Wednesday, December 30, 2015

donnelly news

Jan 2nd- 8th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news:
Weather news: we had several inches of snow on Sat. fortunately the storm predicated for this week did not materialize. We have had some -0 temps this weeks
St John’s/Kongsvinger news: no S.S. on Jan 3rd, the regular schedule resumes on Jan 10th
Pr Mike and Sue Nelson will have an open house at the parsonage on Jan 3rd from 2-4 p.m.
The Annual meetings will be held at Kongsvinger Jan 17th and St. John’s Jan 24th both following services followed by a pot luck dinner. Service times will change on the 17th with St. John’s at 8:30 a.m. and Kong at 11 a.m.
Good shepherd news. No Tue a.m. Bible study until further notice
Other church news: “Come Tour the Holy Land” Sundays, January 24 and 31 from 3:30-5:30pm in the church’s Theatre Room at first Lutheran Morris. Come and join us for a video journey of Pastor Dave’s travels to the “Land Where Jesus Walked”
New wine meeting on Jan. 3rd at 4 pm at First Lutheran-Morris
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on Jan 4th and 18th from 3:45-4 p.m.
The city council and rendsville 4-h will meet on Jan 4th at 7 p.m. at the city hall and St John’s church in Donnelly
The Donnelly fire dept. will meet at 7 p.m. on Jan 11th and 18th at 7 p.m.
Donnelly rod and gun club will have their annual ice fishing contest on Pomme de lake (Perkins Lake) on Jan. 17th from 10 a.m. -3 p.m. more info 320-287-1225 or stop into super valu and talk to Craig Awsumb

Death notices; Patricia Demo of Barrett passed away on Dec 24th. She was preceded in death by her son –in law former Donnelly resident Curt Weinreis

Gator swimming: triangular meet: Levin Strand took third place in the 100 breaststroke event; he was also a member of relay team that took 4th in the 200 yd. medley, and 5th in the 200 free relay; vs. fusion he was a member of the 200 medley took 4th, the 200 free relay that took 4th, and he personally took first in the 100 breast
Jameson David Taffe was born on Dec. 15 at Prairie Lakes Hospital in Watertown, South Dakota to Bryan and Becky Taffe of Bryant, South Dakota. Grandparents are David and Cindy Taffe and Richard and Suzanne Smith of Morris. Great grandmothers are Bernice Madsen and Doris Taffe of Graceville and Sene VanEps of Grand Forks, North Dakota
Christmas eve I took in the living nativity at Faith Lutheran Morris, services at good shepherd Lutheran an church –Morris ;Zion—Morris and St John’s Donnelly .Christmas day services at gslc, visiting my aunt Pearl in her apt at the sunrise apartments and some people at WWV. Other events past week included ss program at Kong Christmas sing a long at Lincoln Lutheran Hoffman, Recker visitation and funeral
If you are going to go south after the New Year reminder you can keep up with my column at my website and/or the s-t one at there is also a Donnelly news Facebook page. I have also posted my annual Christmas letter on my website.
Also a reminder I have “news” boxes at the po and HD and co in Donnelly and McCollar jewelry in Morris

