Thursday, October 31, 2013

donnelly news

`                           Nov 2nd-8th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news: this week’s issue is dedicated to the memory of my aunt Mabel Van Olst, who passed away on November 10th 2002

Weather news   farmers have been busy taking advantage to the nice weather to get their crops in, yields have been fair. Lack of propane for drying crops has hindered efforts, to get it all done.  October 29th was a preview of things to come, when we woke up to snow on the ground

ST John’s/Kongsvinger news: There will be joint services at Kongsvinger, on November 3rd, at 11 a.m. followed by a welcome dinner for PR. Mary.

Church council will meet on November13th at Kong note change of meeting place.
Pictures for the picture directory will be taken on November 13-16th if you have not signed up for it, please do so A.S.A.P.

Kongsvinger quartet CD’s have been redone and are available for purchase; contact Jeanne Ennen at 246-3316 for details.

Good Shepherd news: There will be adult forums the first and third Sunday of each month. The first Sunday of the month will be food shelf Sunday. There will be a special Sunday school first and third sod shelf- worship service, the 2nd Sunday of each month.

The annual meeting date has been changed to January 19, 2014

Rev John Smith pastor of Trinity Lutheran in Cyrus is retiring. His last service will be November 3rd. There will be a worship service at 10:45 A.M., followed by a dinner and program at 2 p.m.

Scandinavian heritage dinner will be held at First Lutheran Morris November 6th, 3-7 p.m.

Meatball supper on November 13th at Faith Lutheran in Morris starting at 4:30 pm

New wine info meeting on November 3rd at 5 p.m. at First Lutheran

Prairie Area Chorales will present a program about and for children on November 17th at 4 p.m. at Faith in Morris

Ken and Linda Hodgson will be hosting a community hymn sing the 2nd sun of each month beginning with one at Federated church on November 10th at 7 p.m.

Community news: Stevens County Genealogical society will meet on November 7th at 1:30 p.m., in the society's room at the library in Morris.

Rendsville 4-h and city council will meet on November 4th at 7 p.m. at the city and fire hall. 

Donnelly community club will meet on November 11th at 7p.m. at the hall

The bookmobile will be in town on November 4th at 3:30 p.m. 

Elnora Perkins of Morris passed away on October 23rd survivors include her niece, former Donnelly area residents, Dorothy, and her son Kenny

Ted Uhden of Redmond Oregon passed away on October 1st survivors include his brother Bob (Rose) and his family of Donnelly

Pearl Minnie Jipson   of Portland Oregon passed away on Sept 22nd survivors include her sister in law Linda (cliff)   Hatlestad  

Audrey Gronwold of Tintah passed away on October 27th survivors include her daughter Louise (Randy) Werk and their family

Jody Wilke of St Cloud spent some time over the weekend visiting his mother Pearl Anderson

October 25th I attended the Minnesota citizens concerned for Life fall tour at the senior center in Alexandria, before the meeting I visited with a friend in the Bethany home.

October 26th I attended the 60th anniversary celebration of Sarlettes music at their store in Morris

Makayla Mau (Maynard and Lori) and Mason Dunn (Lowell and Sandy) were confirmed at Kongsvinger on October 27th. At the Thrivent reception afterwards we sang happy birthday to Glen Werk. Several members of his family were home to help him celebrate.  Family and friends of the Mau’s and Dunn’s enjoyed a dinner together afterwards at the parish hall. In the aft Mark and I attended the Halloween party at the hall.  On the 28th we attended the nonprofit expo at the Morris area high school, latter I attended a meeting of the Stevens county Republican Party steering committee at Detoy’s. I then traveled to assumption for the john Micheal Talbot event.

Adam Uphoff (Alan and Mary) was confirmed at faith on October 27th.

I put a new box in the post office in Donnelly to replace the one that disappeared

Friday, October 25, 2013

donnelly news

          Oct 26th -Nov 1st

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news: this week’s issue is dedicated to the memory of my Dad, who passed away on October 31st 2005.

Weather news: most of the past week has been cloudy cool and rainy with some occasional sunshine. Now that is has quit raining, farmers are busy making up for lost time getting the corn and other crops out.

ST John’s/Kongsvinger news: Makayla Mau and Mason Dunn will be confirmed on October 27th, during joint services, at Kongsvinger, at 11 a.m.

There will be joint services at Kongsvinger, on November 3rd, at 11 a.m. followed by a welcome dinner for PR. Mary.

Good Shepherd news:  a study on Luther’s large catechism will be starting soon; you can order one from the church, if you do not currently have one.

Operation Christmas Child is now underway, pick up a box and fill it up with supplies (sheet included in box), and return it to the church by November 18th

Other church news: John Michael Talbot in concert at Assumption Catholic church on October 27th-29th @ 7p.m. each night.

