Thursday, March 30, 2017

donnelly news

Apr. 1st-7th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news,

Weather news temperatures warmed up this week making it feel more like spring. One farmer thought they might be in the field in about another week.

St. John’s Kongsvinger news:  Lenten services conclude on April 5th at St. John’s 7 p.m. with coffee fellowship afterwards

Holy week services: Palm Sunday joint services at Kongsvinger at 11 a.m. with Sunday School kids singing Maundy Thursday services (supper) at Kongsvinger at 6 p.m. good Friday pancake supper at 6 p.m. ,services at 7 p.m. at St John's Easter sun services at 8:30 a.m. Kongsvinger at 11 a.m. no Sunday school

There are still several dates left to sponsor in 2017 for the KMRS radio broadcast. If you would like to sponsor one of these broadcasts in 2017, please contact the Parish Office at 246-3211 and reserve your date

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news: Lenten services continue every Wednesday 7 p.m. at the church until April 5th

Our weekly radio program has resumed every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on KKOK 95.7 FM

Holy week services: Palm Sunday at 9 a.m. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at 7 p.m. Easter sun at 9 a.m.

Other church news: Burgers, Blessings and Beverages will be on hiatus until after Easter

Attention all Singers!  We are joining others in our community for an ecumenical Good Friday Tenebrae worship service.  Everyone who loves to sing is invited to participate!  Practices will be held at Assumption Church in Morris Sunday evenings at 7:00 P.M., April 2nd, and April 9th.

Community events: The Donnelly Rod and Gun club annual meeting is on April 4th starting at 6 p.m., they are raffling off a fish house, contact any member for a ticket or talk to Craig Awsumb at Super Valu

There will be two Open house bridal showers at the Kongsvinger parish hall. First one is for Jessica Bergstrom bride to be Joe Oelke on April 15th from 9:30 a.m-11:30 a.m. The second one is for Crystal Henrichs bride to be of Brad Searle on April 29th from 10 a.m.-noon

Kurt Kruize memorial scholarship fundraiser supper today (Saturday) from 3-7 p.m. at the Hancock community center, free will offering, Kurt’s grandfather (Vern) is from Donnelly

The Donnelly fire department fish fry is April 7th at the community hall starting at 4 p.m.

The Stevens county genealogical society will meet on April 6th at 1:30 p.m. at the library

Herman Red Hatters meet April 3rd at 9 a.m. in AJ's in Herman. 

City council meets today (Saturday) at 4 p.m. at the city hall in Donnelly
The Rendsville 4-h meets on April 3rd at 7pm at ST. John’s Lutheran church in Donnelly

On April 10th the bookmobile is in town from 3:45-4 p.m. on main St., the firemen meet at the fire hall, and the community club meets at the town hall both at 7 p.m.
The Freddy’s force benefit at Faith on March 18th raised about $40,000, and served about 900 people, the donkey ball game on March 13th raised about $4,000.

Megan Mecklenburg and Patrick Uphoff were married at Morris Evangelical Free Church in Morris on Mar 22nd

Past week Pearl A. Anderson and I attended the don-cop mtg in Donnelly; st Mary’s fish fry at the legion; Stacey Fromm benefit at the armory, services at Lwlc –Alex, soup and sandwich luncheon at our saviors Lutheran church nelson, visit to Erickson petting zoo, osakis, visit with Harold Rippe at this home in Glenwood, with PR. norm and Ramona Olsen at their home near Starbuck.umm college republicans fundraiser at the pizza ranch, wbl ins annual meeting at Minnewaska house

Thursday, March 23, 2017

donnelly news

Mar 25th-31st

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news,

Weather news although daytime temps have been fairly mild during the past week some strong winds have made it seem colder than it actually was still a few snow piles left to melt away

St. John’s Kongsvinger news:  Lenten services continue on March 29th at Kongsvinger and April 5th both at 7 p.m. with coffee fellowship afterwards and alternating between churches each week

There are still several dates left to sponsor in 2017 for the KMRS radio broadcast. If you would like to sponsor one of these broadcasts in 2017, please contact the Parish Office at 246-3211 and reserve your date``````

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news: Lenten services continue every Wednesday 7 p.m. at the church

Our weekly radio program has resumed every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on KKOK 95.7 FM

Other church news: Burgers, Blessings and Beverages will be on hiatus until after Easter
Attention all Singers!  We are joining others in our community for an ecumenical Good Friday Tenebrae worship service.  Everyone who loves to sing is invited to participate!  Practices will be held at Assumption Church in Morris Sunday evenings at 7:00 P.M., April 2nd, and April 9th.