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas 2015

Donnelly Minn. Christmas 2015
“Joy to the world, the Lord is come” with the words of this familiar hymn I greet you once again with my annual Christmas letter
Weather news: The ’14-‘15 winter season arrived early, with a major snowfall about the middle of Nov thankfully we only had a few major snowstorms after that.  Much of the winter was cold, few nice days sprinkled in, late Mar. brought some unseasonably nice weather, but hopes for an early spring were dashed by a late season snowstorm, it was not until   mid to late Apr., that the snow finally all melted and spring arrived. Some farmers got going in late Apr. favorable weather meant that by early May most farmers had their crops in, some timely rains made them come up in good time. Timely rains, and warm weather continued throughout the summer, allowing crops to progress nicely, by the harvest time rolled around all crops yielded good. Most harvest was completed with few delays, and by the time snow arrived in early Dec. most farmers had their crops harvested and fall fieldwork done. We finally got some snow in early Dec, but some mild temps meant that much of it melted, however mid Dec has brought the return of winter with several inches of snow again
Church news: after serving as our interim pastor at St. John’s /Kongsvinger for 11 months Deaconess Deb Robinson resigned to return home to the St. Cloud area, her last day here was Nov. 1st; we had a farewell dinner for her after services at St. John’s that day. On Oct 4th a special meeting was held at both congregations for the purpose of hearing from the call committee on their recommendation for a new pastor for our parish. We voted to call Rev Mike Nelson from Cokato to be our new pastor, he accepted the call in early Nov, and in mid Nov, he and his wife Sue moved here, his 1st Sun was Nov. 22nd. They have a daughter and son-in law that have a baby ,and live in the Elbow Lake area, unsure how many other children they have, she is a music teacher back where they came from and plans to continue until the end of the school year. Other events include ss program, Lenten services, and 4th of July celebration, fall festival, mid-week services during the summer at St John’s, community vbs, several joint services and the usual assortment of pot luck meals. Although I am still a member of Kongsvinger, I usually go to church at GSLC here in rural Morris where I am associate member.  Since our conception we have had sort of an informal “parish” arrangement with St John’s Lutheran, Starbuck. In late summer Rev Angel Scott moved to Morris to complete her internship by serving as the pastor there, and also serves part-time at GS, leading bible studies and occasionally preaching. She and her husband have two small children; she is being supervised by Pr Mike Hanson. Other events include weekly bible study, advent and Lenten services ,ss program, joint vbs with Zion Morris, several interesting presentations by various speakers during adult Ed .At a special meeting held earlier this year it was decided to put cement in the parking lot ,but due to the busyness of contractors, it will have to wait until next year. At the annual meeting in Nov. discussion was also held on putting a steeple on it and adding a car port, it was decided to gather more info and revisit the issue next year. Other church events included all-state Lutheran choir concert in Alex, Living nativity at faith –Morris, ordination service for Rev Chris Richards at first-Morris, centennial service for trinity –Alberta, mission fest at Trinity Cyrus, a variety of other church meals, festivals, events, etc. in the area, several concerts by musical groups in the area.
Community events: Well as I have done for many years I spent my summer on the road attending many community festivals, parades, fairs, threshing shows, farm shows and other events in the area.  If often affords me an opportunity to see some different things, and see people I have not seen in a long time. Our threshing bee this year celebrated its 50th anniversary with a queen reunion among other things. A number of former royalty, and their families, former residents, etc. returned for it. As a result we had one of the best bees we have had in many years. The next bee is Aug. 27th & 28th the feature will be John Deere. This yr. it was decided to combine the annual ice cream social and block party into one event which proved to be very successful. Our threshing bee royalty had another busy year partaking in about 2 dozen parades and other actives (i.e. Halloween and Christmas parties) over the year. In late Aug. the MHS class of ’55 had their 60th class reunion at the hotel 200 (prairie inn> in Morris.  Since some of the Donnelly area kids had had my Mom as a teacher I was invited to represent her at some of the reunion activities