Rev John Smith pastor of Trinity Lutheran in Cyrus is retiring. His last service will be November 3rd. There will be a worship service at 10:45 A.M., followed by a dinner and program at 2 p.m.

Scandinavian heritage dinner at first Lutheran Morris November 6th, 3-7 pm

Community news: Halloween party will be held at the Donnelly Hall on Sunday (not Saturday as previously advertised), October 27 from 3:00 until 5:00 p.m.  Costume judging takes place at 4 p.m.  Everyone is welcome! 

There will be a nonprofit expo at the Morris area high school gym on October 28th from 5-7:30 p.m.

Stevens County Genealogical society will meet on November 7th at 1:30 p.m. at the library

Rendsville 4-h and city council will meet on November 4th at 7 p.m. at the city and fire hall. 

The bookmobile will be in town on October 28th at 3:30 p.m.

Celebrations: the 5 and 6th grade tackle football team won the championship in Willmar recently. Brady Loge was a member of that team his Dad, Ryan was one of the coaches

Kallan Roger Koehntop was born on October 11th at Douglas County Hospital, to Kyle and Mandi Koehntop of Morris. Grandparents are Parker and Renee Kloos of Donnelly and Roger and Bonnie Koehntop of Morris. Great grandparents are Herb and Carol Kloos, Gerald and Kay Laager, Wilfred and Doris Arens, and Maynard Koehntop.

Tiger Sports boosters athletes of the week include, Savannah and Rebekah Aanerud and Carly Gullickson.

Jerry and Joan Kopacek spent an enjoyable weekend at Luther Crest Bible Camp helping out with the Camp’s Quilt Auction at Carlos Creek Winery on October 19th.

Mark and I attended the customer appreciation breakfast at super valu on October 18th, in the afternoon I attended the 97th birthday party for Flossie Mathison at the courage cottage.

Duane Dahlen of Herman passed away on October 15th survivors include his great aunt. Claudia Wilhite. I attended his visitation on October 26th, at the Erickson Smith funeral home in Elbow Lake.

Mark and I attended the school board meeting in Donnelly on October 21st afterwards we visited Herb and Carol Kloos at their home in Donnelly.

October 22nd I attended a presentation on “Going to Work: The New Deal in Minnesota” by Doug Ohman in Elbow Lake at the Sanford room in the community building.
October 23rd Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended Bible study at Good Shepherd in the a.m. then I went to the West Wing Village for the presentation “School House Memories” and in the eve “Cemeteries of Minnesota” at the Morris library both by Doug Ohman


Friday, October 18, 2013

donnelly news

Oct 19th-25th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news:

 Weather news: Last week was sunny and mild it rained most of Monday ,and Tuesday of this week. Most beans are done, a fair amount of the corn has been picked too, and a friend said yields have been good so far.

ST John’s/Kongsvinger news: Mark and I and are sponsoring the Kongsvinger services, that will be broadcast on KMRS at 11 a.m., on October 20th, in memory of our parents Stan and Elsie Koepke, and Emil and June Anderson. This will be the service from October 5th featuring Rev Paul Dumke from Willmar and with special music the Kongsvinger men's trio

Confirmation faith statements will be on October 25th at Kongsvinger at 7p.m. with confirmation on October 27th during joint services at Kongsvinger at 11 a.m.

There will be joint services at Kongsvinger on November 3rd at 11 a.m. followed by a welcome dinner for PR. Mary

Sign up is under way for the parish picture directory you can sign up before or after services at either church, or contact Sandy Dunn or Karen Janachovsky

Good Shepherd news:  a study on Luther’s large catechism will be starting soon; you can order one from the church, if you do not currently have one.

Operation Christmas Child is now underway, pick up a box and fill it up with supplies (sheet included in box) and return it to the church by November 18th

Other church news: John Michael Talbot in concert at Assumption Catholic church on October 27th-29th @ 7p.m. each night.

Rev John Smith pastor of Trinity Lutheran in Cyrus is retiring. His last service will be November 3rd. There will be a worship service at 10:45 A.M., followed by a dinner and program at 2 p.m.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is sponsoring 2 upcoming seminars on October 22nd" you legacy" from 12-1 p.m. at St Paul’s Lutheran in Morris and keeping the farm in the family from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Old # 1 Southside Morris. Call 589-1731 for more information or to RSVP

Community news: the school board will meeting in Donnelly on October 21st at the town hall at 7 p.m.

There will be a nonprofit expo at the Morris are high school gym on October 28th from 5-7:30 p.m.

Cemeteries of MN will be presented by Doug Ohman at the Morris public library on October 23 at 6 p.m.

