mike Hanson, afterwards I visited with Mary Dripps, visitation for Rubye Alfson at the Pederson funeral home and bible study and Lenten services at Gs

Thursday, April 3, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition: Apr. 5-11th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: well in the past week it has been Minnesota land of 10,000 different weather patterns as we have had sunny mild weather, rain, sleet, hail, snow, stormy weather even reports of tornadoes. 
In St. John’s/ Kongsvinger news: Lenten services will conclude on April 9th at Kongsvinger with coffee fellowship to follow. There will be joint services on Apr13th at 11 a.m. at St John’s ; Apr 17th at  St John’s ,Apr 18th at Kongsvinger both at 7 p.m. (supper preceding both services), no Sunday school on Apr 20th. See newsletter for details.

The St John’s spring fling is April 12th items are wanted for the raffle and white elephant sale.  Contact Joan Kopacek at 246-3381 for a list of items you can bring them to the church by April 10th.
Good Shepherd news:  Lenten services will conclude on Apr 9th at 7 p.m. Confirmation services will be on April 13th (Palm Sunday) and there will be services at 7p.m. on April 17 and 18th.
It’s a celebration of Gary Weers 75th birthday. Join us for coffee and refreshments after services Sunday, April 6th provided by his daughter Irene Maloney.
There are signup sheets at all three churches for flowers for Easter
The April newsletters for the parish and good shepherd are now out; extra copies are available in the back of all three churches
Community hymn sing on April 13th at 2 p.m. at the federated church everyone welcome
This that that sale at Federated in Morris April 12th 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Community news: The 2nd Annual Sgt. Kurt Kruize Foundation Dinner (free will donation) will be held today (Saturday) from 3 – 7 P.M. at the Hancock Community Center. 
Someplace safe –Stevens County is having all you can eat Belgian waffle brunch on April 6th at Old # 1 Southside Morris from 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Jeanne Ennen announces that there will be several meetings on the community mentoring program throughout Stevens County in the weeks ahead contact her for more info at 246-3316 or visit her Facebook page at
Red hatters meet April 7th at 9 a.m. at the Herman bar and grill, the bookmobile will be in town at 3:30 p.m. at HD & co, the rendsville 4-h, and the Donnelly city council will meet at 7 p.m. at the fire and community hall
Donnelly community club will meet on Apr 14th at 7 p.m. at the community hall as we start making plans for the bee and other events.
There will be an open house bridal shower honoring Brandi Sperr, bride to be of Justin Johnston, today (Saturday) from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Federated Church in Morris.
Muriel Cardwell announces that after 25 years her business MC Cutters will be closing on April 17th due to issues with carpal tunnel syndrome
the Donnelly fire department annual fish fry at the Donnelly hall will be held on April 11th serving starts at 4:30 p.m.

Douglas and Leah Nelson of Hancock are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lauren, to Colter Combellick, son of Bill Combellick and Elizabeth Athey of Chokio. Grandparents are former Donnelly residents Harvard and Karen Jaeck of Mapleton MN the wedding is set for June 21st There will be an open house bridal shower in honor of them Saturday April 12, from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Morris Senior Center in Morris
Kinsley Jo Whittemore was born on March 13, at Lake Region Healthcare in Fergus Falls to Erik and Melissa Whittemore of Donnelly. Grandparents are Dave and Julie Whittemore of Donnelly, and Kelly and Paula Zimmerman of Chokio
Vernon Jesse Griffith of Fiesta Village, Mission, Texas and Morris, Minnesota, died March 9th survivors include his wife former Donnelly area resident Elaine (Hatlestad) Loher
Former Donnelly area resident Claudia Whilite passed away on April 1st her funeral is today (Saturday) at Zion Lutheran in Hoffman at10 a.m. survivors include her niece Joyce (Alan) Olson of Donnelly 

Savannah Aanerud was named Most Valuable Gymnast at the tiger sports banquet held recently she and Kourtney Geise were named to all west central conference team.
Beth Holland was named all area team -honorable mention from the west central tribune
Former Donnelly resident Karenna Johnson won an award for her science fair project “in other words- does learning a second language increase your mental flexibility?” ; at the Springfield MN elementary school and she will be going  to the regional competition next month.
Past week I attended the seminar at wulf farms and their cattle sale, traveled to Willmar for 7th district republican convention, afterwards I visited with some relatives in the area , went to see the Christy play in Glenwood., and helped Jim and Lou Eystad with NAPS distribution