“Pr Buttons” and I are still living here in my house in Morris and plan to do as long my health and other factors permit, however given the all the health issues I have been dealing with during the past year I unsure how much longer I can do that. When people ask me how I am doing, I say “plugging along one day at a time as long, as I can get up in the morning and put two feet in front of each other, I am good for another day”. Well that is true, I do have a lot of health issues that I have been dealing with the past year, thankfully some of the issues are getting better. I have been hospitalized twice this year and had many weeks of outpatient treatment for a variety of issues. I also cut my foot on a can lid this fall ,that required a trip to the ER for stiches, and additional follow up trips to the dr., there was concern for a while that I might lose my foot, thankfully staying of it for a while made a difference and it now mostly healed. Due to my diabetes everything is slow to heal and my dr. told me he thought I should move into an assisted living place, something I do not really want to do. It was hard enough to downsize and move 4 yrs. ago and the idea of doing it again so soon does not appeal to me. I would probably have to sell the house and get rid of my cat etc.  It was hard enough saying goodbye to my dog, I hate to think about not having any other pets.  After I got home from the hosp. the first time I made arrangements to have a HHA & nurse come over weekly (she now comes bi-weekly) to clean house, set up my medicine, take my vitals etc., however he feels that I really need somebody on a daily basis, but other than that I do not really see any benefit to it ,never been much for eating at prescribed times, I can take care of my basic needs, so doubtful there would be any help finically with it. So a lot of thought, prayer, and conversations, with a lot of people will be ongoing in the days, weeks and months ahead. Thankfully many of health issues are getting better. A  lot of people continue to ask me  how my friend Mark Koepke doing, he is doing much better after his eye surgery , his checkups since then have been good, his skin condition is about the same, but with medication and other treatments he is able to keep it under control. Since we have a lot of different interests, I do not run into him too much, when I am out and about, however I do stop over there on occasion to visit, and if I need help he is willing to come over here and do that. His uncle passed away in Aug., so he & I traveled to his foster mother’s home area of Garnder ND for the funeral, meeting some of the family he had not seen for a long time and others he had never met.  In Sept. we returned for the lutefisk dinner at their church, hoping to visit with his uncle & aunt, unfortunately they were too ill to attend. His sister Linda, and her sister in law Sue were back in Mn for a visit this year, she and her brothers decided not to come back for the all –school reunion in Herman, I did stop up there for a while saw a few people I knew. He does not live too far from me but there is no direct access from my place to his so we have to zig and sag to get to & from our homes. He does not have a car, so he either walks, or takes the transit to get to where he wants, or relies on me and/or other people to take him places. People also ask me how I like living in town my reply is that like a lot of things there are good and bad aspects of it. I do enjoy the perks of living in town being able to be out and about every day, attending events, seeing people, getting things I want/need when I need/want them, being close to the dr. and hosp. etc. It is also in a quiet area, not much traffic mainly because my street does not connect to main street, however I do miss the countryside esp. in the summer time, being able to step outside ,breath the fresh air take a look around at what the neighbors are doing. I do like living in town in the winter time no more having to get up to  scoop/ shovel snow b/4 I go someplace or worry about sliding in the ditch on my way out or in , having to worry about getting home etc. Last year I traded my old gas golf cart for an electric one and have made extensive use of that for getting around Morris this year. I also purchased a good used snow blower to save on my back. I am still a member of the Donnelly community club, st co gen soc. and st co rep party enjoy attending there meetings and helping with some of their events. I am still writing my weekly column for the Morris sun-tribune get a lot of compliments for it otherwise just basically enjoying my life. My ad is 11 e 9th st Morris mn 56267; e-mail ad is, website, ph. 320-585-6435 (h) 320-288-8692 (c). I am also on Facebook. the rest of my family is status quo, my cousin Carl (Billy) his wife Pat and his sister Elnora are still living in South Carolina, my cousin Jan and her husband Dennis still live and work in the Alex area, my aunt Pearl Anderson is still living in the sunrise apts. here in Morris I stop over to see her on occasion and sometime take her for a ride in my golf cart.
One of the things I do more of then I like, is attend many visitations and/or funerals in the area often times it gives me an opportunity to see people I have not seen for a long time and I personally know how much it means to the family when you make that effort. Happier times were attending anniversary and birthday parties for friends
Now, may the God of Christmas, go before you during the upcoming year.
The Anderson’s
                                                                                                             Allen & “Pr. Buttons”