Celebrations Cammi Aanerud was named homecoming princes at M state in Fergus falls

Savannah Aanerud finished 5th in the West Central conference cross country meet

Levin Strand recently earned several more badges at the Boy Scout court of honor in Morris. 

William Lesmeister (Cassie and Danielle) was baptized at Faith Lutheran in Morris on October 13th

Ryker Brae Johnson was born on September 12th at Stevens Community Medical Center, Morris, to Ashli Kramer and Robert Johnson of Morris. Grandparents are Ray Kramer of Morris and Roni Kramer of Brandon and Brian and Janae Lundebrek of Clontarf. Great grandparents are Joyce Kramer and Maynard Koehntop.

 0ct 11th Mark and I traveled to McDonalds in Fergus falls where we met his ex-sister -in -law Shirley Koepke for lunch and a visit. Also joining us was her daughter Sabrina; en route home we stopped at the Erickson smith funeral home in el to visit with his former social worker Dianne Kapphahn .Shirley was married to Mark's foster brother Bobby.

October 12th Karen long and I attend the fall bazaar at Zion Lutheran in Morris. In the aft Mark and I attended the golden wedding celebration for Virgil and Theresa Fults at assumption. Afterward we visited Ruth Strand at her home in Morris. She recently attended a 90th birthday for her sister Palma Johnson. Later we attended the legion fund raiser dinner at the legion in Morris

Jim and Lou Eystad attended the adopted grandparents’ event at Kongsvinger on October 13th

October 14th the Donnelly community club held their monthly meeting due to a lack of quorum it was decided to have another meeting on November 11th

October 15th I attended part of the “Gather in the Park” event at the Someplace Safe Headquarters, moved indoors due to the rain, before heading out to Good Shepherd for a meeting.

October 16th Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the ARC bazaar in Morris earlier in the day I attended bible study at Good Shepherd.

My “mailbox” at the PO has disappeared I will take the one out of HD &CO and put in there until I can (hopefully) find it back.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Donnelly news

Oct 12-18th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news:

 Weather news: After a week of rainy weather the weather has been sunny and mild this week and farmers have been busy in the field.  Most beans are harvested; a lot of the corn has been too

ST John’s/Kongsvinger news: Mark and I and are sponsoring the Kongsvinger services that will be broadcast on KMRS at 11 a.m. on October 20th, in memory of our parents Stan and Elsie Koepke, and Emil and June Anderson. This will be the service from October 5th featuring Rev Paul Dumke from Willmar and with special music the Kong men's trio

Confirmation Sunday is October 27th with faith statements on October 25th at Kongsvinger

Rev Mary Dodgson has accepted the call to be the interim pastor at the parish she is scheduled to start work here on October 15th.

Good Shepherd news:  the mission of the month is Re Claim hymnal coffee money goes to Salvation Army

Other church news: fall bazaar at Zion Lutheran today (Saturday) Morris 9-1 p.m.

fall festival at Our Saviors Lutheran church Chokio 9am -12:30 pm today (Saturday)

John Michael Talbot in concert at Assumption Catholic church on October 27th-29th @ 7pm each night

 "Papers: Stories of Undocumented Youth "will be shown at the Federated Church of Morris; 200 S. Columbia Ave 200 S. Columbia Ave. on Sunday, October 13 at 5:00 p.m.

Community news:the firemen and Donnelly community club will meet on October 14th at the at the fire and community hall @ 7 p.m.

Golden wedding celebration for Virgil and Theresa Fults on October 12th 1:30-4:30 p.m. at the assumption catholic church in Morris

Celebrations: Wedding anniversary. Celebration Scott and Kathy Bahr 30 years
Dani Kloos and Jesse Streed were married in Alexandria on August 31st.

Tigers cc savannah Aanerud finished 15th at the Sauk Center meet, 5th at the Benson meet

