Thursday, May 13, 2021

donnelly news


May 18th-25th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news.

Weather News: temps are still cool, most of the fields in the area have been worked up and/or planted, and a few fields have a crop coming up, including the field by the threshing bee grounds.

St, John's/Kongsvinger news: services are now being held indoors again with some restrictions in place. Services are at 9:30 a.m., on the 1st, 3rd, 5th Sun at Kongsvinger, the 2nd and 4th Sun at St, John's. Communion is on the 1st and 4th Sun of the month. On May 8th, SS ended for the year. Rev. Rochelle Anderson is providing pastoral care. Please contact a council president if you need pastoral care or call her at 320-287-2663.  The KLCW has resumed meeting the 1st Thur. of the month at Kong. Their June 3rd meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. ST J WELCA is still on hiatus. Also, Kong do-days and women's book club have returned.

The two remaining dates for radio sponsorship are July 25th and December 5th contact the parish office for more details.

Change in schedule: On May 23rd, Rev Rochelle Anderson will preside at services at Kongsvinger at 9:30 a.m. This service will be Baccalaureate Recognition Sun. If you have a grad, please let the parish office know ASAP. Note I will have my annual grad recognition issue in early June, so if you have somebody graduating, please let me know.

Gslc news: services are at 9 a.m., followed by a limited coffee hr. and SS.

Adult Ed has returned following the lunch hr., the last day of SS is May 23rd.

Please check with your local church for their latest update on service times and details and other events. Also, remember that there are services, devotionals, etc., available on FB, YouTube, church websites, local access channels, radio, etc.

BBB returns in In June at the fireside in Morris

Community organization meetings: The Rendsville 4-h meets on the first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at St John's Donnelly. City council meets on the 1st Sat of the month at 4 p.m. at city hall.  The community club meetings are on the 2nd Mon of the month at the community hall at 7 p.m. & the Donnelly Fire Department meets on the 2nd and 3rd Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the fire hall.

 The bookmobile will resume its regular schedule June 1st with stops in Donnelly on the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month on Main Street from 2:45–3:00 p.m.; for more info, call 218.739.5286 or visit Also, the VLS is offering a summer reading program:



Note all meetings are subject to change, so please check with somebody before planning to attend any scheduled meetings. 

Thanks to Hands for Health (Jeanne Ennen) for sponsoring the SCHS walking tour of Donnelly.  There will be brochures available at the co-op and PO in Donnelly and the museum in Morris or online:; If you were unable to attend the event and wish to do so on your own.

There will be similar tours of Chokio and Alberta later this year.

Rusc Kinship garden gala June 23rd, 5–7 p.m. Pomme de Park

There is no ice cream social in June this yr.

Along with some family members, John Ruff spent time visiting his sister Lou (Jim) Eystad and other family & friends in the area.

Plans continue to have a threshing bee this year, hopefully. Anyone with ideas of activities/events we could add should contact an officer with the community club. 

The past week: Gary Brunkow funeral, regular services, & bible study at GSLC, NDP Morris E Free church the farewell reception and last service for Pr Dell Sanderson, at Faith-Morris; the community club mtg Donnelly; Holmberg field dedication


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