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

donnelly news

Dec 26th-Jan 1st
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news: Happy New year and Mange Takk to all my loyal readers out there who have enabled my column to become as successful as it is
Weather news: Well after last week’s return of winter things have settled down it has been relatively mild since then and no more snow storms   and it looks like it will be nice weather for being out and about during the holiday season
St John’s/Kongsvinger news On Dec. 27th Joint services at Kongsvinger at 10 a.m.; services will be broadcast on KMRs at 11 a.m. no S.S.
Good shepherd news: none
Other church news: none
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on Jan 4th from 3:45-4 p.m.
The city council and rendsville 4-h will meet on Jan 4th at 7 pm at the city  hall and st John's church in Donnelly
Most Donnelly business will be closing early on Dec. 31st and be closed all day Jan 1st
The Morris sr. center will have a new year’s party at the center on Dec. 31st, starting with a meal at 5 pm contact them for info and price.

Death notices; Leonard Nelson of Morris passed away on Dec 18th survivors include his son Herb (Marlene) Nelson of Donnelly
Ruth Ann Seur of Prior Lake passed away on Nov 30th survivors include her mother Melvina Larson. She was proceed in death by her step-father former Donnelly area resident Carroll (Kelly) Larson
Former Donnelly area resident Marcella Recker passed away on Dec 22nd her funeral will be held on Dec. 28th at St Charles-Herman
Tiger gymnastics: vs. big stone lightning Savannah Aanerud earned first place at Bars; Katie Giese earned first place at Balance Beam
Staffs at the West Central Research and Outreach Center and the University of Minnesota, Morris were recognized at the University of Minnesota Communicators Forum for an eBook on cold climate strawberry production. Mike Cihak was among the University collaborators recognized for a strawberry farming eBook
The Mahs knowledge bowl finished first at a meet in Concordia (Moorhead) Adam Uphoff is a member of that team
Violet Elaine Boe was born on Nov. 27 to Brittney and Jesse Boe of Fargo, North Dakota. Grandparents are Randy and Karla Schmiesing of Chokio/Donnelly area and Randy and Cathy Boe of Morris .great-grandfather is former Donnelly area resident Wally Giese
Aubriel Joy Ekren was born on Dec. 1 at Lake Region Healthcare in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, to Anthony and Amy Ekren of Morris. Grandparents are Mark and Mick Ekren, Vance and Kim Gullickson, and Gary and Sandy Fehr all of Morris. Great grandmother is former Donnelly area resident Ardis Gullickson
Lou Eystad informs me she ran into former Donnelly area resident John Carlson and his brother Marvin at McDonald’s last week. John lives in TX. ; His brother in Mlps.
Past wk. Classen golden wedding celebration in Chokio, haining family concert in Elbow Lake visited Iver All at the Barrett Care center, visited my aunt Pearl and some other residents at sunrise apts., open house at the new OR at scmc

Friday, December 18, 2015

donnelly news

Dec 19th-25th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news: Merry Christmas to my loyal readers out there
This issue is dedicated to the memory of my uncle Albert Anderson who passed away on Dec. 24 1990
Weather news: well it has been fairly mild the past week but winter returned on the 16th with a winter storm bringing us several inches of snow meaning time to bring out the snow removal equipment again.   
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:   Sunday school program Dec 20th 9:45 a.m. at St. John’s, followed by coffee hour; and Dec 23rd 7 p.m. at Kongsvinger, followed by lunch
Dec. 27th Joint services at Kongsvinger at 11 a.m. services will be broadcast on KMRs at 11 a.m..
Good shepherd news: the S.S. program will be presented during the 9 a.m. services on Dec. 20th followed by coffee fellowship. There is also a ski trip to Andes tower hill that afternoon meet there at 12:45 p.m. for a group rate. Anyone is welcome to join them there for the aft.
Other church news: for info about Christmas Eve and Christmas day services at area churches see the ad in this week’s paper
Living naivety at 3:00 and 5:15 p.m. at Faith Lutheran-Morris on Dec. 24th
 “The gift of Christmas” a Christmas program and dinner at Assumption- Morris Dec. 21 at 4 p.m. tickets available at the door, sponsored by “widows on Wednesday”
Community Christmas dinner at First Lutheran-Morris at noon on Dec. 25th, free will donation
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on Dec. 21st from 3:45-4 p.m.
The Donnelly fire dept. will meet on Dec. 21st at the fire hall at 7 p.m.
Open house golden wedding celebration for Harold and Karen (Armstrong) Classen today (Sat.) at our Saviors Lutheran church –Chokio 2-5 p.m. no gifts please
Morris area elementary school students of the month included 5th grade Taylor Athey and first grade Bethany Backman
Death notice; Esther Wevley of Morris passed away on Dec 12th, survivors include her son Ron (Sue) Wevely of Donnelly and their family
Tiger wresting: The JV wrestlers recently participated in two meets the Grant Co invite and the Brave tournament, Brady Cardwell took first and Tristan Raths 2nd at both meets
Knight Wrestling: Grant co tournament: Keaton Long wca 4th place 145 lbs.
Wally McCollar, Mark Koepke, and I had dinner together at hotel 200 on Dec 14th for an early birthday celebration for Mark; his 48th birthday was the 15th
Lou Eystad informs me she ran into former Donnelly area resident John Carlson at McDonalds on Sunday he now lives in Texas.
Past wk. Santa truck in Benson, instillation service for Pr Mike Nelson at St J and potluck dinner at Kong. ; Cp holiday train in elbow lake dr. ketterling funeral, Wevely visitation Thrivent open house, advent services at Gs

