Friday, May 31, 2013

donnelly news

Next edition June 1st -7th
Welcome to the graduation edition of the Donnelly news:  
Weather news: we had rain on and off much of last week which was just what the Dr. ordered to get crops off to a good start. Most farmers have their crops in except for some of the really wet fields. A lot of the grain and corn is up and looking good. I have not seen any beans up yet.
ST John’s/Kongsvinger News: The summer worship schedule starts June 2nd with services at St John’s at 8:30 am and Kong at 10:15 a.m.
There will be joint services at Kongsvinger on June 9th at 10:15 a.m.
Good Shepherd news: There will be an end of the year Sunday school picnic potluck at Green river at 11 a.m. on June 2nd
There will be a graduation open house for Taylor Johnson celebrating his graduation from Benson high school today (Saturday) from 1-4 pm at his house (1204 Atlantic avenue )Benson  His parent are Dan and Kathy Johnson, his grandparents are Ken and Ardyce Johnson of Morris
There will be a collection for the food shelf the first Sunday of every month.
Sunday school age kids will have an explorer vbs at Lutheran Island Bible Camp and Retreat Center near Henning MN on June 12th from 10 am 3 pm
June 14th is good shepherd day at Valley Fair. There is a sign-up sheet in the back of the church. For more info on either event contact a member of the youth committee or the church at 585-6868
Other church news:   The next performance of the New Wine Show “The Rock Slinger and his Greatest Hits” will be at Trinity Lutheran in Cyrus, on June 9th at 3 p.m.
Community news: the following events are taking place today (Saturday)
 There will be a memorial service in honor of Bert Willie   at 1 pm at the Willie farm, (46683 150th st), followed by refreshments served at West Pomme Lodge (former Perkins resort)
There will be open house bridal showers for Jenna Moser, bride-to-be of Reed Kampmeier from 9 to 11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church Hall in Chokio.
There will be open house graduation parties for the following in honor of their graduation from Morris area high school:
For MaKenzie Smith today (Saturday) from 1 to 4 p.m. at her home, 53522 160th Street Donnelly
For Tyler Heinrichs from 1 to 4 p.m. on June 2nd at the old #1 Southside Morris
For Lacy Eystad on June 2nd from 11 am- -2 pm at the hall in Donnelly
Leland James Burrow was born on April 18th to James and Jenna Burrow of Owatonna, grandparents are Scott and Beth Heinrich of Morris   Great Grandmother is Lillian Heinrich of Donnelly. There will be an open house baby shower for him on June 2nd from 2-4 pm at Morris sr center
I understand there will be 9 Little League Games in Donnelly this year; the rendsville 4-h will be selling lunch.
There will be a Fun Run to benefit Tatum Libbesmeier and Jace Jo Pederson on June 8th with registration starting at 10 am at the Herman Bar and Grill  and ending at the Place to be in Donnelly. There will be entertainment there starting at 5 pm and a live band at 9 pm more info 320-287-0983 or 701 306-7183
On June 3rd, The Red Hatters will meet at 9 am at the Herman Bar and Grill. The city council and rendsville 4-h, will meet at the city hall and fire hall in Donnelly at 7 pm. The community club will meet on June 10th at the Hall.
Accomplishments: Tiger girls track results sub section: (First)  Savannah Aanerud( 4th )800 sprint MaKenzie Smith (1st )1600 & 3200 & discus  Rebekah Aanerud (5th)100 intermediates 5th 300 lows 8th  relay   4x100 (2nd) (Beth Holland is a member of that team) 4x 400( third) Beth and MaKenzie were members of that team 4x800 (2nd )Savannah Aanerud is a member of that team.
As a member of the Owl track team Gabi Nienhaus finished 6th in the shot put and was a member of the 4 x 200 relay team that placed 4th in the conference meet.      During awards day she was recognized for being an o Ambassador
New members of the rendsville 4-h: Cassandra Fults (Joe and Jen), Charity Johnson, Connor Johnson, (Karla and Joel) Justin Miller (Jason and Julie) and Mason Perkins (Lisa and Toby)
Below are the graduates that I know of from the Donnelly area along with parents and grandparents where known unless otherwise indicated they are from Morris area high school* with honors # national honor society
James Burke (Pat and Barbra)
Lacey Eystad (Robert and Bernie) Don Bahr
Zach Giese (Brad and Kristi) Wally and Marlys 
Mike Michaelson (Tim and Jeanne)
Brandon Pry (David and Cora)
Amber Recker# (Roger, Deann) (Jason Fjeld) Marcella Recker George Hickman
MaKenzie Smith*# (Mark and Pat) Carlyon
Sara Stallman (Jeff and Marylyn)
Paige Strand (Kelly) Vern
Tom Holland*# (Joe and Linda)
Tyler Heinrichs (Scott and Dawn) Audrey and Nancy
Jesse Vavra (Mr. and Mrs. Vilem Vavra) Warren and Linda
Jana Lohr (Dickenson (ND) HIGH SCHOOL (Jerry JR., Jody), Bertha Larson
Samantha Larson (Herman) (Jon and Bev) Bertha Larson
Landon Strand (Herman) (Jason and Jodi) Vern
Chandler Erickson*(Chokio Alberta) (Dean and Jerri) Sam Logan
Ethan Nelson Hancock (Chuck and Lisa) Harvard and Karen Jaeck
Alisha Melberg University of Minnesota Morris (Jay, Penny) Audrey and Nancy Henrichs
Joan Kopacek was one of the speakers at the Memorial Day Program at the Morris Amory that many of us from the area attended on May 27th Jeanne Ennen and MaKenzie Smith were in the line of Flag and Banner bearers marching from the Armory to the cemetery. In the afternoon, I attended the graduation open house for Tom Holland at the old # 1 Southside
A good crowd was on hand for the Little League Game in Donnelly on May 28th

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