Community events: The Donnelly Rod and Gun club annual meeting is on Apr 5th starting at 6:00 pm., they are raffling off a fish house, contact any member for a ticket or talk to Craig Awsumb at super Valu

The 2017 Runestone telephone association telephone directories are here; copies are available at HD and co in Donnelly, the RTA office in Hoffman, and most banks in their service area

There will be two Open house bridal showers at the Kongsvinger parish hall. First one is for Jessica Bergstrom bride to be Joe Okle on April 15th from 9:30 a.m-11:30 a.m. The second one is for Crystal Henrichs bride to be of Brad Searle on April 29th from 10 a.m.-noon

Kurt Kruize memorial scholarship fundraiser supper on April 1st from 3-7 p.m. at the Hancock community center, free will offering Kurt’s grandfather is from Donnelly

The Stevens county genealogical society will meet on April 6th at 1:30 p.m. at the library

Herman Red Hatters meet April 3rd at 9 a.m. in AJ's in Herman. 


Graveside services for former Donnelly area resident Marylyn Hagen will be held on June 5th at Kongsvinger cemetery at 11 a.m.

Former Donnelly resident Dot Wolking recently celebrated her 91st birthday

Past week open house at Pedersen’s imp and Larson farm supply in Herman, KMRS/KKOK spring expo at Lee community center, lion’s pancakes breakfast Freddie Hanson benefit at Faith Lutheran

Thursday, March 16, 2017

donnelly news

Mar 18th-24th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news, this issue is dedicated to the memory of my Mom who passed away March 14th 1994
Weather news winter made a return on Sunday with strong winds and several inches of snow. The forecast calls for warmer temperatures this week
St. John’s Kongsvinger news:  Lenten services continue on March 22nd at St. John’s and March 29th at Kongsvinger both at 7 p.m. with coffee fellowship afterwards and alternating between churches each week
There are still several dates left to sponsor in 2017 for the KMRS radio broadcast. If you would like to sponsor one of these broadcasts in 2017, please contact the Parish Office at 246-3211 and reserve your date
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news: Lenten services continue every Wednesday 7 p.m. at the church
Our weekly radio program has resumed every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on KKOK 95.7 FM
Other church news: Burgers, Blessings and Beverages will be on hiatus until after Easter
There will be a St. Patrick’s Day dinner at Assumption –Morris on March 19th 10:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.
~Attention all Singers!  We are joining others in our community for an ecumenical Good Friday Tenebrae worship service.  Everyone who loves to sing is invited to participate!  Practices will be held at Assumption Church in Morris Sunday evenings at 7:00 P.M., March 22nd, April 2nd, and April 9th.
Community events: The Donnelly fire department will meet on March 20th at the fire hall at 7 p.m.
The Donnelly Rod and Gun club is raffling of a fish house, contact any member for a ticket
The 2017 Runestone telephone association telephone directories are here; copies are available at HD and co in Donnelly, the RTA office in Hoffman, and most banks in their service area
There will be a benefit for Freddy Hanson (4 year old son of Pr Mike and Pr Martha Hanson), (grandson of Chuck and Liz Spohr) today (Saturday.) from 4-8 p.m. at Faith Lutheran- Morris. There will be a pulled pork meal (Free will donation); Also a kid’s carnival and silent and live auction.
Donnelly co-op annual meeting will be held on March 23rd starting with a dinner at noon meeting to follow about 1 p.m.
There will be two Open house bridal showers at Kongsvinger. First one is for Jessica Bergstrom bride to be Joe Okle on April 15th from 9:30 a.m-11:30 at the Kongsvinger parish hall. Jessica is the daughter of Becky and (the late Charles Bergstrom of Donnelly granddaughter of Irene Strand of Morris. The second one is for Crystal Henrichs bride to be of Brad Searle on April 29th from 10 a.m.-noon at Kongsvinger. Crystal is the daughter of Rollie and Deb Henrichs. Rollie is a former Donnelly area resident. Brad is the son of Lowell & Jan Searle of Donnelly and grandson of former Donnelly area resident Agnes Searle
Kurt Kruize memorial scholarship fundraiser supper on April 1st from 3-7 p.m. at the Hancock community center, free will offering
The Stevens county genealogical society will meet on April 6th at 1:30 p.m. at the library
There will be a double baby shower held for Beth and Josh Kieffer (baby boy), and Sarah and Dustin Sauter from 1:30 to 3 p.m. today (Saturday) at the West Wind Village - Wells Park. Beth is a former Donnelly area resident her parents are Jeff and Cindy Gulbrandson of Hoffman, grandmother is Arlene Gulbrandson of the Donnelly/Hoffman area
Donnelly rod and gun club annual meeting on April 4th starting with a meal at 6 pm at the community hall in Donnelly
Death notices former Donnelly area resident Marylyn Hagen passed away on January 26th graveside services will be held on June 5th at Kongsvinger cemetery at 11 a.m.
Donna Haugen of Milan passed away on March 11th survivors include her sister in law Jeanne (Dale) Ennen of Donnelly and their family
The Donnelly community club had their first regular meeting of the year on March 13th as we start making plans for this year’s bee August 26th and 27th; this year’s feature is Allis Chalmers