Thursday, December 10, 2015

donnelly news

Dec 12th-18th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news
Weather news: well after the snowstorm last week the weather has been fairly mild and nice.  Some snow has melted but not as much or as fast as I thought it would.
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:   Sunday school program Dec 20th 9:45 a.m. at St. John’s, followed by coffee hour; and Dec 23rd 7 p.m. at Kongsvinger, followed by lunch
Installation service for Rev Mike Nelson will be held on Dec. 13th during services at Kongsvinger at 8:30 a.m., and St. John’s at 11 a.m. followed by a parish potluck dinner at noon at Kongsvinger
St. John’s “where’s the beef dinner” raffle is currently going on with the drawing to be held on December 13, at 10:30 a.m. at St. John’s. Tickets available from the church office
Good shepherd news: the S.S. program will be presented during the 9 a.m. services on Dec. 20th followed by coffee fellowship. There is also a ski trip to Andes tower hill that afternoon meet there at 12:45 pm for a group rate.
Other church news: on Dec 13th the 1st Lutheran kids will present their S.S. program at their church at 10:30 a.m. (no 8:30 a.m. services); the Faith –Lutheran kids will present theirs at 11 a.m. at their church, followed by lunch. Both churches are in Morris
Living naivety at 3:00 and 5:15 p.m. at Faith Lutheran-Morris on Dec. 24th
Latino Community Welcomes You to a Celebration. A special Mass will be celebrated today (Sat.) at 7:00 p.m. at Assumption-Morris. Bring a dish to pass for a potluck following Mass and your dancing shoes for a grand fiesta! Everyone welcome!
Faith Lutheran’s Annual Cookie Factory and Holiday Expo will be held today (Saturday), from 9 a.m. to noon
“The gift of Christmas” a Christmas program and dinner at Assumption- Morris Dec. 21 @ 4 p.m. tickets available at the door, sponsored by “widows on Wednesday”
Community Christmas dinner at First Lutheran-Morris at noon on Dec. 25th, free will donation
Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on Dec. 21st from 3:45-4 p.m.
The Donnelly fire dept. will meet on Dec. 14th and 21st at the fire hall at 7 p.m.
Death notice former Donnelly resident Marlys Alm passed away on Dec. 5th she would have been 101 in Feb. local survivors include her niece Lou (Jim)Eystad of Donnelly.
Tiger gymnastics; tiger invite: team (5th) Savannah Aanerud 6th all-around 7th on balance beam Katie geise personal best on balance beam; VS. Fergus Falls Savannah vault 6th, bars 4th, beam 4th, floor 7th, all around 4th, Katie geise vault 9th, beam 7th,
Connor Arlo Sperr was born on Dec. 6th at Stevens Community Medical Center in Morris to Adam and Michelle Sperr of Donnelly.  Grandparents are Tom and Pearl Horning from Chokio and Don and Tamela Sperr from Morris. Great-grandparents are Roger and Nancy Horning from Chokio, Paul and Betty Sperr from Donnelly, and Carolgene and Ed Wolf-Matthiesen from Jamestown, North Dakota.
A good crowd was on hand for Santa days in Donnelly on Dec.6th. Thanks to the royalty and their families for all the hard work they put into decorating the hall and helping serve the delicious meal and of course to Santa for taking time to come down from the North Pole to visit with the kids
 The st co rep party executive committee had a meeting on Dec. 7th at the library. It was announced that precinct caucuses will be held on Mar 1st at Hotel 200 in Morris in the tiger room.  We also discussed some of the changes that have been made to the results of the straw poll that will be conducted and how resolutions are handled.
Mark Koepke and I helped Wally McCollar celebrate his 78th birthday at the Hotel 200 on Dec. 3rd

I had an e-mail from Dot Wolking asking for info on names and address of the Roth family that used to live in Donnelly, if anyone has them please let me know and I will pass the info along to her. Frank was the depot agent in Donnelly for many years
Received word that former Donnelly resident  Allen Bouressa has cancer and would like  to hear from Donnelly area residents about their days in Donnelly  his address is Allen Bouressa  9145 Indian Rd Rice, MN 56367
My contact info 11 e9th st Morris mn 56267 e-mail; ph. 585-6435 or 288-8692
Past wk. st co gen soc. mtg library, Schs open house, sr. citizens’ bazar, Wilcox aniv celebration-faith, "a time of remembrance" at Pedersen funeral home, Marlys alm visitation at funeral home

Thursday, December 3, 2015

donnelly news

Dec 5-11
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news

Weather news: several inches of heavy wet snow this week, means that winter has returned to the area. Fortunately temps have been fairly mild, and by the looks of the forecast a lot of this will be melted by the time many of you read this.