Rebecca and Savannah Aanerud won several ribbons at the state horse meet
Leo Hesston Christians was born on September 12, 2013 at CentraCare Health, Sauk Centre to Hesston and Angie Christians. Leo Hesston weighed 7 lbs. 15.5 oz. and was 20” long. Grandparents are Dean and Linda Pederson of Hancock and Doug and Louise Christians of Chokio. Great-grandparents are Fred and Zita Reetz of Alpha, Virene Olson of Morris, Fred and Christine Sperr of Chokio and Marge Christians of Chokio.
Fire dept. poster winner 5-6th grade Jackson Loge, Brandon Jergenson
The Stevens county genealogical society had a meeting on October 3rd at the library the next meeting is on Nov 7th with a board meeting scheduled for later that month at the Good Samaritan Home in Hoffman
Mark, Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended services at the West Wing Village on October 4th rev mike Hanson was preacher.  We also attended the fall craft event at the hall and the st John ’s fall festival in Donnelly on October 5th   in the evening I attended the 4-h awards show at the west central outreach and research center administrative building
Mark and I attended the dedication service for the Lloyd Brandt estate gift at Kongsvinger on October 6th and the potluck dinner afterwards.  In the evening I attended the Morris life care pregnancy center's banquet at the Hosanna worship center
Mark and I attended the fall rummage sale and supper at faith Lutheran in Morris on Sept 26th
The Frank family had a mini family reunion over the weekend at the St John’s fall festival. Attending were Dorothy Johrdheim (Gayle, Jenna, and Owen Gibson) Shirley Frank (Laurie Hoffer and Danny Frank) from Donnelly, Marcia Baldwin from Burlington Ks, Donna Frank from Starbuck, Joanna Christenson from Shakopee, and others members of their family.           
October 8th I visited Cal and Jan Bumgardner at their home in Morris
Mark and I visited Sam Johrdheim at his home in Donnelly on October 9th
October 7th while visiting Mark Koepke in his apartment we visited with his sister Linda in Fennimore Wisconsin on the phone.
His address is 151 sunnyslope road 324-114 Morris MN 56267 he has unlisted phone # so call me if you want to get a hold of him that way, his e-mail ad is


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Donnelly news

Oct 5-11th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news:

 Weather news: the weather has been very sunny and mild during the last week with some needed rain on sat a.m. Talked to some people about bean harvest, they are very dry, and the ones I talked to had low yields due to hail damage in their fields. 

ST John’s/Kongsvinger news: On Sunday, October 6, 2013, Kongsvinger Lutheran Church is planning
a dedication worship service/program followed by an “old fashioned potluck” dinner.  Recognition and thanks will be expressed to the late Lloyd Brandt and his family; to all members for memorials given to the church, as well as generous gifts of time and talents shared. The Service of Holy Communion will begin at 11:00 am.  Friends and
Families and anyone who may have known Lloyd and would like to visit with his family are invited to join us for this day of Thanksgiving. All are Welcome!

The St John’s fall fest will be on Saturday, October 5th, from 10 a.m. 1:30 p.m. rummage sale, raffle, card, and bake sale and lunch available

The October newsletter is now out extra copies available in the narthex of each church

Rev Mary Dodgson has accepted the call to be the interim pastor at the parish she is scheduled to start work here on October 15th.

Good Shepherd news:  I have been asked what we are doing at the church. Last fall we decided to add a new addition onto the church, construction began several months ago on the addition which will enlarge the fellowship hall and provide much needed class room space.  You can see some pictures of it on the Good Shepherd Facebook page

Other church news: fall bazaar at Zion Lutheran October 12th Morris 9-1 p.m.

The glacial ridge conference women's fall gathering will be held on October 7th at Trinity Lutheran church Cyrus beginning with registration at 4:30 p.m.

Community news: city council and Rendsville 4-h will meet on October 7th at 7 p.m. and at the fire and community hall

Donnelly community club will meet on October 14th at the community hall @ 7 pm
 There will be a baby shower for Kelly Frank at the “Place to be in Donnelly” today Saturday from 2-5 p.m.; she and Randy are expecting twins

Fall craft vendor sale at Donnelly community hall 10 a.m. – 3p.m. today (Saturday)

Morris Life Care Pregnancy Center is once again hosting the Respect Life Banquet on Sunday October 6 beginning at 4:30p.m. This fun filled event will be held at Hosanna Worship Center in Morris. 

 Death notices: former Donnelly area resident Phyllis Dyer passed away September 4th in AZ her funeral is today (Saturday) at 2 p.m. at the Federated church in Morris

Walter Roske of Hoffman passed away on September 27th survivors include his son Russell of Donnelly and his children

Celebrations: Savannah Aanerud finished 25th in the Milaca mega meet and first in the Ortonville invite for the Tigers cross country team

The Tiger volley ball team won the Hancock tournament Kourtney Geise and Becca Holland are member of that team.

Brooke Gillespie was elected vice president of the freshman class at Chokio-Alberta H.S.

Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the Chord Ayers concert at Good Shepherd on September 28th. In the a.m., I traveled to the museum in Elbow Lake where I partook in the pioneer cemetery tour sponsored by the Grant County historical society with stops at the first pioneer cemetery and the site of the first school house in Grant County and the one at the Lincoln church both by Hoffman .In the afternoon I was among those who attended the green dorm dedication at the University of Minnesota Morris

David Flugel and I were among those who attended parts of the homecoming concert at the Humanities Fine Arts center on the University of Minnesota Morris campus on September 29th, in the eve I attended the supper and presentation “Angles Among Us” by Rev Wayne and Donna Jo Kopitzke at Trinity Lutheran church of Cyrus. On September 30th we attended the community meal at Faith Lutheran in Morris