Past week visit to aunt Pearl at her apt in Morris, including her son Jody and his wife Colleen Wilke who were up for his sister -in -law’s father’s funeral, Dot Speer funeral in Herman, birthday dinner at Kong visit with Iver Aal at the Barrett care center, Harold Mohegan birthday party in Evansville, visit with Mom’s cousin Ellard Larson in the assisted living facility, visit to Rosie Hanson in her apt in Alex, Lenten services at Gs

Thursday, March 9, 2017

donnelly news

Mar 11th-17th
Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news, this issue is dedicated to the memory of my Mom who passed away March 14th 1994
Weather news this week has featured several days of very strong winds making it feel much colder out than it was temperature wise
St. John’s Kongsvinger news:  Lenten services continue on March 15th at Kongsvinger and March 22nd at St. John’s both at 7 p.m. with coffee fellowship afterwards and alternating between churches each week
''CELEBRATE YOU"!  KLCW Birthday/Fellowship Dinner on March 12, at the Kongsvinger Parish Hall, beginning about noon (following the 11:00 a.m. worship service).  MEAL IS POTLUCK – please furnish either a hot dish or a salad (and we'll have dessert for you). Come and join in on the fun and fellowship!  All members of the Parish are invited
There are still several dates left to sponsor in 2017 for the KMRS radio broadcast. If you would like to sponsor one of these broadcasts in 2017, please contact the Parish Office at 246-3211 and reserve your date
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church news: Lenten services continue every Wednesday 7 p.m. at the church
Our weekly radio program will resume soon
Other church news: Burgers, Blessings and Beverages will be on hiatus until after Easter
There will be a St Pat’s day dinner at Assumption –Morris on March 19th 10:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.
~Attention all Singers!  We are joining others in our community for an ecumenical Good Friday Tenebrae worship service.  Everyone who loves to sing is invited to participate!  Practices will be held at Assumption Church in Morris Sunday evenings at 7:00 P.M., March 22nd, April 2nd, and April 9th.
Father daughter banquet will be held at the Hosanna worship center-Morris on March 12 at 6 p.m.
Community events: township annual meetings and elections will be held on March 14th check with your town clerk or the county auditor for time and place of your local township meeting/election
The Donnelly Community club and fire department will meet on March 13th at city hall and fire hall at 7 p.m.
The Donnelly Rod and Gun club is raffling of a fish house, contact any member for a ticket
The 2017 Runestone telephone association telephone directories are here; copies are available at HD and co in Donnelly, the RTA office in Hoffman, and most banks in their service area
There will be a benefit for Freddy Hanson (4 year old son of Pr Mike and Pr Martha Hanson), (grandson of Chuck and Liz Spohr) on March 18th from 4-8 p.m. at Faith Lutheran- Morris. There will be a pulled pork meal (Free will donation); Also a kid’s carnival and silent auction. If you would like to help or make a donation you can contact Amy Swanson (287-1867) or sign up at Good Shepherd Lutheran church. He has been diagnosed with cancer
Donnelly co-op annual meeting will be held on March 23rd starting with a dinner at noon meeting to follow about 1 p.m.

Another fundraiser for him is a Donkey basketball games on March 13th at 7 p.m. at the Morris area elementary school gym advance tickets available at Super Valu, the school offices, pizza ranch etc.
Death notices Former Donnelly area resident Dorothea Speer of Morris passed away on March 6th
Loren Lennox of Herman passed away on March 4th, survivors include his daughter Sue (the late Gary) Wilke, of St Cloud, Gary was a former Donnelly resident

Knight wrestling: Keaton Long was part of the team that finished 4th in the sate A wrestling tournament he finished runner up at 152 lbs.
Rob Bisgard won the Steve Larson memorial double dart tournament in Donnelly recently.
Tiger swimming and diving :The 200-yard medley relay team of Dalton Dierks, Levin Strand, Andrew Messner, and Ryan Bowman finished ninth with a time of 2:05.38. Final meet for sr. Levin strand

Past week hdc annual meeting in Herman, visit to my aunt Pearl at her apt in the sunrise apts. Rusc Kinship quarter craze at old # 1 Southside, glacial ridge conf meeting at st J, visited Jim and Lou Eystad at their home in Donnelly, helped with NAPS, Lenten services at Gs.