St John’s/Kongsvinger news:   Sunday school program Dec 20th 9:45 a.m. at St. John’s, followed by coffee hour; and Dec 23rd 7 p.m. at Kongsvinger, followed by lunch
Installation service for Rev Mike Nelson will be held on Dec. 13th during services at Kongsvinger at 8:30 a.m. ,and St. John’s at 11 a.m. followed by a potluck dinner at noon at Kongsvinger

St. John’s “where’s the beef dinner” raffle is currently going on with the drawing to be held on December 13, at 10:30 a.m. at St. John’s. Tickets available from the church office
Joint services on Dec. 27th at 10 am at Kongsvinger, services will also be broadcast on KMRS at 11 am that day in memory of Bill and Evelyn Underwood

Good shepherd news:the S.S. program will be presented during the 9 a.m. services on Dec. 20th followed by coffee fellowship.

Other church news: on Dec 13th the 1st Lutheran kids will present their s.s. program at their church at 10:30 a.m. (no 8:30 a.m. services); the Faith –Lutheran kids will present theirs at 11 a.m. at their church, followed by lunch. Both churches are in Morris
Living naivety at 3:00 and 5:15 p.m. at Faith Lutheran-Morris on Dec. 24th
Assumption Church Men are hosting a retreat today (Saturday) There are registration forms at entrances of the church, suggested donation $20– your sons are free as students. Your family is invited to supper after the 5:30 p.m. Mass that evening at Church of the Assumption of Mary, Morris.
Latino Community Welcomes You to a Celebration. A special Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, December 12 at 7:00 p.m. at Assumption-Morris. Bring a dish to pass for a potluck following Mass and your dancing shoes for a grand fiesta! Everyone welcome!
“The gift of Christmas” a Christmas program and dinner at Assumption- Morris Dec. 21 @ 4 pm tickets available at the door, sponsored by “widows on Wednesday”

Community Christmas dinner at First Lutheran-Morris at noon on Dec. 25th, free will donation

Community news: The Bookmobile will be in town on Main Street in Donnelly on Dec. 7th and 21st from 3:45-4 p.m.

City council and Rendsville 4-h will meet in Donnelly on Dec. 7th at 7 p.m.
Santa days in Donnelly on Dec.6th, activities begin at noon; with Santa arriving about 1 p.m.

“A time to remember” will be held at the Pedersen funeral home Morris on Dec. 6th at 2 p.m.

The following events are taking place today (Sat) the senior citizens bazaar at the Morris senior center starting at 9 a.m., The Stevens county historical society’s annual open house will be held from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the museum; the funeral services for Lynn Sax Philpot of Minneapolis who passed away on Nov. 23rd at the NE Methodist church in Minneapolis MN at 11 a.m. ; Open house for Sid and Carol Wilcox 60th wedding anniversary at Faith-Morris 2-4 p.m., and the Brain Koch benefit on starting at 5 p.m.; at the Legion in Wheaton. He suffered a leg injury in an accident. His wife is former Donnelly area resident Jill Strand
Celebrations: Tiger JV wrestling: B-B-E tournament: first Brady Cardwell, 2nd Tristan Raths; in the Willmar tournament Brady and Tristan both placed first.
 I had an e-mail from Dot Wolking asking for info on names and address of the Roth family that used to live in Donnelly, if anyone has them please let me know and I will pass the info along to her. Frank was the depot agent in Donnelly for many years
Received word that former Donnelly resident  Allen Bouressa has cancer and would like  to hear from Donnelly area residents about their days in Donnelly  his address is Allen Bouressa  9145 Indian Rd Rice, MN 56367

Past week Agnes Searle birthday party at Morris sr. center, Grotjohn funeral at Faith; open house at Unger’s, helped with naps, advent service at gslc

My contact info 11 e9th st Morris mn 56267 e-mail; ph. 585-6435 or 288-8692